Schiff Doubles-Down On Unsubstantiated Accusations While Admitting No REAL Evidence

Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'


schiff is an unethical piece of shit.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
Bullshit they did. The FBI doesn't look kindly on suspected criminals. They didn't kiss Trumps ass like Barr is doing so they're being vilified by Trump, his goon squad & the cult.

We get it, you don't. :1peleas:
The FBI, in fact, does look kindly on criminals if they are Democrats. That's what this entire episode has made abundantly clear.
You go right on thinking that, Ace.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
Bullshit they did. The FBI doesn't look kindly on suspected criminals. They didn't kiss Trumps ass like Barr is doing so they're being vilified by Trump, his goon squad & the cult.

We get it, you don't. :1peleas:
The FBI, in fact, does look kindly on criminals if they are Democrats. That's what this entire episode has made abundantly clear.
You go right on thinking that, Ace.
I will, shit for brains, because it's the simple truth.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
That is so weeeeeeeaaaak!
My unnamed sources tell me Schiff plays with dolls and dresses up in women's clothing.
And then you have Trump, spanked by a porn star. That's precious, ain't it? Who's meting out Trumps ass whupping this weekend?
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.

Just admit it, you people are no match for Trump.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
Oh my!!!...ROTFLMFAO

My unnamed sources tell me Schiff plays with dolls and dresses up in women's clothing.
And then you have Trump, spanked by a porn star. That's precious, ain't it? Who's meting out Trumps ass whupping this weekend?

And Obama has secret date nights with young men, Pelosi has advanced dementia, and AOC is the head of the Dem part. That last one is actually true.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
That is so weeeeeeeaaaak!
It's the simple truth, pinhead.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
That is so weeeeeeeaaaak!
It's the simple truth, pinhead.
ROFL! Prove it, asshole.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
Bullshit they did. The FBI doesn't look kindly on suspected criminals. They didn't kiss Trumps ass like Barr is doing so they're being vilified by Trump, his goon squad & the cult.

We get it, you don't. :1peleas:
Democrats can impeach Trump tomorrow.

But your party leader Pelosi refuses. Pelosi is preventing justice and protecting the orange Putin puppet. Treason, collusion, you name it.

And YOUR party leader refuses to do anything about.

What are you going to do about it?
Shifty is pathetic, totally beyond his mental pay grade. To think he was elected, go figure, speaks volumes as to his constituents.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
That is so weeeeeeeaaaak!
It's the simple truth, pinhead.
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

Translation, Trump whooped your ass again and the left is butthurt. :itsok:
Trump had pretty much the same reaction today that John Gotti did after he beat the rap a couple times.
That is so weeeeeeeaaaak!
It's the simple truth, pinhead.
“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

The DOJ has a rule forbidding the indictment of a sitting President.

Mueller presented his evidence in prosecutorial way, meaning was there enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Mueller did not even try. He left it up to Congress.

Concerning Trump's indictment, when he does says "No collusion and no obstruction," that was determined two years ago.

The report does not find that Trump or his campaign aides had committed any crimes in their contacts with Russians, but it lays bare how Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power.

Trump never does his dirty work. He orders others to do it for him. Picture Trump meeting with four Russian operatives in Trump Tower. No, he sent his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager.

Although, he may not be personally involved, Trump is responsible for what his campaign did. For example, no doubt he knew that key members of his campaign (and family) were meeting four Russian operatives in his home.

Efforts by Trump to obstruct justice failed because others refused to "carry out orders."

Mueller wrote that no person — not even the President of the United States — is above the law, and that the US Constitution doesn’t “categorically and permanently immunize a President for obstructing justice.”

“The conclusion that Congress may apply obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
The Mueller Report.

Mueller intended for Congress to decide on the issues of conspiracy and obstruction because his hands were tied by the heretofore mentioned DOJ rule.

Immediately after learning that a special counsel had been appointed to lead the Russia investigation, the report said, Trump became distraught and slumped in his chair.

“Oh, my God. This is terrible,” he said. “This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.”
Shifty is pathetic, totally beyond his mental pay grade. To think he was elected, go figure, speaks volumes as to his constituents.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Out of all the GOP candidates you guys picked an incompetent, low intel, blabbering fool in Trump. Every single one of the other GOP candidates were more qualified, experienced & had more brains in one finger then Trump has in his entire body. Are you people braindead? Speaks volumes about Trump voters! The result is a never ending shitshow.

Now go worship Cheesedick Donnie.

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