Schiff Doubles-Down On Unsubstantiated Accusations While Admitting No REAL Evidence

D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'


In truth I am beginning to believe that such national news outlets as CNN/MSNBC have overnight converted into knockoffs of Comedy Central. Yeah, I'd believe that, if they weren't trying so damned hard to tear America apart. As for Schiff? When I look at him I see only a big red nose that when squeezed goes honk-honk.
He most certainly is a clown. But, more and more Americans see through the nonsense, and while the Mueller probe is over, Justice Department investigations attendant to the probe are not.

A number of Mueller cases have been spun off to other Justice Department components. The Justice Department inspector general is looking into controversial aspects of the FBI and Justice Department’s investigative decisions and tactics; and a Justice Department prosecutor, Utah U.S. attorney John Huber, has a parallel ongoing investigation.

Attorney General Barr has indicated that he will be directing an investigation that focuses, among other things, on the factual predicate that purportedly justified the Obama administration’s highly unusual decision to use foreign counterintelligence authorities (and other investigative powers) to scrutinize a political campaign – a probe that would not be limited to the FBI and Justice Department decision-making but that would assess the actions of, for instance, other intelligence agencies. Former CIA director John Brennan’s own account of the key role he played in spurring the investigation is highly unusual as the CIA is not expected to enmesh itself in a U.S. political campaign.

Andrew McCarthy: Media-Democrat complex whines over AG Barr’s press conference on Mueller report release
Adam Schiff is missing his real calling. There is no actor in Hollywood that can portray the ambulance chasing, creepy, slimy attorney better than he can. None. He is the perfect example for all the bad jokes about lawyers.
Adam Schiff is missing his real calling. There is no actor in Hollywood that can portray the ambulance chasing, creepy, slimy attorney better than he can. None. He is the perfect example for all the bad jokes about lawyers.
They guy looks like a child molester who has just been caught.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care. So now he wants revenge like all Mob Bosses do.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care. So now he wants revenge like all Mob Bosses do.

What did the Mueller report say about Carter Page, the Dossier etc.?
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
Bullshit they did. The FBI doesn't look kindly on suspected criminals. They didn't kiss Trumps ass like Barr is doing so they're being vilified by Trump, his goon squad & the cult.

We get it, you don't. :1peleas:
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
How many times did Hillary give that response?
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

If it walks like a slimeball, talks like a slimeball & lies like a slimeball. That's Trump. He's guilty as a fuck & your boy, instead of attacking our institutions at every turn should get down on his hands & knees & thank his lucky stars that he lives in a Country that has a legal system whereby no good corrupt sleazebags like him sometimes beat the rap due to technicalities. But Trump is so goddam stupid he doesn't know that. Or care.
Schiff or brains, no nads, and Mewler are the slimeballs. Oour "institutions" have disgraced themselves. They need to be attacked and the criminal vermin need to be cleaned out.
Bullshit they did. The FBI doesn't look kindly on suspected criminals. They didn't kiss Trumps ass like Barr is doing so they're being vilified by Trump, his goon squad & the cult.

We get it, you don't. :1peleas:
The FBI, in fact, does look kindly on criminals if they are Democrats. That's what this entire episode has made abundantly clear.
Last edited:
Schiff is a big fat lying puke liberal scumbag. Leader of the 2016-2020 Dem witch trials burning his opponents at the stake in the liberal media.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
Hillary Clinton told the FBI she couldn't recall something more than three dozen times - The ...
Washington Post › the-fix › 2016/09/02

Sep 2, 2016 · In her FBI interview, there were more than three-dozen things she said she could not remember, including briefings on how to handle classified
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
How many times did Hillary give that response?
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
How many times did Hillary give that response?
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.

When are you going to stop lying?
D-Schiff just demonstrated the difference between BELIEF / OPINION and FACT in 1 sentence:

“There is plenty of evidence of collusion and corrupt co-mingling of work between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Schiff said during an appearance on MSNBC's "
Morning Joe" Wednesday. “But I fully accept that as a prosecutor that he couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crime.”

Thank you, Mr. Admitted Classified Leaker, for admitting the Democrat / Liberal / Snowflake claim of 'Russian Collusion' was once again was NOT found / established / proven / substantiated....yet while admitting there is no evidence to support the false claim you continue to call the President 'un-patriotic' and suggest he is a traitor.

Once again Schiff proves he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and needs to be removed as its Chairman.

Rep. Schiff doubles down again on Trump collusion, calls president's behavior 'deeply unpatriotic and corrupt'

Somebody needs to lock that asshole up.
Agreed. He can't open his mouth without lying.
Trump 37 times responded to Mueller inquiries claiming he couldn't remember. Hmmmm. That interesting. Does he have dementia, or as usual is he being a lying slimeball?
How many times did Hillary give that response?
Not sure, but she testified for 12 hours, right? On the other hand you have Trump who was too much of a whining coward to meet with Mueller. And Trumps lawyers knew that he's a pathalogical liar who would perjur himself.
She wasn't under oath and her testimony was not recorded....and she had 3 people that were involved with her in that room and were given immunity!

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