Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


OP's are to be 3-4 paragraphs, a link, and comment. easyt65

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He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
He then need prosecuted for leaking classified information.
"For whatever reason over the last year and a half, the president has viewed me as a threat," he told The Associated Press. "His allies in Congress have likewise come to his assistance in attacking me. It comes with the job, and I take it as a sign of effectiveness that they feel the need to go after me."

Gee, I wonder if it has to do with LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION against the President? Could it be his continuous vows going on 2 years now that the President would be indicted and removed from office, his repeated unsubstantiated claims to have evidence of non-existent collusion, his refusal to accept the Mueller report, or perhaps his threat against Muller for his report, declaring he might force Mueller to testify under oath before him and the House Intel Committee to explain why Mueller reported NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, and NO COLLUSION?!

'TDS' has eaten away Schiff's brain - he is clearly mentally unstable now, and his admitting to leaking classified is evidence that he has no right to run the House Intel Committee!
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

He owes an apology to the American public," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. “There is no place in Adam Schiff's world or in Congress that he should be chair of the intel committee. There is no way he could lead the intel committee and he should step back."

Despite the withering criticism from GOP leaders and the calls to step down, Schiff has remained defiant – repeating on Monday his assertion that evidence of collusion is in "plain sight."

The Democrats pressured US AG Sessions to recuse himself from the Trump investigation over something that had no impact on the investigation. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, however, declared if there was any conflict of interest that impacted his involvement in the Trump investigation he would admit it and recuse himself. WHAT PROVEN BULLSHIT:
- Rosenstein recommended FBI Director Comey be fired, wrote the justification for the President to do so, and as soon as the President fired Comey it was Rosenstein that recommended Tremp be investigated for Obstruction for firing Comey.
- Rosenstein was one of the Obama Administration / DOJ members proven to have participated in withholding information / defrauding the FISA Court in an attempt to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Carter Paige.
- Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are extremely well-known friends.

Now you have an OBVIOUSLY BIASED Democrat who for 2 years has promised President Trump would be removed from office, the goal of the proven / exposed coup attempt, and he is now running the House Intel Committee which he promises to use to continue to investigate and bring down the President despite the Mueller report. THERE IS NO DOUBT SCHIFF, AGAIN - WHO ADMITTED TO ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED, SCHIFF CAN CONTINUE TO LEAD THE HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY IF CONTINUING TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESIDENT.

For leaking classified he should be Indicted, never to lead the House Intel Committee ever again at the least. For admittedly leaking classified Schiff should have his security clearance revoked!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.
Oh look, another snowflake who organized and marched for the Russians back in 2016, trying to accuse others of what she and her friends were conned into doing, their extreme hatred for Trump manipulated by the same Ruskies who authored and sold Hillary the Dossier!

He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.
Aren't you the actual Russian Dupe who spent two years Spreading Russian Lies and Russian Propaganda paid for by Your Lying Presidential Candidate and Lying President who took money from Russia and also sold Russia our Uranium?

Yes, Obama is arguably the most Treasonous President that ever lived. He and Clinton even tried to rig the 2016 Election by soliciting and paying for Russian Assistance in interfering in our election.

I believe at the end of their miserable lives, that Hell awaits them.
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proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.

The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.
If the Dems were smart, they would get him out of that position.

He's now rendered himself to be useless. Nobody will ever believe that son-of-a-bitch again.
He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.

The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.
Think about it.....the whole entire charade was based on Russian Propaganda Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid Putin for, and then used that to smear Trump with for 3 years straight!

So who is bought and paid for by Putin? The Democrat Party, and all of their supporters who went right along with it in lock step DemNazi fashion.

You F*CKING snowflakes are all alike.

"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

He owes an apology to the American public," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. “There is no place in Adam Schiff's world or in Congress that he should be chair of the intel committee. There is no way he could lead the intel committee and he should step back."

Despite the withering criticism from GOP leaders and the calls to step down, Schiff has remained defiant – repeating on Monday his assertion that evidence of collusion is in "plain sight."

The Democrats pressured US AG Sessions to recuse himself from the Trump investigation over something that had no impact on the investigation. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, however, declared if there was any conflict of interest that impacted his involvement in the Trump investigation he would admit it and recuse himself. WHAT PROVEN BULLSHIT:
- Rosenstein recommended FBI Director Comey be fired, wrote the justification for the President to do so, and as soon as the President fired Comey it was Rosenstein that recommended Tremp be investigated for Obstruction for firing Comey.
- Rosenstein was one of the Obama Administration / DOJ members proven to have participated in withholding information / defrauding the FISA Court in an attempt to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Carter Paige.
- Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are extremely well-known friends.

Now you have an OBVIOUSLY BIASED Democrat who for 2 years has promised President Trump would be removed from office, the goal of the proven / exposed coup attempt, and he is now running the House Intel Committee which he promises to use to continue to investigate and bring down the President despite the Mueller report. THERE IS NO DOUBT SCHIFF, AGAIN - WHO ADMITTED TO ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED, SCHIFF CAN CONTINUE TO LEAD THE HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY IF CONTINUING TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESIDENT.

For leaking classified he should be Indicted, never to lead the House Intel Committee ever again at the least. For admittedly leaking classified Schiff should have his security clearance revoked!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


OP's are to be 3-4 paragraphs, a link, and comment. easyt65

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You F*CKING snowflakes are all alike.
If you are referring to me, then my apologies for proving so thoroughly that D-Adam Schiff is, like many Trump-haters have proven to be, a criminal - an admitted classified information - obsessed with treasonously affecting a coup, ousting the President of the United States, no matter what it takes.

The fact that you are whining about my post, because it so thoroughly proved that fact, only proves who the real easily offended snowflakes are.


Again, my apologies for any errs on my part.
You are exactly who the statement was meant for and it still stands.
Take it in stride , once again you prove you are a tRump swallower and snowflake.

You F*CKING snowflakes are all alike.
If you are referring to me, then my apologies for proving so thoroughly that D-Adam Schiff is, like many Trump-haters have proven to be, a criminal - an admitted classified information - obsessed with treasonously affecting a coup, ousting the President of the United States, no matter what it takes.

The fact that you are whining about my post, because it so thoroughly proved that fact, only proves who the real easily offended snowflakes are.


Again, my apologies for any errs on my part.
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

He owes an apology to the American public," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. “There is no place in Adam Schiff's world or in Congress that he should be chair of the intel committee. There is no way he could lead the intel committee and he should step back."

Despite the withering criticism from GOP leaders and the calls to step down, Schiff has remained defiant – repeating on Monday his assertion that evidence of collusion is in "plain sight."

The Democrats pressured US AG Sessions to recuse himself from the Trump investigation over something that had no impact on the investigation. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, however, declared if there was any conflict of interest that impacted his involvement in the Trump investigation he would admit it and recuse himself. WHAT PROVEN BULLSHIT:
- Rosenstein recommended FBI Director Comey be fired, wrote the justification for the President to do so, and as soon as the President fired Comey it was Rosenstein that recommended Tremp be investigated for Obstruction for firing Comey.
- Rosenstein was one of the Obama Administration / DOJ members proven to have participated in withholding information / defrauding the FISA Court in an attempt to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Carter Paige.
- Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are extremely well-known friends.

Now you have an OBVIOUSLY BIASED Democrat who for 2 years has promised President Trump would be removed from office, the goal of the proven / exposed coup attempt, and he is now running the House Intel Committee which he promises to use to continue to investigate and bring down the President despite the Mueller report. THERE IS NO DOUBT SCHIFF, AGAIN - WHO ADMITTED TO ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED, SCHIFF CAN CONTINUE TO LEAD THE HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY IF CONTINUING TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESIDENT.

For leaking classified he should be Indicted, never to lead the House Intel Committee ever again at the least. For admittedly leaking classified Schiff should have his security clearance revoked!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


OP's are to be 3-4 paragraphs, a link, and comment. easyt65

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He has every right to his opinion. The fact is that the Mueller investigation has not answered several questions. Manafort receiving money from Russia and working for Trump who the Russians were trying to elect. The possibility he turned over polling data to a business associate who has ties to Russian intelligence. Russia bought social media ads in several states. Did that polling data help the Russians decide in which states to place those ads? Roger Stone claimed to have a backchannel to WikiLeaks and he knew the Podesta e-mails which were hacked by Russia would be on WikiLeaks before they were actually were. Assange has financial ties to Putin.
He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.

The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.
Think about it.....the whole entire charade was based on Russian Propaganda Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama paid Putin for, and then used that to smear Trump with for 3 years straight!

So who is bought and paid for by Putin? The Democrat Party, and all of their supporters who went right along with it in lock step DemNazi fashion.

Those facts are too difficult for brain dead retards, like bodie, to understand. Just sayin...

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