Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

He should undergo an Ethics Investigation and then Expulsion from The House.
He then need prosecuted for leaking classified information.
Schiff and Nunes BOTH should get put in the back seat. Quit dreaming of putting your opposition in jail. That is so third world cheap.

And yet, that is EXACTLY what YOUR progressive democraps were trying to do. Face it, obummer took us further down the road to third world shitholedom, than any president before him.
I don't see it that way, but I was talking about Schiff and Nunes, not Obama.

The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP:


"The two journalists most closely linked to the Steele dossier acknowledged Monday that the Democrat-funded document was debunked by the Mueller investigation, which found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“I think one of the reasons people were so surprised by the Mueller finding is that it undercuts almost everything that was in the dossier, which postulated a well-developed conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign,” Michael Isikoff, a reporter for Yahoo! News, told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. (RELATED: 7 Collusion Theories That Died With The Mueller Report)

“That’s what got people worked up initially, and we do have to acknowledge that that which was alleged has not panned out.”

Isikoff was joined by David Corn, a reporter at Mother Jones. Isikoff and Corn, who co-wrote the book “Russian Roulette,” are two of a small handful of reporters who met with dossier author Christopher Steele prior to the 2016 election.

They both wrote articles for their respective outlets touting Steele’s allegations that Trump associates conspired with Russians to influence the election.

Steele, who was working for the Clinton campaign and DNC, claimed that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was the Trump campaign’s main liaison to the Kremlin. He also alleged that Michael Cohen, the former Trump lawyer, visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin officials to discuss paying off hackers.

Those allegations were dismantled on Sunday, when Barr released a summary of Mueller’s report of the Russia probe. Mueller, according to Barr, found no evidence that Trump, members of his campaign, or other Americans conspired with Russia.
(RELATED: Mueller Found No Collusion)

Isikoff noted that MSNBC anchors and guests frequently endorsed allegations from the dossier in the two years since BuzzFeed News published the salacious report.

“You know, it was endorsed on multiple, multiple times on this network, people saying it’s more and more proving to be true, and it wasn’t,” said Isikoff.

Hayes also embraced the view that Mueller’s report settled the dossier debate once and for all. Corn reluctantly conceded that Mueller’s report “pretty definitively” settled the question."

MSNBC Panel Admits Mueller Report ‘Undercuts Almost Everything’ In Steele Dossier
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

He owes an apology to the American public," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. “There is no place in Adam Schiff's world or in Congress that he should be chair of the intel committee. There is no way he could lead the intel committee and he should step back."

Despite the withering criticism from GOP leaders and the calls to step down, Schiff has remained defiant – repeating on Monday his assertion that evidence of collusion is in "plain sight."

The Democrats pressured US AG Sessions to recuse himself from the Trump investigation over something that had no impact on the investigation. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, however, declared if there was any conflict of interest that impacted his involvement in the Trump investigation he would admit it and recuse himself. WHAT PROVEN BULLSHIT:
- Rosenstein recommended FBI Director Comey be fired, wrote the justification for the President to do so, and as soon as the President fired Comey it was Rosenstein that recommended Tremp be investigated for Obstruction for firing Comey.
- Rosenstein was one of the Obama Administration / DOJ members proven to have participated in withholding information / defrauding the FISA Court in an attempt to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Carter Paige.
- Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are extremely well-known friends.

Now you have an OBVIOUSLY BIASED Democrat who for 2 years has promised President Trump would be removed from office, the goal of the proven / exposed coup attempt, and he is now running the House Intel Committee which he promises to use to continue to investigate and bring down the President despite the Mueller report. THERE IS NO DOUBT SCHIFF, AGAIN - WHO ADMITTED TO ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED, SCHIFF CAN CONTINUE TO LEAD THE HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY IF CONTINUING TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESIDENT.

For leaking classified he should be Indicted, never to lead the House Intel Committee ever again at the least. For admittedly leaking classified Schiff should have his security clearance revoked!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


OP's are to be 3-4 paragraphs, a link, and comment. easyt65

  • Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

USMB Rules and Guidelines

This Adam Schiff is obviously a TOTAL nut and so should be FORCIBLY removed and put into an Institute For The Insane.
Thanks for your bullshit opinion.

Putin Smiles
proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
Thanks for your bullshit opinion. Putin Smiles
Thank you, your fellow snowflakes, and Obama's treasonous Agency Directors for 2 years of wasted time, wasted tax dollars, proven false accusations, perjury, obstruction, espionage, leaked classified data, a failed coup attempt, over 500,000 fake news articles and reports, and one satisfying final Mueller Report that destroys the Lefts / Fake news medias', and snowflakes' credibility.

"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign or give up his committee post for repeatedly pushing claims of collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”

“He has no right, as somebody who has been peddling a lie, day after day after day, unchallenged. Unchallenged and not under oath. Somebody should have put him under oath and said, ‘You have evidence, where is it? He's saying there was evidence of collusion in plain sight, that he knew of it. If he's got evidence, put him under oath.”

For two years, Schiff routinely sounded ominous warnings about what Special Counsel Robert Mueller might find on Trump.

Despite Schiff’s claims, Mueller found no evidence of coordination or conspiracy involving Trump, his campaign and the Russian government, Attorney General William Barr wrote in a letter released on Sunday

In addition to claiming he has clear evidence of Trump collusion and promising Americans for almost 2 years now the President would be indicted Schiff ADMITTED TO LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION in an attempt to aid in Mueller's investigation in hopes the President would be found 'Guilty' in Mueller's report. RATHER THAN LEADING THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, SCHIFF SHOULD BE INDICTED FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

He owes an apology to the American public," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. “There is no place in Adam Schiff's world or in Congress that he should be chair of the intel committee. There is no way he could lead the intel committee and he should step back."

Despite the withering criticism from GOP leaders and the calls to step down, Schiff has remained defiant – repeating on Monday his assertion that evidence of collusion is in "plain sight."

The Democrats pressured US AG Sessions to recuse himself from the Trump investigation over something that had no impact on the investigation. Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, however, declared if there was any conflict of interest that impacted his involvement in the Trump investigation he would admit it and recuse himself. WHAT PROVEN BULLSHIT:
- Rosenstein recommended FBI Director Comey be fired, wrote the justification for the President to do so, and as soon as the President fired Comey it was Rosenstein that recommended Tremp be investigated for Obstruction for firing Comey.
- Rosenstein was one of the Obama Administration / DOJ members proven to have participated in withholding information / defrauding the FISA Court in an attempt to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Carter Paige.
- Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are extremely well-known friends.

Now you have an OBVIOUSLY BIASED Democrat who for 2 years has promised President Trump would be removed from office, the goal of the proven / exposed coup attempt, and he is now running the House Intel Committee which he promises to use to continue to investigate and bring down the President despite the Mueller report. THERE IS NO DOUBT SCHIFF, AGAIN - WHO ADMITTED TO ILLEGALLY LEAKING CLASSIFIED, SCHIFF CAN CONTINUE TO LEAD THE HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY IF CONTINUING TO INVESTIGATE THE PRESIDENT.

For leaking classified he should be Indicted, never to lead the House Intel Committee ever again at the least. For admittedly leaking classified Schiff should have his security clearance revoked!

Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims


OP's are to be 3-4 paragraphs, a link, and comment. easyt65

  • Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

USMB Rules and Guidelines

This Adam Schiff is obviously a TOTAL nut and so should be FORCIBLY removed and put into an Institute For The Insane.
Thanks for your bullshit opinion.

Putin Smiles

^^^^ Mentally Ill Nut Posting From It's Padded Cell. Ignore.
proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier

It was NOT a 'dirty trick' - it was an attempted Coup!
Thanks for your bullshit opinion. Putin Smiles
Thank you, your fellow snowflakes, and Obama's treasonous Agency Directors for 2 years of wasted time, wasted tax dollars, proven false accusations, perjury, obstruction, espionage, leaked classified data, a failed coup attempt, over 500,000 fake news articles and reports, and one satisfying final Mueller Report that destroys the Lefts / Fake news medias', and snowflakes' credibility.


Ignore that one it's a Troll and will happily derail the thread with it's insane vomit.
The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier

It was NOT a 'dirty trick' - it was an attempted Coup!

Well yes but at the least in sections of the MSM there IS now the OPEN agreement that this was ALL HORSECRAP from day ONE that it was ALL a Conspiracy Theory. And it was what The Donald and many on the Right said it was from day ONE a Political Witch Hunt perpetrated by the DNC, The Hillary Campaign and the Other Sore Losers like that John Brennan Communist POS etc
So what? They're Republicans.

Release the Report.

Why aren't you asking pencil neck shitt to release the evidence he said he had that would prove Trump was guilty?

I didn't know he had any, but, okay. Dear mister pencil neck, please release any evidence you have to the public forthwith.


He announced it during an interview on one of the fake news networks.
I'm sure if you search you can find the video.
proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.
except when it does.
So what? They're Republicans.

Release the Report.

Why aren't you asking pencil neck shitt to release the evidence he said he had that would prove Trump was guilty?

I didn't know he had any, but, okay. Dear mister pencil neck, please release any evidence you have to the public forthwith.


He announced it during an interview on one of the fake news networks.
I'm sure if you search you can find the video.

Watch those a lot do ya?
So what? They're Republicans.

Release the Report.

Why aren't you asking pencil neck shitt to release the evidence he said he had that would prove Trump was guilty?

I didn't know he had any, but, okay. Dear mister pencil neck, please release any evidence you have to the public forthwith.

well he did say he had it. The congress even did their own investigation and he never once presented it. they concluded no collusion, now mueller has done the exact same thing. and still ol schiff hasn't presented it. I want to know why?
Last edited:
Don’t forget Shifty Schiff is one of those high IQ Stanford undergrads, Harvard trained lawyers, that ended up in politics. He knows what’s best for you, regretfully for his fragile ego no one takes him as seriously as he does himself. Just another nut from the land of fruits and nuts.
So what? They're Republicans.

Release the Report.

Why aren't you asking pencil neck shitt to release the evidence he said he had that would prove Trump was guilty?

I didn't know he had any, but, okay. Dear mister pencil neck, please release any evidence you have to the public forthwith.


He announced it during an interview on one of the fake news networks.
I'm sure if you search you can find the video.

Watch those a lot do ya?

No. I watch some shows on FOXNews.
Shitt doesn't usually appear on FOX.

I mostly get my news from the internet.
That guy is going off the deep end.

Adam Schiff urged to step down by GOP members on House Intelligence Committee

Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

In a letter, obtained by Fox News and signed by every Republican on the committee, the lawmakers slammed Schiff for his claims in the media that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They repeated their demand in person during a feisty hearing Thursday morning.


“Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated. “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”
He will not have security clearances to do this job as he is under investigation for leaking classified information. It is my understanding that his clearances have been revoked due to this investigation.

No access, No ability to perform tasks.... Bye.. Bye...
He will not have security clearances to do this job as he is under investigation for leaking classified information. It is my understanding that his clearances have been revoked due to this investigation.

No access, No ability to perform tasks.... Bye.. Bye...
That's ok, the Democrats can just appoint someone else as AOC.

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