Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

He will not have security clearances to do this job as he is under investigation for leaking classified information. It is my understanding that his clearances have been revoked due to this investigation.

No access, No ability to perform tasks.... Bye.. Bye...
That's ok, the Democrats can just appoint someone else as AOC.
Well, not so fast, she's in the House Financial Services Committee.
Sorry to break your heart
funny she's there and doesn't know jack shit about financial matters. haahahahahahhaaha
She is a socialist who thinks money grows on trees and rich people... She is totally ignorant of basic civics..
I think perhaps school would have done her some good. just saying.
Trump to Schitt: "I'm watching you......"

He will not have security clearances to do this job as he is under investigation for leaking classified information. It is my understanding that his clearances have been revoked due to this investigation.

No access, No ability to perform tasks.... Bye.. Bye...
That's ok, the Democrats can just appoint someone else as AOC.
Well, not so fast, she's in the House Financial Services Committee.
Sorry to break your heart
funny she's there and doesn't know jack shit about financial matters. haahahahahahhaaha
She is a socialist who thinks money grows on trees and rich people... She is totally ignorant of basic civics..
I think perhaps school would have done her some good. just saying.
She is a product of socialist indoctrination... School is a word that is foreign to her.
proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Sounds like you are acting as judge and jury here. I don't recall him being fired or arrested for doing anything illegal. As a matter of fact, he was just now in consultation with Barr to determine that Trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice. A lot of the information in the Steele dossier so far has been confirmed, but a lot of it hasn't. None of it has been actually proven false.

The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
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"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign
And Schiff is laughing at those lying traitors. Aside from whimpering, what do you plan to do about that?

A very strong majority still wants the full Mueller report released. The American people didn't buy your scam. Did you have a Plan B?

This doesn't get any better for you.

If the report is released, the Republicans look like criminals and traitors.

If the Republicans keep blocking the release, they look like criminals and traitors.

Sucks to be you. No wonder you're trying to deflect by rage-weeping. What else can you do?
Last edited:
proven to have participated in withholding information
Who proved Rosenberg did any such thing and what happened to him for it?

The 'Stupid' game again? I would think you would have gotten tired of getting your delusional, traitor-defending ass kicked in public by now...

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: Shows Conflict of Interest | National Review

Memo claims Rosenstein approved application to extend surveillance of Carter Page: report

"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinapproved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.

According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department's application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about ties to Russia.

The GOP memo alleges officials did not sufficiently explain their reasoning for extending the surveillance, it added."

Rosenstein signed off on the FISA Warrant application requests that illegally withheld the information that the warrants were in part based on the Trump Dossier BOUGHT BY DNC CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON, that the information was confirmed 'UNRELIABLE'/'Unsubstantiated' (DOJ Ohr testimony), and the information from the Dossier was presented as 'legitimate Intel', which the conspirators - to include Rosenstein - knew to be false!

Seems like Barr has rosenstein flipped to help take down the whole deep state of crooks

And after Graham's probe on the fisa abuse. Then Barr would see that Muellers probe was a blackmail
Crime to cover up the real crimes

Mueller is now toast and he knows it !
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign
And Schiff is laughing at those lying traitors. Aside from whimpering, what do you plan to do about that?

A very strong majority still wants the full Mueller report released. The American people didn't buy you scam. Did you have a Plan B?

This doesn't get any better for you.

If the report is released, the Republicans look like criminals and traitors.

If the Republicans keep blocking the release, they look like criminals and traitors.

Sucks to be you. No wonder you're trying to deflect by rage-weeping. What else can you do?
What classified information did Schiff leak?
The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.

"Comrades, you only need to know what TheParty says you need to know" -- The Republican/Communist party.

Westwall proudly agrees with TheParty here. All the Republican base agrees. Citizens should be grateful that TheParty has told them all they need to know. Anyone who thinks otherwise must be one of those liberal independent thinkers, obviously an EnemyOfTheState.

Not every Republican is a Stalinist lackey now .... oh wait, they all are. Any non-Stalinists have left the GOP in disgust.
Again Barr will compare both probes side by side

The fisa fraud probe will then prove that the Muellers probe was a black mail crime and a cover up and guilty of high treason
The Steele Dossier = Horsecrap.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
And Cohen testified under oath he was never in Prag. so what part of the dossier was confirmed?
The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.

"Comrades, you only need to know what TheParty says you need to know" -- The Republican/Communist party.

Westwall proudly agrees with TheParty here. All the Republican base agrees. Citizens should be grateful that TheParty has told them all they need to know. Anyone who thinks otherwise must be one of those liberal independent thinkers, obviously an EnemyOfTheState.

Not every Republican is a Stalinist lackey now .... oh wait, they all are. Any non-Stalinists have left the GOP in disgust.
gaslighting in full view
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
And Cohen testified under oath he was never in Prag. so what part of the dossier was confirmed?
His US passport was never in Prag. The tracking stamps prove he was not. Its a matter of hard evidence fact. Even his actual location has been verified during that time. The Dossier has been proven fraud and worthless.
What classified information did Schiff leak?
Funny how you alwaysspread false narratives yet you always seem to be so in the dark about what has happened / what is happening.....

Adam Schiff Admits To December 2017 Leak of False Information During Intelligence Committee Hearing…

'Today during a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff admitted to being the source for the false reporting (December of 2017) by CNN’s Manu Raju – surrounding the Donald Trump Jr. and the wrong dates on the Wikileaks email.'

Schiff's admission is far from the 1st leak of classified information in the failed coup attempt and certainly not the 1st ADMISSION of doing so:

Comey: I Leaked My Memos in Hopes of a Special Counsel

"Days after the president suggested he has secret recordings of Oval Office conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, the former FBI director said under oath that he woke up in the middle of the night and decided to orchestrate a leak about his memos on meetings with the president.

"I asked a friend of mine to share the content of a memo with the reporter, I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel," Comey said."

It is amazing how so many Democrats and snowflakes could continue to push the idea that firing Comey was unjustified, especially after he admitted to being part of the 'Leak Strategy' against the President / after he admitted to leaking classified data to the press.
"Republicans are stepping up calls for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to resign
And Schiff is laughing at those lying traitors. Aside from whimpering, what do you plan to do about that?

A very strong majority still wants the full Mueller report released. The American people didn't buy your scam. Did you have a Plan B?

This doesn't get any better for you.

If the report is released, the Republicans look like criminals and traitors.

If the Republicans keep blocking the release, they look like criminals and traitors.

Sucks to be you. No wonder you're trying to deflect by rage-weeping. What else can you do?
What the hell are you smoking?

After 2+ years Mueller not only is NOT able to provide any evidence that Trump or anyone in his administration illegally colluded with the Russians but he states in his final report that there is no evidence to support that false narrative.

Schiff continuing to say 'I BELIEVE' during the meeting today while declaring there is definitive evidence collusion exists yet refusing to / being unable to provide that evidence just makes him look more and more like an insane butt-hurt anti-Trump fanatic....which shows he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively.
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OldLady what part of the dossier was confirmed?
The fact that Hillary paid for it.
The fact that part of it was written by Russians.
The fact that part of it came from a CNN blog site.
The fact that Ohr told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI it was UNRELIABLE.
The fact that Mueller was working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before he was appointed Special Counsel
The fact that they used is as the basis for the ICA and ICR, which they pushed illegally to the FISA Court/Congress as 'Legitimate Intel'
OldLady what part of the dossier was confirmed?
The fact that Hillary paid for it.
The fact that part of it was written by Russians.
The fact that part of it came from a CNN blog site.
The fact that Ohr told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI it was UNRELIABLE.
The fact that Mueller was working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before he was appointed Special Counsel
The fact that they used is as the basis for the ICA and ICR, which they pushed illegally to the FISA Court/Congress as 'Legitimate Intel'
Just so we remember where all this Evil Began. That bitch should have been hung. She lied a 1,000 times and they bent over backwards to keep her out of jail. What they found on Weiner's laptop that she thought she bleach bitted in to oblivion was enough to put her away for life.


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