Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

The only trolls we know of, who have sold their souls to pootin, are you and yours, cupcake. You assholes have done more real damage to this country than that fucker ever could.

"Comrades, you only need to know what TheParty says you need to know" -- The Republican/Communist party.

Westwall proudly agrees with TheParty here. All the Republican base agrees. Citizens should be grateful that TheParty has told them all they need to know. Anyone who thinks otherwise must be one of those liberal independent thinkers, obviously an EnemyOfTheState.

Not every Republican is a Stalinist lackey now .... oh wait, they all are. Any non-Stalinists have left the GOP in disgust.

The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST! YOU BOOB!
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D-Schiff actually said in an interview about Trump's ex-lawyer Cohen - who was convicted of Perjury for lying to Congress under oath and was on his way to jail when he testified again under oath before Congress and again committed Perjury for which he has been recommended for indictment, AGAIN:

"Well, look, there's no question that any witness coming before Congress who has a history where they been dishonest with Congress comes in with a credibility problem. But, at the same time, a lot of what he said today, I think, bolstered his credibility"
Rep. Schiff says Cohen testimony ‘bolstered his credibility’

So, Schiff believes that the convicted Perjurer - who is going to prison for lying under oath to Congress - 'BOLSTERED HIS CREDIBILITY' by appearing a 2nd time before Congress during which time he committed Felony Perjury AGAIN by lying to Congress AGAIN, for which he was recommended for indictment AGAIN and more jail time....

:wtf: You can't make this schiff up! He is out of his damn mind.....
“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”
can you show us where he said the president would be impeached or indicted the last 2 years... 50 times a day, or even 1 time....? :rolleyes:

the GOP are just following Trump's cue.... as Michael Cohen testified, trump does not have to come out and ask, he simply lets them KNOW what he wants.... much like mob bosses.
Just saying so doesn't make it true.

More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
And Cohen testified under oath he was never in Prag. so what part of the dossier was confirmed?
And for the third time in an hour:
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”
can you show us where he said the president would be impeached or indicted the last 2 years... 50 times a day, or even 1 time....? :rolleyes:

the GOP are just following Trump's cue.... as Michael Cohen testified, trump does not have to come out and ask, he simply lets them KNOW what he wants.... much like mob bosses.
Schiff says impeachment still possible even if Russia probe clears Trump
The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST YOU BOOB!

As we're demanding a full release and you're demanding full censorship, that's clearly more Stalinist propaganda on your part.

Twist and squirm all you want, you can't escape that. You're here extolling the glories of censorship becuase it's what TheParty wants you to say. That makes you a Stalinist lackey.
“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”
can you show us where he said the president would be impeached or indicted the last 2 years... 50 times a day, or even 1 time....?
Did I write the article, snowflake? No, I didn't.....petty, pathetic attempt to spin.....

Over 500,000 articles have been written by the liberal fake news treason-supporting media, all spreading the same false narratives and accusations. Schiff has been one of the Left's leading fake news spreaders...and continues to do so while refusing to / unable to present the 'definitive evidence of collusion' he says exists. As I said, his continuing to do so, especially in light of Mueller's final report after 2+ years that states 'NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION' makes it clear that Schiff can not lead the House Intel Committee objectively and must thus step down or be removed.
More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
And Cohen testified under oath he was never in Prag. so what part of the dossier was confirmed?
And for the third time in an hour:
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
from your link:

"But much of the reporting simply remains uncorroborated, at least by the yardstick we are using. Most significantly, the dossier reports a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [Trump and his associates] and the Russian leadership,” "

And we know much more today. like Cohen wasn't in Prag, no peeing in hotels as a result. so again, out of the 16 items, what has been confirmed?
More on The Steele Dossier = 100% HORSECRAP, this time from The Wall Street Journal and now ONLY TOTAL nuts think that ANYTHING in The Steele Dossier is worth ANYTHING more than using as bird cage liner:

Accountability for a Dossier

The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.

By The Editorial Board

March 25, 2019 7:05 p.m. ET

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories to the land of cranks and bitter-enders, but there are still some loose ends. To wit, how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?"

Opinion | Accountability for a Dossier
It's an OPINION, Lucy, by a conservative newspaper. Listen to the overcharged language in the first two sentences alone. Of course, there's nothing wrong with it as an op ed, but I have read articles reviewing the stuff in the dossier and how much of it has been verified as true. Which is some of it. Some of it hasn't been looked at. But NONE of it has been proven as bunk. NONE.
Great article.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
well you missed the part that Steele already said the dossier was unverified.

Christopher Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier - CNNPolitics

So you now believe you know what the originator didn't know? and you wish to be taken seriously?
Steele has never made any secret of the fact that the information was reported to him but he had not verified it.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
And Cohen testified under oath he was never in Prag. so what part of the dossier was confirmed?
And for the third time in an hour:
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
3 is a good number as in Trump Exonerated 3 Times by Three Independent Investigations.

Strike 3 you suck.
The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST YOU BOOB!

As we're demanding a full release and you're demanding full censorship, that's clearly more Stalinist propaganda on your part.

Twist and squirm all you want, you can't escape that. You're here extolling the glories of censorship becuase it's what TheParty wants you to say. That makes you a Stalinist lackey.

HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.
Sorry....but we don't (or at least shouldn't) take the advice of you Russian trolls, Comrade.
Oh look, another snowflake who organized and marched for the Russians back in 2016, trying to accuse others of what she and her friends were conned into doing, their extreme hatred for Trump manipulated by the same Ruskies who authored and sold Hillary the Dossier!

:itsok: We appreciate you stepping up to support your Russian troll masters. After all, what the heck would you know what to think and say without them?
The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST YOU BOOB!

As we're demanding a full release and you're demanding full censorship, that's clearly more Stalinist propaganda on your part.

Twist and squirm all you want, you can't escape that. You're here extolling the glories of censorship becuase it's what TheParty wants you to say. That makes you a Stalinist lackey.

HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.
Then it will be released way faster than the H. Clinton Special Counsel, right?
After 2+ years Mueller not only is NOT able to provide any evidence that Trump or anyone in his administration illegally colluded with the Russians but he states in his final report that there is no evidence to support that false narrative.

As you have no evidence to back up that crazy story, why are you still trying to peddle it?

We get it. Baghdad Barr gave a speech, and your were ordered to believe and parrot the speech, no matter how crazy and dishonest it makes you look.

What you need to get is that nobody else cares.

Schiff continuing to say 'I BELIEVE' during the meeting today while declaring there is definitive evidence collusion exists yet refusing to / being unable to provide that evidence just makes him look more and more like an insane butt-hurt anti-Trump fanatic....which shows he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively.

See? That's your bizarre alternate reality, and nobody cares.

This doesn't get better for you.

If the report is released, you look like corrupt traitors.

If you keep hiding the report, you look like corrupt traitors.

Perhaps you should have thought this through more before going down this propaganda road. But then, it's not your job to think. It's your job to obey and repeat.
Then it will be released way faster than the H. Clinton Special Counsel, right?

Can you imagine if the Starr report had been released only to Janet Reno, who then said it totally exonerated Bill Clinton, and there was no need for anyone to see it?

If they were consistent, the Republicans here will now agree that would have been a great thing.

Of course, the two situations have some difference. Mueller stayed within his mandate, while Starr flagrantly went outside of it. Starr leaked everything, Mueller didn't.
The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST YOU BOOB!

As we're demanding a full release and you're demanding full censorship, that's clearly more Stalinist propaganda on your part.

Twist and squirm all you want, you can't escape that. You're here extolling the glories of censorship becuase it's what TheParty wants you to say. That makes you a Stalinist lackey.

HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.
Then it will be released way faster than the H. Clinton Special Counsel, right?
which one was that and who was the SC?
After 2+ years Mueller not only is NOT able to provide any evidence that Trump or anyone in his administration illegally colluded with the Russians but he states in his final report that there is no evidence to support that false narrative.

As you have no evidence to back up that crazy story, why are you still trying to peddle it?

We get it. Baghdad Barr gave a speech, and your were ordered to believe and parrot the speech, no matter how crazy and dishonest it makes you look.

What you need to get is that nobody else cares.

Schiff continuing to say 'I BELIEVE' during the meeting today while declaring there is definitive evidence collusion exists yet refusing to / being unable to provide that evidence just makes him look more and more like an insane butt-hurt anti-Trump fanatic....which shows he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively.

See? That's your bizarre alternate reality, and nobody cares.

This doesn't get better for you.

If the report is released, you look like corrupt traitors.

If you keep hiding the report, you look like corrupt traitors.

Perhaps you should have thought this through more before going down this propaganda road. But then, it's not your job to think. It's your job to obey and repeat.
more gaslighting. You sure use that a lot.

Schiff merely needs to present his evidence and let's shut this entire thing down.

In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

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