Schiff faces mounting GOP calls for resignation over collusion claims

The only stalinists in this discussion are you, and your fellow travelers. Face it cupcake, EVERY solution you twits trot out to solve any problem always relies on massive government control. What is that? STALINIST YOU BOOB!

As we're demanding a full release and you're demanding full censorship, that's clearly more Stalinist propaganda on your part.

Twist and squirm all you want, you can't escape that. You're here extolling the glories of censorship becuase it's what TheParty wants you to say. That makes you a Stalinist lackey.

HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.
Then it will be released way faster than the H. Clinton Special Counsel, right?

We certainly hope so.
“He’s been on every TV show 50 times a day for practically the last two years, promising Americans that this president would either be impeached or indicted”
can you show us where he said the president would be impeached or indicted the last 2 years... 50 times a day, or even 1 time....? :rolleyes:

the GOP are just following Trump's cue.... as Michael Cohen testified, trump does not have to come out and ask, he simply lets them KNOW what he wants.... much like mob bosses.
Adam Schiff: Evidence Available Already Shows That Trump Should Be Indicted
Rep. Adam Schiff says Trump may 'face the real prospect of jail time' when he leaves office

Schiff Says Trump Impeachment Not Off The Table
HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.

So, can we get you on record as saying that the full Mueller report should be released, minus the necessary redactions for national security reasons, and that anyone trying to conceal the full report would be a Stalinist?
HA! No one on the trump side is desirous of it being kept secret you dumb ass.

So, can we get you on record as saying that the full Mueller report should be released, minus the necessary redactions for national security reasons, and that anyone trying to conceal the full report would be a Stalinist?

Despite claiming to have definitive evidence of Trump Collusion, when pressed today to step down from his position as House Intel Committee Chairman instead of providing any of that non-existent evidence Schiff:

Ranted about a 15-minute meeting between the President's son and a Russian lawyer in which no information / no opposition research changed hands

Ranted about Michael Flynn lying to the FBI - which Mueller declared had nothing to do with Trump, his associates, or the 2016 election

Ranted about issues / events that did not involve the President and, again, Mueller declared had nothing to do with Donald Trump or the 2016 election....

Before his fellow House Intell Committee members Schiff FINALLY revealed that THIS is his 'definitive evidence' ... and concluded by saying:

"I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic," Schiff said. "And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion."
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report


Schiff looked like a raving lunatic!

1. Blind, hypocritical biased double-standards:

-- It is hilarious that D-Schiff believes attending a meeting with a Russian (that was clearly an attempted set-up by the Obama administration) that resulted in ZERO information / opposition research changing hands is evidence of 'criminal collusion'; yet, Hillary Clinton paying Trump-Hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for a proven 'unreliable' (DOJ-Ohr) propaganda-filled document to help her win the 2016 election - that was illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI in their exposed failed coup attempt is NOT 'unethical, unpatriotic, corrupt, and evidence of illegal activity / collusion'?!

2. NONE of what Schiff rambled on about, as Mueller pointed out in his report, have anything to do personally with President Trump, no evidence of crime, and did not impact the 2016 election.

I don't give a DAMN what D-Schiff personally BELIEVES, but Mueller makes it clear in his report that there was (NEVER) any evidence, any crime, any collusion PROVEN. Despite what Schiff has been calling 'definitive evidence of collusion', what Schiff finally presented was PERSONAL OPINION....and obvious BUTT-HURT!

Today's embarrassing opinionated RANT by the House Intel Chairman demonstrated his refusal to acknowledge actual EVIDENCE, actual FACT, and Mueller's final report that states clearly 'NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION'. His REFUSAL to accept that does not equate to 'evidence' to the contrary, and his display today only PROVED he is incapable of objectively lead / run the House Intel Committee.

Schiff should IMMEDIATELY be removed as the House Intel Committee Chairman!

LMAO As I recall Schiff said he had evidence that would hang Trump??

Anyone seen that evidence??

Did he turn it over to Muller. The same Mueller who exonerated Trump.

Kinda funny that doncha think?? Especially since that info would have hung Trump.

Schiff is obviously a liar. Anyone who holds a liar in high esteem is an idiot.

In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Weasel boy
We appreciate you stepping up to support your Russian troll masters. After all, what the heck would you know what to think and say without them?
STFU, snowflake. Like Schiff you run your mouth pretty damn well but you can't produce any evidence, and like delusional Schiff and the rest of the snowflakes you refuse to accept Mueller's report like you refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election.
Despite claiming to have definitive evidence of Trump Collusion, when pressed today to step down from his position as House Intel Committee Chairman instead of providing any of that non-existent evidence Schiff:

Ranted about a 15-minute meeting between the President's son and a Russian lawyer in which no information / no opposition research changed hands

Ranted about Michael Flynn lying to the FBI - which Mueller declared had nothing to do with Trump, his associates, or the 2016 election

Ranted about issues / events that did not involve the President and, again, Mueller declared had nothing to do with Donald Trump or the 2016 election....

Before his fellow House Intell Committee members Schiff FINALLY revealed that THIS is his 'definitive evidence' ... and concluded by saying:

"I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic," Schiff said. "And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion."
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report


Schiff looked like a raving lunatic!

1. Blind, hypocritical biased double-standards:

-- It is hilarious that D-Schiff believes attending a meeting with a Russian (that was clearly an attempted set-up by the Obama administration) that resulted in ZERO information / opposition research changing hands is evidence of 'criminal collusion'; yet, Hillary Clinton paying Trump-Hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for a proven 'unreliable' (DOJ-Ohr) propaganda-filled document to help her win the 2016 election - that was illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI in their exposed failed coup attempt is NOT 'unethical, unpatriotic, corrupt, and evidence of illegal activity / collusion'?!

2. NONE of what Schiff rambled on about, as Mueller pointed out in his report, have anything to do personally with President Trump, no evidence of crime, and did not impact the 2016 election.

I don't give a DAMN what D-Schiff personally BELIEVES, but Mueller makes it clear in his report that there was (NEVER) any evidence, any crime, any collusion PROVEN. Despite what Schiff has been calling 'definitive evidence of collusion', what Schiff finally presented was PERSONAL OPINION....and obvious BUTT-HURT!

Today's embarrassing opinionated RANT by the House Intel Chairman demonstrated his refusal to acknowledge actual EVIDENCE, actual FACT, and Mueller's final report that states clearly 'NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION'. His REFUSAL to accept that does not equate to 'evidence' to the contrary, and his display today only PROVED he is incapable of objectively lead / run the House Intel Committee.

Schiff should IMMEDIATELY be removed as the House Intel Committee Chairman!
i'd call it unfit for office. when one can't rationalize fact from opinion.
After 2+ years Mueller not only is NOT able to provide any evidence that Trump or anyone in his administration illegally colluded with the Russians but he states in his final report that there is no evidence to support that false narrative.
As you have no evidence to back up that crazy story, why are you still trying to peddle it?
This thread and the posts in them, to include the links in them, have already proven you to be a LIAR. Direct quotes from the Mueller report have been posted. Your butt-hurt and refusal to accept reality does not equate to non-existent Russian collusion - again, as reported by Mueller. Like Schiff, you continue to make delusional false accusations for which you have no evidence to back it up.
D-Schiff summed up what remains the hard-core Trump-Hating extremists' justification for believing Trump is guilty of illegal collusion with the Russians by declaring:

"I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic ... And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion."


...Just 'I THINK'....

Mueller's report makes it clear - it does not matter what reality-denying, 2016-election results-rejecting, sore loser, butt-hurt Trump-hating snowflakes THINK. EVIDENCE is the only thing that counts, and Mueller declared THERE IS NONE!

Again, as Schiff demonstrated today himself, he needs to be immediately removed from his position as House Intel Committee Chairman based on his demonstrated inability to objectively run the committee.
LMAO As I recall Schiff said he had evidence that would hang Trump??

Anyone seen that evidence??

Did he turn it over to Muller. The same Mueller who exonerated Trump.

Kinda funny that doncha think?? Especially since that info would have hung Trump.

Schiff is obviously a liar. Anyone who holds a liar in high esteem is an idiot.
That's a lie. Schiff said there was evidence of collusion. He never said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. They couldn't tie the Russian government up with the lawyer in the Trump Tower meeting. Collusion during the campaign was everywhere. We still haven't gotten a conclusion on Manafort and Gates colluding with Kilimnik to get polling data to the Russian government. We guess that Mueller handed that off to other districts. The same with the Stone case.

In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Weasel boy

The lack of a rebuttal to Schiffs ass kicking of Republicans on the committee tells it all. Did you happen to watch old sour grape Nunez sitting there like someone stuck a corn cob up his ass?
LMAO As I recall Schiff said he had evidence that would hang Trump??

Anyone seen that evidence??

Did he turn it over to Muller. The same Mueller who exonerated Trump.

Kinda funny that doncha think?? Especially since that info would have hung Trump.

Schiff is obviously a liar. Anyone who holds a liar in high esteem is an idiot.

You have no idea what Mueller's report actually says. Quit trying to pretend that Barr's note is Mueller's report. It is not.
Dems have been handed their ass since Trump was elected.
It's funny as hell watching them claim otherwise.
It's like they're drinking a shit shake and they swear it's chocolat.
That guy is going off the deep end.

Adam Schiff urged to step down by GOP members on House Intelligence Committee

Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

In a letter, obtained by Fox News and signed by every Republican on the committee, the lawmakers slammed Schiff for his claims in the media that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They repeated their demand in person during a feisty hearing Thursday morning.


“Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated. “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”

Has anyone ever resigned because the people from the other party wanted them to?

Does Shiff really give a shitt what Trump and the GOP think?

So you are ok with a guy in his position to post nonsense from his ass?

Jesus he is so trying to promote propaganda after 2 years of mueller finding nothing except doing the job of the IRS.


In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Opposition research is OK. Using fake opposition dossier reasearch as an excuse to get a FISA warrant is illegal. Mr. Schiff knows this and is lying.
Has anyone ever resigned because the people from the other party wanted them to?
Does Shiff really give a shitt what Trump and the GOP think?

Schiff demonstrated today that he is incapable of objectively running the House Intel Committee. It does not matter what Schiff THINKS about Trump. just as it does not matter what Schiff THINKS about Republicans. What someone THINKS has never prevented them from being removed from positions of authority after they have demonstrated they are compromised and incapable of doing their job, as Schiff clearly did today.
LMAO As I recall Schiff said he had evidence that would hang Trump??

Anyone seen that evidence??

Did he turn it over to Muller. The same Mueller who exonerated Trump.

Kinda funny that doncha think?? Especially since that info would have hung Trump.

Schiff is obviously a liar. Anyone who holds a liar in high esteem is an idiot.

You have no idea what Mueller's report actually says. Quit trying to pretend that Barr's note is Mueller's report. It is not.

In Adam Schiff's recent hearing where Republicans asked Schiff to step down, he instead took them out to the wood shed for their two year long corrupt behavior, collusion, and obstruction as it pertains to Trump's compromising behavior during the campaign and after. Hail Schiff, for telling it exactly like it should have been told. He is the true hero in all this, and his Republican colleagues are traitors to this country.

Weasel boy

The lack of a rebuttal to Schiffs ass kicking of Republicans on the committee tells it all. Did you happen to watch old sour grape Nunez sitting there like someone stuck a corn cob up his ass?

Lately my lib friends have been kicking around Nunez...Must be the latest Democrat talking point.

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