School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids

Point should be allowed to BE KIDS. There is no need for "sex education" until much much later...and from their PARENTS, not some school board or teachers assoc. PARENTS.
Alas...most will refute what I say.

Trust me. 15 yo kids are more interested in sex than they are in being a kid. They are gonna do it. It's better that they know how to be safe.
I'm pretty sure 3rd and 4th graders would rather talk about swings, slides, recess time, lunch dessert.

Do you think 3rd and 4th graders were shown what was claimed in #15 and#16?

I'm not going to watch a 20 minute video. Was it written for 3rd and 4th graders, and did it have graphic sexual pictures?

Promoting the teaching of homosexuality or even heterosexuality in public school (especially grade school aged children) is morally wrong and especially if the parents are not made aware of it. Allowing GLSEN and their troop of queers, transgenders and cross-dressing freaks to address impressionable young children is beyond disgusting......are you fine with that???
Point should be allowed to BE KIDS. There is no need for "sex education" until much much later...and from their PARENTS, not some school board or teachers assoc. PARENTS.
Alas...most will refute what I say.

Trust me. 15 yo kids are more interested in sex than they are in being a kid. They are gonna do it. It's better that they know how to be safe.
I'm pretty sure 3rd and 4th graders would rather talk about swings, slides, recess time, lunch dessert.

Do you think 3rd and 4th graders were shown what was claimed in #15 and#16?
Yes. Its already happening.
Trust me. 15 yo kids are more interested in sex than they are in being a kid. They are gonna do it. It's better that they know how to be safe.
I'm pretty sure 3rd and 4th graders would rather talk about swings, slides, recess time, lunch dessert.

Do you think 3rd and 4th graders were shown what was claimed in #15 and#16?

Your point?

My point was obvious and not subtle at all......

You know better than to try to bullshit me. Those discussions might not have been appropriate in the 60s, but young kids hear about gays every day if they listen to their parents or TV. You don't think an age appropriate discussion about people they will deal with every day for the rest of their lives in some form would be a good thing?
Point should be allowed to BE KIDS. There is no need for "sex education" until much much later...and from their PARENTS, not some school board or teachers assoc. PARENTS.
Alas...most will refute what I say.

Trust me. 15 yo kids are more interested in sex than they are in being a kid. They are gonna do it. It's better that they know how to be safe.
I'm pretty sure 3rd and 4th graders would rather talk about swings, slides, recess time, lunch dessert.

Do you think 3rd and 4th graders were shown what was claimed in #15 and#16?
Yes. Its already happening.

I could be wrong. Don't know. What I DO know is it doesn't matter what grade they are in. It is NOT the job of teachers to inform children about sex.
I could be wrong. Don't know. What I DO know is it doesn't matter what grade they are in. It is NOT the job of teachers to inform children about sex.

Right. Leave them ignorant and pregnant, or full of disease. You know those problems are reduced when they are educated don't you?
To imagine that parents (particularly uptight Godly parents) can be trusted to inform their children of the ways of the world is disingenuous at best.
Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of several 'Christian' families torn apart because of unwanted pregnancy. Ignorance is a very dangerous thing, in adolescents.
I could be wrong. Don't know. What I DO know is it doesn't matter what grade they are in. It is NOT the job of teachers to inform children about sex.

Right. Leave them ignorant and pregnant, or full of disease. You know those problems are reduced when they are educated don't you?
Not if I do my job AS THE PARENT.
I could be wrong. Don't know. What I DO know is it doesn't matter what grade they are in. It is NOT the job of teachers to inform children about sex.

Right. Leave them ignorant and pregnant, or full of disease. You know those problems are reduced when they are educated don't you?
Not if I do my job AS THE PARENT.

Lots of parents can't teach their kids how to add. They aren't going to teach them about safe sex.
I could be wrong. Don't know. What I DO know is it doesn't matter what grade they are in. It is NOT the job of teachers to inform children about sex.

Given the epidemic of educators sexually abusing children you could not be more correct.
To imagine that parents (particularly uptight Godly parents) can be trusted to inform their children of the ways of the world is disingenuous at best.
Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of several 'Christian' families torn apart because of unwanted pregnancy. Ignorance is a very dangerous thing, in adolescents.

Get a grip aleeady. Nice touch bashing Christians and that's a tale if ever there was one
Point should be allowed to BE KIDS. There is no need for "sex education" until much much later...and from their PARENTS, not some school board or teachers assoc. PARENTS.
Alas...most will refute what I say.

Like the parents know anything and are equipped to do it. My mother was entirely incompetent. She was a wacko Catholic and began her talk by referencing the Virgin Mary, who, as we all know, got famous by not doing it. Fortunately, one of her sisters was a military nurse in places like Vietnam, and she took charge of actually telling me the realities of the situation so that I wouldn't get in trouble. Later I would tease my mother about how idiotic she had been. You should have seen her in her lacy veil at the Vatican! And somebody stopped me from going into St. Peter's until I stuffed tissues in my sleeveless blouse to cover my shoulders. And it was a blouse purchased for me by my Holy Mother.

How about those kids who don't have a down-to-earth, military-trained medical professional to help them, and have ignorant parents like my mother? Somebody has to tell them the "real deal" or it's early motherhood and fatherhood.
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Point should be allowed to BE KIDS. There is no need for "sex education" until much much later...and from their PARENTS, not some school board or teachers assoc. PARENTS.
Alas...most will refute what I say.

Trust me. 15 yo kids are more interested in sex than they are in being a kid. They are gonna do it. It's better that they know how to be safe.

There are many people out there, and some on USMB, who seem to actually want more teen pregnancies, more dropping out of school, more abortions, more early shot-gun "marriages" rather than produce intelligent, educated, and hard-working adults who can live successful lives in U.S. society. They seem to envision for their children life in a trailer home with some amount of kids whom they don't want, working as waitresses and laborers. I am lucky that my father always stressed that an education was something that no one can take away from you.

These morons don't understand that with the onset of puberty comes an interest in sex, kids learn from their first experimentation/make-out sessions that it feels good, and unless somebody speaks to them about it and how to handle their emerging sexuality, trouble is sure to follow.
School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

Coming to a school near you.
School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes

Lots of questions. Were these just anti-bullying videos?
How would we know we aren't allowed to view them.



One pamphlet funded by federal dollars explained to children how oral sex, masturbation, and anal were acceptable forms of “abstinence.”


A woman named Rhonda Miller helped organize th..................

Parents Outraged Over Planned Parenthood's 'Sick' and 'Degenerate' Sex Ed Program in Public Schools - DANGEROUS

This is what they teach your kids and the wordage used gives the average dumbass that it's just " SEX ED".......

Worst porn, EVAH!

Kinda looks like a s---t stain doesn't it lmao.
School shows questionable, biased, partisan videos to kids and now they're refusing to let the parents see what the kids was shown without parents permission. In fact, the Superintendent claims the parents have no rights to what their kids are shown while at school!

Coming to a school near you.
School Bans Parents From Viewing LGBT Videos Shown to Kids | Todd Starnes

Our son's public school didn't like me or my wife, who was certified within the system. We finally pulled him out. This was in 1998.

I can't imagine what they are like now.

They keep asking parents to get involved, and then bitch when parents don't agree with their crap.

If more people took the time to read what this lady has written or watched her youtube videos we might have more awake to the system and the goals of dumbing themn down . Hence the title and it's working ike a charm all the while HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW


but to many are way to lazy. There's no excuse there are books on this, youtube videos, websites for all those in between lazy people who don't like to read but would watch a video, or for those who don't like videos and prefer to read it's all in plain view.



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