School Defends Outting Allegedly Lesbian Teen

mdn2000 complains about what he does regularly: "You taking one portion, a cherry pick, why did you leave this part out, this is the part people seemed to take offense to, are you of the same mind thus your defending the public schools where rape does occur. This is what I said about rape in public schools."

Bub, rape occurs in private schools as well. What the heck is wrong with your head?

Jackey, still stinging are ya, who ever said rape does not occur in private schools, I said I should have the choice of a private school with no homosexuals, why do you have a problem with the choices I want.

I must assume you read all my posts, you are intelligent, right.
No one should be "outed". That is a personal decision.

But as a side note: many companies are now offering special protections and benefits for gay employees and customers. Is it appropriate to ask?

Schools won't be far behind.

i agree with your first sentence.

but before i would respond to your question, i'd have to ask what companies and what special "protections and benefits"?

Goofle ihas "gay beneefts". So$e banks are now offering same sex benefits for bak accounts as married couples. How can they offer these without asking? I don't knowthe answer to that.
Yes, the reasoning, poor people cannot afford to chose the school their children attend, they deserve the same protection if not more, yet you state its okay their children are raped
What you're saying is a bit confusing, but I'm pretty sure NO ONE is okay their children are raped. NO ONE.

Then why did you cut the relevant part out. My post sitting here all by itself is confusing, thanks. Here let me try your post with a cherry pick and see how it reads.

I'm pretty sure

Gee your pretty sure, and I am to trust you that children are not to be raped.

See how that works, your not pretty confusing, so you agree with the original post I responded to, thats why you left that part out, correct.
Try this little experiment: go back to my post, and PRETEND that I quoted your entire post. The point remains unchanged. What you typed is not English, and it's confusing. No one has ever stated anyone should be raped, yet you mentioned someone did. This makes no sense.
i would wager that, as with most administrative procedures, there is a provision requiring that they provide the person with a copy of the procedures. a violation of such a requirement could toll the statute of limitations and make it inappropriate for the case to be dismissed on that basis.

apparently, what they wanted from the school was for the girl to continue playing softball without the coach/assistant coach in question because she wanted to go to college and play, presumably on a scholarship.

in any event, the court will have a lot of options initially, including remanding the matter to the district for a full hearing before they intervene.

No, the mom filed what was called in the complaint a "Level 1" with the principal, which who bumped it to the Superintendent, a "Level 2." Then it went to DEFCON 3, the Board of Trustees, and now it's reached DEFCON 4.

Apparently, at DEFCON 5 the Mother Nukes KISD.

i know, the girl should just go on, not play ball and pretend she wasn't victimized. :thup:

eh... not so much.

You are hurting my feelings, and now I feel victimized.:(

I'll PM Gunny with my Complaint!!!
Adults who can't behave like the adult shouldn't be in a job that involves interaction with children.


When adults can't behave like adults they should spontaneously combust!

***only message board mods would be left alive on the planet***
Privatize the schools, another example of not being able to leave your kids with government union workers.

In private schools you can choose to not have homosexuals teach your child on a personal level.

Still, public employees get away with molestation and statutory rape too often, more so if they are woman.

The only solution is to take sentencing away from judges, maybe a real tough law like life in prison with no parole, seems fair, if your such a big pervert you have to rape school kids, teenage or younger, maybe that should be the death sentence.

Anyone willing to break a law with such a stiff penalty is a true pervert thus if they take the actions that directly results in their death, seems like suicide more than murder.

So make the teachers understand, priests as well, life in prison, no less, most likely though it should be the death penalty.

Here is my post, you have a problem with anything in this or not, quote the source and state your beef, I respond with nonsense to nonsense, insults to insults, if you do not understand my response in a later post its most likely that post has nothing to do with you.

Its that simple, you do not understand because the post is not directed at you, pick apart the original post, go ahead.

We can then discuss whats nonsense.

And you call yourself "Smarterthanahick".
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Two softball coaches at a Texas high school are being sued after allegedly confining a teenaged girl in a locked room, forcing her to confirm her sexual orientation, then outing her to her parents before ejecting her from the softball team.

The lawsuit states that the school district defended the actions by saying the teachers were "legally obligated" to inform the parents of the child's sexuality.

School outed teen to parents, said it was ‘legally obligated’: lawsuit | Raw Story

Please read the linked story; there are some disturbing facts. WTF "legal obligation" could there be?

Your thoughts?

I thought cracksnackers and fudgepackers wanted to be outed. What's the issue?
No one should be "outed". That is a personal decision.

But as a side note: many companies are now offering special protections and benefits for gay employees and customers. Is it appropriate to ask?

Schools won't be far behind.

i agree with your first sentence.

but before i would respond to your question, i'd have to ask what companies and what special "protections and benefits"?

Goofle ihas "gay beneefts". So$e banks are now offering same sex benefits for bak accounts as married couples. How can they offer these without asking? I don't knowthe answer to that.

so they aren't offering "special" benefits and protections. they're simply offering what is offered to married couples.

i'm not quite how that's special protection. if you say that they aren't married, well, that's true...

but that kind of proves their argument about why they are being denied equal protection if they aren't allowed to married. yes?
Two softball coaches at a Texas high school are being sued after allegedly confining a teenaged girl in a locked room, forcing her to confirm her sexual orientation, then outing her to her parents before ejecting her from the softball team.

The lawsuit states that the school district defended the actions by saying the teachers were "legally obligated" to inform the parents of the child's sexuality.
School outed teen to parents, said it was ‘legally obligated’: lawsuit | Raw Story

Please read the linked story; there are some disturbing facts. WTF "legal obligation" could there be?

Your thoughts?
Why aren't they being charged with kidnapping and assault?
Two softball coaches at a Texas high school are being sued after allegedly confining a teenaged girl in a locked room, forcing her to confirm her sexual orientation, then outing her to her parents before ejecting her from the softball team.

The lawsuit states that the school district defended the actions by saying the teachers were "legally obligated" to inform the parents of the child's sexuality.
School outed teen to parents, said it was ‘legally obligated’: lawsuit | Raw Story

Please read the linked story; there are some disturbing facts. WTF "legal obligation" could there be?

Your thoughts?
Why aren't they being charged with kidnapping and assault?

It's not kidnapping. False imprisonment, probably. But if it's the girl's word against the two coaches I doubt a DA could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil courts have a lower standard of proof.

I don't know the TX standard for assault. Anybody? :dunno:

But even if it fit the standard there she'd probably run into the same problem. She wasn't touched, so there's no physical evidence and no witnesses. She has better odds of getting somewhere in civil court.
I don't understand human sexuality of others.
I am a dumbass straight country boy from Georgia educated beyond my intelligence, gifted in many areas done good.
But it makes me feel good during the Holidays when there are dozens and dozens of family coming through my home where a gay and/or lesbian family member can feel at home and everyone treats them with respect.
Come to think of it, that makes me feel real good.
i agree with your first sentence.

but before i would respond to your question, i'd have to ask what companies and what special "protections and benefits"?

Goofle ihas "gay beneefts". So$e banks are now offering same sex benefits for bak accounts as married couples. How can they offer these without asking? I don't knowthe answer to that.

so they aren't offering "special" benefits and protections. they're simply offering what is offered to married couples.

i'm not quite how that's special protection. if you say that they aren't married, well, that's true...

but that kind of proves their argument about why they are being denied equal protection if they aren't allowed to married. yes?

Sorry about the typos.

I'm not arguing the merits of such protections, just the application. In a state with civil unions, it would certainly be appropriate to ask if the employee or customer is married or in a civil union. However, it might not be appropriate to ask if someone is in a romantic relationship. They certainly don't do that with straight people.

It just seems like it would be rude to ask, but could get someone in trouble if it isn't offered. Catch 22.

And as for the OP, I'm sure different states/schools have different policies regarding parental notification, but here in NJ, information disclosed by students is confidential. And any serious disclosure such as abuse or criminal activity is reported to the principal to be dealt with. Students have shared the results of their pregnancy test with me before their mothers. I only encourage them to talk to their parents and report it to the school nurse. That's not a teacher's job. For better or worse.
I don't understand human sexuality of others.
I am a dumbass straight country boy from Georgia educated beyond my intelligence, gifted in many areas done good.
But it makes me feel good during the Holidays when there are dozens and dozens of family coming through my home where a gay and/or lesbian family member can feel at home and everyone treats them with respect.
Come to think of it, that makes me feel real good.

You should always step aside when you do not understand.
I don't understand human sexuality of others.
I am a dumbass straight country boy from Georgia educated beyond my intelligence, gifted in many areas done good.
But it makes me feel good during the Holidays when there are dozens and dozens of family coming through my home where a gay and/or lesbian family member can feel at home and everyone treats them with respect.
Come to think of it, that makes me feel real good.

You should always step aside when you do not understand.

Like I said, I am a dumbass country boy done very well.
Please explain.
I don't understand human sexuality of others.
I am a dumbass straight country boy from Georgia educated beyond my intelligence, gifted in many areas done good.
But it makes me feel good during the Holidays when there are dozens and dozens of family coming through my home where a gay and/or lesbian family member can feel at home and everyone treats them with respect.
Come to think of it, that makes me feel real good.

You should always step aside when you do not understand.

Like I said, I am a dumbass country boy done very well.
Please explain.

You say you accept others sexuality, thats great, you also state you do not understand their sexuality. Thats great, are you making a point. I am also equally as dumb as you are so go ahead and explain.
I don't understand human sexuality of others.
I am a dumbass straight country boy from Georgia educated beyond my intelligence, gifted in many areas done good.
But it makes me feel good during the Holidays when there are dozens and dozens of family coming through my home where a gay and/or lesbian family member can feel at home and everyone treats them with respect.
Come to think of it, that makes me feel real good.

You should always step aside when you do not understand.

Like I said, I am a dumbass country boy done very well.
Please explain.

Apparently, posting on topic is not one of your gifts.

Your comments have nothing to do with the thread.
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You should always step aside when you do not understand.

Like I said, I am a dumbass country boy done very well.
Please explain.

Apparently, posting on topic is not one of your gifts.

Your comments have nothing to do with the thread.

A school girl being outed to her family and that has nothing to do with this thread?
When did you two get your thread police badges? Was there a decoder ring also?
You two claim to understand the sexuality of others?:lol::lol:

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