School District That Suspended Kids Over BB Guns At Home Forced To Pay Up

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You may recall the story of Ka’Mauri Harrison, the Louisiana elementary school student who was suspended from school last year after a teacher briefly spotted a BB gun in Harrison’s room during a virtual class session.

Harrison had simply picked up the BB gun from the floor of his bedroom and put it away so that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy, and they barred from attending class, even online, for several weeks.

Not long afterwards, a sixth grader in the same district was suspended for basically the same reason; an accidental and brief display of a BB gun. Tomie Brown’s parents ended up suing the school district in federal court, along with Ka’Mauri’s parents, and earlier this week the Jefferson Parish School Board decided to settle the lawsuit instead of trying to defend the actions of the teacher and superintendent in court.

The board agreed to pay Harrison’s family $92,500 and Brown’s family $72,500.

In addition, the board agreed to change disciplinary records of both students to say they were suspended for disruptive conduct, removing any reference to weapons.

“The School Board and Harrison-Williams and Brown families are pleased that they were able to reach a resolution and can now refocus on the education of Jefferson Parish students in an orderly, safe and welcoming environment in both virtual and non-virtual classroom settings,” attorneys for the school board and the families said in a joint statement.

The school board was criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Rifle Association for the suspensions, which applied policies banning weapons at school or


Paid by taxpayers, while the idiot teachers who actually made the ridiculous fuss carries on....Perhaps SUING them now would be a smart tactic...A BB GUN SEEN ON A VIDEO TEACHING SESSION....
The suspension was a bit much, as someone who didn't grow up in a gun culture, but grew up in a rough part of town, I do understand the interest in not wanting a replica gun shown during class.

I do wonder though, do all his classmates see the gun as well or just the teacher? I would hope not every student can see inside the home of other students, that's a bit of an invasion of privacy if you ask me.

Regardless, they were rightfully reimbursed for their troubles, quite handsomely too it would appear.
Harrison had simply picked up the BB gun from the floor of his bedroom and put it away so that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy, and they barred from attending class, even online, for several weeks.
"that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy,"{
The above is an injustice to the rule of law that that child did not violate.

In my teenage years I took my father's 12 gage pump shotgun out to some inundated swamp land close by.
I yelled real loud and this huge flock of several kinds of birds took off in a flash of second.
I fired when the rising birds became eye level to me and I fired.
At least five (5) birds fell to the marshy ground.

I’ve never killed anything else since then.

BTW: I had a BB gun, one of my older brothers had a 22.
At one point or another I had a bow and several arrows.
So what-?
Harrison had simply picked up the BB gun from the floor of his bedroom and put it away so that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy, and they barred from attending class, even online, for several weeks.
"that his younger brother wouldn’t trip over it, but the mere sight of the BB gun through the boy’s laptop camera was enough to cause the Jefferson Parish School District to claim that Harrison had violated the district’s weapons policy,"{
The above is an injustice to the rule of law that that child did not violate.

In my teenage years I took my father's 12 gage pump shotgun out to some inundated swamp land close by.
I yelled real loud and this huge flock of several kinds of birds took off in a flash of second.
I fired when the rising birds became eye level to me and I fired.
At least five (5) birds fell to the marshy ground.

I’ve never killed anything else since then.

BTW: I had a BB gun, one of my older brothers had a 22.
At one point or another I had a bow and several arrows.
So what-?
And just think over 60 years ago New York City High Schools actually had rifle shooting teams, just like baseball and basketball ball school teams.....I can't find any evidence that any of the youngstets (I was a member) ever shot anyone!
Any time the demonRats are force to pay up....because of their stupidity....

It's a wonderful day!! how can it not be? :up:
It's a shame that the suspensions stood; the parents should have taken it to trial. They sold out for money, leaving the records of their children marred. When one of them wants to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, this will come back to haunt them.

How do you commit disorderly behavior in school when you're at home?
It's a shame that the suspensions stood; the parents should have taken it to trial. They sold out for money, leaving the records of their children marred. When one of them wants to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, this will come back to haunt them.

How do you commit disorderly behavior in school when you're at home?
They may have been told, "Take it to trial, and we'll bankrupt you." you're broke, homeless, and the suspensions are still on the record. Brilliant idea!
That's bull crap. Bankruptcy doesn't leave anyone homeless. Fighting in court doesn't leave people broke. You just want the suspensions to stand because you're a gun hater.
In addition, the board agreed to change disciplinary records of both students to say they were suspended for disruptive conduct, removing any reference to weapons.

That's horseshit.

I would refuse to settle as long as that language remained in the settlement...
Wait...are you on LSD?
No, but you must be.

Less than 4% of filers lose property.

Besides, hiring lawyers for a lawsuit doesn't necessarily lead to bankruptcy. It costs money but you can also do some of it on your own or non-profits. You don't throw in the towel on your children's record in exchange for a little cash. For Sandman levels of cash, maybe, but not for the chump change received in this case.

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