School nurse suspsended after revelaing child on purberty blocker others identifying as non binary without parents knowledge

Do you think children should be given a medical jab without the parents knowledge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • This is child abuse

    Votes: 9 56.3%

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Wait a minute, you think the school going behind parents back to manipulate and provide illegal unauthorized medical treatments is Legal or moral?

I don't care what the corrupt kooks who have invaded the government said...they don't have the right to ignore laws, lie to parents, and to commit ASSAULT (yes it is ASSAULT when you provide unauthorized and only the guardians can authorize) on the kids. The nurse knows this----she can have her nursing license pulled for ASSAULTING kids by performing unauthorized procedures and treatments on the kids.

This is not a right leaning thing but a parental thing and LAW thing-----despite what the pedos and communists try to spin.
The school did no such thing. They are following the law. Which the state set down.

Set aside your just and righteous Christian anger for a moment.
This is simple. The state of CT says that teens don't have to inform their parents. Period.
This nurse divulged private information on a public social media site. She should be fired. End of story.

What aren't you getting about that?
The school did no such thing. They are following the law. Which the state set down.

Set aside your just and righteous Christian anger for a moment.
This is simple. The state of CT says that teens don't have to inform their parents. Period.
This nurse divulged private information on a public social media site. She should be fired. End of story.

What aren't you getting about that?
She claims these kids are 11 and 12. There's something off about this story
Let’s see what else comes out of this story. Something seems to be missing…
The school did no such thing. They are following the law. Which the state set down.

Set aside your just and righteous Christian anger for a moment.
This is simple. The state of CT says that teens don't have to inform their parents. Period.
This nurse divulged private information on a public social media site. She should be fired. End of story.

What aren't you getting about that?
Let’s see what else comes out of this story. Something seems to be missing…
No your just on that special side.
The school did no such thing. They are following the law. Which the state set down.

Set aside your just and righteous Christian anger for a moment.
This is simple. The state of CT says that teens don't have to inform their parents. Period.
This nurse divulged private information on a public social media site. She should be fired. End of story.

What aren't you getting about that?
I'm an atheist not Christian. Again, the school is breaking the law basically committing assault on the kids by giving them unauthorized medial treatments that even worse will have long term consequences setting the taxpayers up for lawsuits.

The nurse is allowed to give stats hun----------it isn't considered personal information
I'm an atheist not Christian. Again, the school is breaking the law basically committing assault on the kids by giving them unauthorized medial treatments that even worse will have long term consequences setting the taxpayers up for lawsuits.

The nurse is allowed to give stats hun----------it isn't considered personal information
What doctor would secretly prescribe puberty blockers for to an eleven year old? Who paid the doctor bill? It's not legal unless they were teenagers.

School Nurse Suspended After Revealing Child On Puberty Blockers, Others Identifying As Non-Binary Without Parents’ Knowledge​

This is happening all over the US as well, just like the vaccines are being given to children with out the parents knowledge.
There is extreme dangers in doing that should a child fall ill, and the parent has no idea about the vaccine. WTF is wrong with you nut job Trump hating lushes.

The the "endtimes" website, Quackery and pseudo science.

What doctor would secretly prescribe puberty blockers for to an eleven year old? Who paid the doctor bill? It's not legal unless they were teenagers.

It's a idiot website that the article is from - quackery and pseudo science.

  • Overall, we rate End Times Headlines Right Biased and a source that promotes conspiracies and pseudoscience.
It's a idiot website that the article is from - quackery and pseudo science.

  • Overall, we rate End Times Headlines Right Biased and a source that promotes conspiracies and pseudoscience.
LOL. Fundamentalists. They're funny. Saw one of these whackos outside a school holding a sign up that said, No Puberty Blockers!.
He was standing in front of a community college...full of people 18 and above...that have all gone through puberty already. :auiqs.jpg:
Tough shit. She'd have more of a leg to stand on here if she had consulted in this order, 1) The school Principal, 2) The school districts lawyer. Nope. Instead she went straight to Facebook instead of taking her concerns up the standard chain of command.
If she was worried about no parental knowledge then she should have taken her concerns to her immediate superiors.

Time to retire. :)
I agree about time to retire.

How in the world do you know that she has not talked to the principal about this? Do you really think the principal is not aware of this? District lawyers talk to the upper ranks of district administration, they don't answer questions by elderly school nurses.

If she had named the students, I would say fire her and de-certify her as a school nurse. But what she announced on Facebook was about the school's policy, not about any individual sstudents. If parents/taxpayers don't have a right to know the policies of the school they send their money and their children to, what do they have the right to know?

If the district is not proud of this policy, they should change it.

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