School nurse suspsended after revelaing child on purberty blocker others identifying as non binary without parents knowledge

Do you think children should be given a medical jab without the parents knowledge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • This is child abuse

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
Also wait until the chinese social credit score kicks in omg, the left begged for it and tehy are going to hate it.
What’s this have to do with the topic everything if you don’t comply you can’t survive if you were one of the ones who fell for it all.
Tough shit. She'd have more of a leg to stand on here if she had consulted in this order, 1) The school Principal, 2) The school districts lawyer. Nope. Instead she went straight to Facebook instead of taking her concerns up the standard chain of command.
If she was worried about no parental knowledge then she should have taken her concerns to her immediate superiors.

Time to retire. :)
She doesn't need a leg to stand on. She's 77. A 77 year old whistleblower. Gotta love it. :p

But hey, cat's out of the bag. Liberals can't deny it happens anymore.

Those of us who've been paying attention, know it happens in more than half of the school districts in the country.

And, it's coming to an end. Guaranteed.

The lefties are hiding behind the law and trying to keep it a secret, but we're going to help make it very, very public.
Want me to message u all the lovely schools that have done it and or are being sued. YOu can believe it or not doesn’t matter to me in the end these fkrs are going to be getting sent up the river like nuremberg code.

You know anything about the nuremberg code ?
Never underestimate how fascist a left loon can be.

Their unhealthy interest in children is disturbing

I guess I'm behind the times that's why I have a hard time believing it.

When I was in school you had to have documentation just to bring in medication and it was stored in the nurse's office. All they would give us was Tylenol in the nurse's office.

And then before you could do something even as an adult like hormones or anything you had to go through a evaluation with a psychiatrist before you could get anything that altered your body. Let alone a person that isn't even 18.

That's why it's hard for me to believe. Then again I don't have kids so all my knowledge of school is 30 years old.
She didn't divulge anything against Hippa laws which is what you are trying to imply. She did nothing illegal or wrong. Her proper course, her only course, with corrupt school boards was to let the parents at her school know about the CHILD ABUSE that the school was promoting and hiding from the parents. And fyi sweetie, telling parents what the school is doing to children is not an alt-right thing, but a parental thing.
HIPPA law no longer exist esp. If one is dumb enough to put it on their little ole iphone bahhahaha.
Or the photo id blows that out of the water, You have no privacy this is not America.
I guess I'm behind the times that's why I have a hard time believing it.

When I was in school you had to have documentation just to bring in medication and it was stored in the nurse's office. All they would give us was Tylenol in the nurse's office.

And then before you could do something even as an adult like hormones or anything you had to go through a evaluation with a psychiatrist before you could get anything that altered your body. Let alone a person that isn't even 18.

That's why it's hard for me to believe. Then again I don't have kids so all my knowledge of school is 30 years old.
Things have changed a lot since our childhood days and the days of when our children were in school. It has gotten progressively worse and more so in some areas than in others.
The state makes that determination, hon. What this woman did was to try to strike a righteous blow for the Alt-Right. :) Sorry.

Wait a minute, you think the school going behind parents back to manipulate and provide illegal unauthorized medical treatments is Legal or moral?

I don't care what the corrupt kooks who have invaded the government said...they don't have the right to ignore laws, lie to parents, and to commit ASSAULT (yes it is ASSAULT when you provide unauthorized and only the guardians can authorize) on the kids. The nurse knows this----she can have her nursing license pulled for ASSAULTING kids by performing unauthorized procedures and treatments on the kids.

This is not a right leaning thing but a parental thing and LAW thing-----despite what the pedos and communists try to spin.
This is also child abuse

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.
This is also child abuse

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.

The Retard mentality is destroying our children and your future doctors .

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.

So along with Jabs this is taking place even though many states are no longer mandating mask bs.

School Nurse Suspended After Revealing Child On Puberty Blockers, Others Identifying As Non-Binary Without Parents’ Knowledge​

This is happening all over the US as well, just like the vaccines are being given to children with out the parents knowledge.
There is extreme dangers in doing that should a child fall ill, and the parent has no idea about the vaccine. WTF is wrong with you nut job Trump hating lushes.
How could she provide puberty blockers? Oh hell, look at your source.

School Nurse Suspended After Revealing Child On Puberty Blockers, Others Identifying As Non-Binary Without Parents’ Knowledge​

This is happening all over the US as well, just like the vaccines are being given to children with out the parents knowledge.
There is extreme dangers in doing that should a child fall ill, and the parent has no idea about the vaccine. WTF is wrong with you nut job Trump hating lushes.
It's from End Times Headlines.
How could she provide puberty blockers? Oh hell, look at your source.

Oh hell , I have documents that they tried to hide from the public ass hat..learn where to research dumb ass.

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.

Your the same ass hats who can’t figure out the below headline as well. LOL

Oh hell , I have documents that they tried to hide from the public ass hat..learn where to research dumb ass.

Speech therapist Jaclyn Theek said that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said, adding that symptoms of autism are also skyrocketing.

Your the same ass hats who can’t figure out the below headline as well. LOL

View attachment 626084
You have documents? Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
11 is not even old enough to have an adolescent fantasy.

10 bucks says the family doctor is a leftard activist.
How odd that she is 77 years old. Why Facebook? Why didn't she contact the parents or state health department or the state board of education.. or even the state nursing board?
Because she has a brain.

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