School nurse suspsended after revelaing child on purberty blocker others identifying as non binary without parents knowledge

Do you think children should be given a medical jab without the parents knowledge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • This is child abuse

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
Well no, the left REALLY needs to get past the nonsense society owns children


They think they own us all.


Well no, the left REALLY needs to get past the nonsense society owns children

Yes that is amazing how it’s always their children, in the class room they claim the kids as “ their kids” .
Funny how they are the same pukes who never seem to be community doctors for free for children, or funny how they prefer to kill them 28 days after being born….Uuugh don’t get me started LOL.
I'm having a hard time believing a school can somehow give students puberty blockers. So social workers and schools somehow are able to prescribe medication and give it to kids completely on their own without a medical license or parental consent?

Am I confused here?
I am floored at how these leftist are taking it upon themselves to do this to these children.
It doesn’t matter if ppl believe this or not but when the new nuremberg code takes place on Fauci, and Gates after all is said and done these pos loons will be sitting on death row.

They have facts and they have stats they are not releasing to the public view and those who have made it to public view are being hidden by MSM controlled media.
Problem is that shitty spirit spreads when not contested or held at bay.
Exactly nobody is doing a dam thing and they know they can get away with it, not only that if a parent does do something the system is so, so corrupt the right pieces are in place to claim a leftist win again.
The ppl can not see this and never will until it gets so bad..
I'm having a hard time believing a school can somehow give students puberty blockers. So social workers and schools somehow are able to prescribe medication and give it to kids completely on their own without a medical license or parental consent?

Am I confused here?

Never underestimate how fascist a left loon can be.

Their unhealthy interest in children is disturbing
I'm having a hard time believing a school can somehow give students puberty blockers. So social workers and schools somehow are able to prescribe medication and give it to kids completely on their own without a medical license or parental consent?

Am I confused here?
Want me to message u all the lovely schools that have done it and or are being sued. YOu can believe it or not doesn’t matter to me in the end these fkrs are going to be getting sent up the river like nuremberg code.

You know anything about the nuremberg code ?
She didn't divulge anything against Hippa laws which is what you are trying to imply. She did nothing illegal or wrong. Her proper course, her only course, with corrupt school boards was to let the parents at her school know about the CHILD ABUSE that the school was promoting and hiding from the parents. And fyi sweetie, telling parents what the school is doing to children is not an alt-right thing, but a parental thing.
The state makes that determination, hon. What this woman did was to try to strike a righteous blow for the Alt-Right. :) Sorry.

Exactly nobody is doing a dam thing and they know they can get away with it, not only that if a parent does do something the system is so, so corrupt the right pieces are in place to claim a leftist win again.
The ppl can not see this and never will until it gets so bad..
Standing on truth is not always easy (thinking in the flesh) and the truth is when you do you will most definitely become a target in the future when you do that. I know this from personal experience. Another thing is some people think they are just too damn important to get dirty or take any losses to themselves so they are more than willing to encourage someone else but won't do a damn thing themselves.

In 1992 a magistrate judge who had abused many families over the years was voted off the bench in Idaho. It was a first time in history that had happened in Idaho. A friend and former AG told me after it was all said and done he was sorry as he didn't know it was that bad. He also proudly introduced me to another Idaho judge as a dear friend who...

In 2002 in Iowa a judge made a comment on how I hated lawyers and judges. I told him I didn't have a clue what he was talking about as some of my best friends were lawyers and judges. With all the rumors floating about another judge took it upon himself to allow Wells Fargo and others to get away with major fraud.

With that said I would still even today stand on the truth for other parents and children would not suffer at the hands of a psychopath in a position that they never belonged in in the first place. God did not give us a Spirit of fear.
If the parents' permission isn't there, do not pass go and do not collect whatever money is given to you once you are there.

God bless you always!!!

That is the way it should be but creeps are in our legislatures passing laws to undermine parental rights. Thus it is upon the people to take a stand in every state.
That is the way it should be but creeps are in our legislatures passing laws to undermine parental rights. Thus it is upon the people to take a stand in every state.

Underneath all of this, it is to make children the adults so the adults attracted to minors can come sailing right on in and these blind dumb asses won’t ever notice a thing until the 50 yr old down the streets wants to marry their kid on a personal level is what it often takes for these mental patients to wake up. Meaning leftist.
Underneath all of this, it is to make children the adults so the adults attracted to minors can come sailing right on in and these blind dumb asses won’t ever notice a thing until the 50 yr old down the streets wants to marry their kid on a personal level is what it often takes for these mental patients to wake up. Meaning leftist.
That extreme right is no better in those countries. One should keep in mind that in certain countries, societies and religions, child brides are fine and dandy and rape is no big deal.

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