School Says Girl's Hair Is A Distraction


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009

WLOS ABC 13 News :: Top Stories - School Says Girl's Hair Is A Distraction
It's butt ugly but she certainly has the right to do whatever she likes to her hair.

In my school days a teacher would use her head and instead of telling the kid her hair is a problem, she would have just made her sit in the back of the class.
An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors:green, red, orange, blue, and yellow.

The old man just stared.

Every time the young man looked, the old man was staring.

The young man finally said sarcastically, "What's the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?"

Without batting an eye, the old man replied, "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.

What has happened to the idea that schools were there as the guardians of middle class vaues, and to verifiably educate- rather than the guardians of proper hair styles????

1. I think that the little girl in the pic has a beautiful hair style....but I want her to be valedictorian, not the target of disciplinary actions!

2. Texas parents, school tangle over boy's long locks
BALCH SPRINGS, Texas – Taylor Pugh has been suspended from pre-kindergarten because he likes his hair a little on the floppy side.The four-year-old sat with a teacher's aide in a suburban Dallas school library Wednesday while his friends played and studied together in a classroom.
"They kicked me out that place," said Taylor, who prefers the nickname Tater Tot. "I miss my friends."
Taylor's locks — long on the front and sides, covering his earlobes and shirt collar — violate the school district's dress code. He has been punished with in-school suspension since late last month.
His parents say the boy plans to eventually cut his hair and donate it to a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients. And they are not happy with the district's rules.

3. "Ever notice how all the wrong things such as progressivism, communism, socialism, leftism, and just general [stuff], has become more and more the norm in the public schools Re-Education Camps lately? All the wrong things, all the anti-American things, and all things radical seem to be becoming more and more the ideology. All the more reason why teachers need to be fired, teachers unions smashed, and the complete dismantling of the Dept. of Education are all in order.

A “teacher” by the name of Debra Blessman, all signs indicate she is a Marxist, required her students to watch the Michael Moore film, “Sicko,” in which the Marxist Moore demonizes American health care and praises communist Cuba. Indoctrination? You’re goddam right it is.
This is a part of the phony teacher Debra Blessman’s curriculum regarding her mandatory indoctrination assignment of watching a communist propaganda film."
Francis Howell Indoctrination Center, I mean High School | Lake Minnetonka Liberty Archives

3. On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Unified School District board voted unanimously to condemn Arizona’s infamous immigration law, SB 1070, and to register that disapproval in the form of lessons on the subject to be implemented in local public classrooms. L.A. School Board Votes to Use Arizona Law as Object Lesson - Truthdig
LA school district pushing ideology on kids

The Factor asked Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly about the L.A. school board and whether it can be sued. "They say they're going to teach students how bad the Arizona law is," Kelly reported, "just like they teach them how bad slavery and racism and anti-Semitism are. But the general rule is that courts can't interfere in school board decisions, with a very narrow exception if a constitutional right of the students is being trampled on." The Factor predicted the 'conversation' will actually be a propagandistic diatribe: "The Los Angeles press release says the Arizona law is misguided, immoral and un-American. That is the way the law is going to be presented to the children." Bill O'Reilly: The O'Reilly Factor Flash - Thursday, June 3, 2010

Listen to this quote from board president Monica Garcia: "America must stand for tolerance, inclusiveness and equality. In our civics classes and in our hallways, we must give life to these values by teaching our students to value themselves, to respect others and to demand fairness and justice for all who live within our borders. Any law which violates civil rights is un-American."
So this is great. Monica Garcia is now the decider when it comes to what's un-American. Monica Garcia is the new un-American czar. Are you kidding me?
Three Points of Insanity - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor -
An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors:green, red, orange, blue, and yellow.

The old man just stared.

Every time the young man looked, the old man was staring.

The young man finally said sarcastically, "What's the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?"

Without batting an eye, the old man replied, "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son.

I dont care what they look like. I dont care what they wear, how many holes they drill into their faces, what they have tatooed on, what hair they want.(so long as it is not gang related)

So long as they are good people, do well in class they are fine by me.

And that hair is FAR less distracting then boys with their damn pants hanging around their knees.

my only comment to that photo is


I dont care what they look like. I dont care what they wear, how many holes they drill into their faces, what they have tatooed on, what hair they want.(so long as it is not gang related)

So long as they are good people, do well in class they are fine by me.

And that hair is FAR less distracting then boys with their damn pants hanging around their knees.

my only comment to that photo is


Are you commenting on the fact that this girl is colored?

I dont care what they look like. I dont care what they wear, how many holes they drill into their faces, what they have tatooed on, what hair they want.(so long as it is not gang related)

So long as they are good people, do well in class they are fine by me.

And that hair is FAR less distracting then boys with their damn pants hanging around their knees.

my only comment to that photo is


Are you commenting on the fact that this girl is colored?

i happen to prefer natural colors on women
and then the one that is their genetically given color
usually works best
Are you commenting on the fact that this girl is colored?

i happen to prefer natural colors on women
and then the one that is their genetically given color
usually works best

I think that Tank did a search in google:

colored girl school trouble

...and posted the first article he found.
but then i dont share his views on such things
I don't think public schools need to fight that battle. They've got bigger problems.

However, at my kid's Catholic school, they have strict rules about hair and makeup. My son will not get a haircut until "the principal says something" His little act of rebellion. Right now his hair is down to his shoulders. His new principal doesn't know his game. Lol
Her hair looks cool, just hope no one in the hood thinks shes a police car.
I don't think public schools need to fight that battle. They've got bigger problems.

However, at my kid's Catholic school, they have strict rules about hair and makeup. My son will not get a haircut until "the principal says something" His little act of rebellion. Right now his hair is down to his shoulders. His new principal doesn't know his game. Lol
and YOU cant tell him to get a hair cut?
if you want to, you can tell him he has two choices, either he can get one, or you'll give him one, and at that point YOUR choice of styles will be what he gets

works every times its tried

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