School secretary arrested for allegedly duct taping 1st grader

You cannot assume nothing going to happen god people like you drive me nuts. You want want to think the parents will never do anything at all.
I didn't know I was a "god people"
Does this mean I get the special divine discounts?

If a child is a serious problem, it is close to absolutely certain that the parents have been repeatedly contacted in the past. From the child's continued bad behavior one is forced to conclude that calling the parents will do absolutely nothing.

Idiots like you drive me nuts.
As a parent, and as an adult who grew up going to a school where they had a signed permission slip from my Dad, giving them the authority to spank me, I can understand discipline.

At 6 years old my son knew that actions had consequences, and one of those could be my hand across his backside. He wasn't an angel by any means, and he isn't now (teenagers are evil incarnate) but he knew then, and now, that any punishment he received at school was secondary to what he would get at home.

Now that being said, I don't see how taping up the kid's mouth and hands could do anybody any good.

Discipline in the schools would be great...except for the fact of all the MILLIONS of dollars (our tax dollars) that would be spent on defending them from lawsuits.

I don't know the full story of what happened...but if she truly did what she's accused of, she probably needs a break from the school anyway. Not to mention some meds.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Mother sue... for her son's "mental anguish" of course. Which can always be fixed with Mom getting a few hundred thousands dollars.
Any restraint of liberty MUST be within legal guidelines, in loco parentis is not a license to do what was done nor exile a student to the closet for 8 hours, as an example.
Using duct tape is excessive and deserves censure, but not a kidnapping charge. What kind of little monster was the child? How many times had "appropriate" discipline failed?

Call the parents? What happens when they do nothing? What about the other kids in the classroom which this child presumably vacated after disruptive behavior? Do they deserve to have their educational opportunities eliminated by one spoiled brat?

I would like to see a policy wherein parents with misbehaving little monsters were told "Get a private tutor or school The education is still mandatory, but your failure to instill even a tiny a modicum of respect means the heathen is no longer permitted in the public school system. Failure to see to said education will see you charged with neglect."
If parents faced the real prospect of being forced to cough up a few thousand dollars every year or make their "darling child" behave in school, they might decide to teach the tykes manners.

You cannot assume nothing going to happen god people like you drive me nuts. You want want to think the parents will never do anything at all.

Was this kid in your class?
You cannot assume nothing going to happen god people like you drive me nuts. You want want to think the parents will never do anything at all.
I didn't know I was a "god people"
Does this mean I get the special divine discounts?

If a child is a serious problem, it is close to absolutely certain that the parents have been repeatedly contacted in the past. From the child's continued bad behavior one is forced to conclude that calling the parents will do absolutely nothing.

Idiots like you drive me nuts.

Again jumping to conclusions, You are saying something we don't know. you saying his past. we don't know his past we don't know what he so called did.

it could be millions of things and to think parents won't do nothing shows your no better than the duct taper.
Using duct tape is excessive and deserves censure, but not a kidnapping charge. What kind of little monster was the child? How many times had "appropriate" discipline failed?

Call the parents? What happens when they do nothing? What about the other kids in the classroom which this child presumably vacated after disruptive behavior? Do they deserve to have their educational opportunities eliminated by one spoiled brat?

I would like to see a policy wherein parents with misbehaving little monsters were told "Get a private tutor or school The education is still mandatory, but your failure to instill even a tiny a modicum of respect means the heathen is no longer permitted in the public school system. Failure to see to said education will see you charged with neglect."
If parents faced the real prospect of being forced to cough up a few thousand dollars every year or make their "darling child" behave in school, they might decide to teach the tykes manners.

You cannot assume nothing going to happen god people like you drive me nuts. You want want to think the parents will never do anything at all.

Was this kid in your class?

I wish you just shut up already.
Right! I had long hair when I was 6 and 7 and the nuns used to love to take my hair and drag and shake me by my hair. If you cried you got it even worse. I think a lot of them could have used some jail time.

Omg, weren't they the biggest bitches ever? :lol:

These days they would all be charged with child abuse and spend some jail time. It's interesting that the only ones who are being criminally charged are the priests. The nuns did just as much psychological and in some cases, physical damage.

If she's charged with child abuse, she richly deserves it.

Being a teacher or other school official doesn't give you carte blanche to discipline other people's kids.

I got paddled when I was in junior high. It was before the whole "permission slip" move.

These days, I wouldn't want anyone else enacting corporal punishment on my kids (if I had kids). Teachers are free to discipline them through any means up to laying a hand on them. They can notify me, and I can do that If I deem it's necessary.

There are too many screwballs in the world (as evidenced by this secretary) to let someone else arbitrarily decide when your kid is going to get paddled.
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The school has no choice but to shit can her and distance themselves as best they can. I will also go out on a limb and guess that her "custodial position" over the child does not authorize the usage of duct tape for silencing and confinement.

The school should shit can her. She obviously lacks judgment when it comes to interacting with adolescents.
I wish you could write in properly constructed sentences. We don't always get what we want. Stop whining, go take a nap.

Don't even start with me you bitch. and you better watch what you say. this can now be consider a hate crime. against me.

What a very grown up response. Idiot.

Telling me to take a nap is a grown up replay? I am sorry what fantasy world are you living in ?

never mind me mention "idiot " as well
Again jumping to conclusions, You are saying something we don't know. you saying his past. we don't know his past we don't know what he so called did.

it could be millions of things and to think parents won't do nothing shows your no better than the duct taper.
Well at least we know something of your past.
You obviously failed English class. Deservedly so.
Again jumping to conclusions, You are saying something we don't know. you saying his past. we don't know his past we don't know what he so called did.

it could be millions of things and to think parents won't do nothing shows your no better than the duct taper.
Well at least we know something of your past.
You obviously failed English class. Deservedly so.

I suspect not just English.
Don't even start with me you bitch. and you better watch what you say. this can now be consider a hate crime. against me.

What a very grown up response. Idiot.

Telling me to take a nap is a grown up replay? I am sorry what fantasy world are you living in ?

never mind me mention "idiot " as well

You called me a bitch, I called you an idiot. Both are accurate.

Somebody pass me the duct tape, we have a whiner here.

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