School shootings in the state of Utah since 1847


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
20 pct of Administrators, and 12 pct of teachers have concealed weapons at Utah schools
And no deaths.

April 12, 1919 Ogden City, Utah 0 1 During a high school assembly, six boys shot off their guns. Permission had been given in the belief the guns were loaded with blanks but they had live shot. Teacher Verna Davidson was shot in the foot.[77]

August 1, 1920 Ogden, Utah 0 1 Mike Smults, the night watchman at the Utah school for the Deaf and Blind, shot a 10-year-old boy, Dennis McDonald, as he and his brother Clinton cut through the campus. The watchman said he fired into the air as a warning.[8

February 10, 1989 Kearns, Utah 0 0 At Thomas Jefferson Junior High School, a 12-year-old boy fired a handgun at a vice principal, William Crumbaugh. No one was injured.[23

September 11, 2014 Taylorsville, Utah 0 1 An elementary school teacher with a concealed weapon permit had her gun fire accidentally in a faculty bathroom. The bullet shattered a toilet, and fragments of both the bullet and the porcelain injured her leg.[477]

October 25, 2016 Sandy, Utah 0 1 Police say the two teens ages 14 and 16 were involved in a confrontation on the far north end of Union Middle School. The boys got into an argument. The argument lead to a shooting. The 14 year old shot the 16 year old twice. He was sent to the hospital in critical but stable condition.[523]

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