School Tells 10-Year-Old Girl to Ask Dad About Erections, Ejaculation, State Legislator Alleges

I concede your point
What you cannot tell however is his outrage over it if it was true. In fact there is nothing in our society that indicates that it is absurd and not true.

Just so we are clear. This is what is being normalized here, there and everywhere.

Paraded and propped as some hero and is a cross dressing boy that does striptease dances from time he was 7 at gay bars.

That is daytime television normalizing abomination and all to loud applause of Moonglow types.

He has no point other than he is a subject to his globalist overlords, period.
This is not an active class it is a proposed class.
You just waste our time with the unrelenting denial and defections. IT IS WHAT THE LEFT WANTS and they won't stop until they get it. November can't come soon enough.
Ah yes, HIV-AIDS, genital warts, and the myriad of other sexually transmitted diseases.
Menstruation, intercourse, pregnancy, contraception...etc.
Girls and boys need to know, before they reach puberty....IMO.
That means starting at age 10, or age 5...guided by their parents in a casual and truthful manner.
No-idea parents? Guess schools feel responsible.
Mothers would be better for 10 yr old girls to go home and ask.
Don't schools have sex-ed classes?
The alternative is, having young people knowing nothing and ruining their lives thru ignorance.
Back in the day, in mrs bambu's workplace, a young pregnant married woman of shall we say, a multicultural background, was being mocked because she thought her baby was going to enter the world thru her navel.
Yes, women mocking women, so much for sisterhood.
Mrs bambu, ever the champion of the bullied, mocked, oppressed, and ostracised...had the girl go with her to the ladies room, where she explained things to her and informed her where she should phone/attend for confidential help.
I am wondering if the Aussie teacher was more of a voyeur, wishing to hear all about the boners of the daddy’s of those female students?
Of course he was, and not just a voyeur. I don’t know if there is a name for it, but there are certain people who get a kick out of talking sexually to a person who isn’t in a position to say, “stop, that makes me uncomfortable.” I see it a lot when playing poker, some Old Man Coffee will crack sexual jokes to the game girls, knowing that they are there for tips only, and can’t afford to object. These teachers are the same, only their power over the student is the adult-educator/child-student dynamic.

This whole idea of educators saying to each other “let’s teach ‘our kids’ about having sex when you’re trans while they are still young enough not to have been brainwashed by their parents,” is a great excuse for such people to engage children in sex talk that they would be arrested for in any other setting but the classroom.
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The alternative is, having young people knowing nothing and ruining their lives thru ignorance.
Back in the day, in mrs bambu's workplace, a young pregnant married woman of shall we say, a multicultural background, was being mocked because she thought her baby was going to enter the world thru her navel.
Yes, women mocking women, so much for sisterhood.
Mrs bambu, ever the champion of the bullied, mocked, oppressed, and ostracised...had the girl go with her to the ladies room, where she explained things to her and informed her where she should phone/attend for confidential help.
The alternative to allowing our children to be brainwashed by the trans movement is them knowing nothing and having their lives ruined by ignorance? I can think of several other alternatives.

I’m not a prude or a religious fanatic. I believe that public schools should teach sex education, and that it should be very frank. I believe most parents do. Teaching sex education guided by the queer agenda instead of providing information that students need and will need, would not be accepted by most parents. Nor do they want their children taught about sexuality starting in pre-K. Not by schools, anyway.

This doesn’t happen in small towns where the parents are actively involved in school board elections. It is the big cities whose school board elections are controlled by the funding of teachers unions where we get whole school boards with anti-parent agendas. Unfortunately, that anti-parent, pro-radical agenda becomes the norm when adopted by large city school systems, and it becomes the doctrine of professional organizations for educators.

Now, when parents speak up about their children being harmed, they are subject to federal investigation with a new threat tag pinned to their name that will never come off.
Yes, anatomy and human bodily functions are so pedophilic in character.

So, you're perfectly fine with a young girl being told to ask her Daddy about his erections and his ejaculations?

I'm not sure exactly what the fuck is wrong with you, but it's no small thing. Anyone who has no problem with that is a fuckin' pervert who needs to be dropped...
During vietnam we referred to Australia as one big bed.
"Consenting adults" is one thing ["women are entitled to have a sex-life"]...this abuse of children is quite another.
My guess is that 'abuse' is one thing more than one person is calling it.
It should be noted that this article is about a school/education dept/policy/govt located only in Victoria state Australia.
Victoria is a leftist state.
If they tried this "10 yr old girl Go home and ask your daddy about...all that has been detailed" on in NSW [New South Wales] state...there'd be a *riot*...the anger so white-hot from the public that heads would roll in the halls of power and education.

In Australia today, and in most of the West seems to me, any father confronted with this type of thing brought home from school by his child, should look at it, read what the child has presented him with.
Having read and understood exactly what it is, should say to his child [alarm bells and sirens having gone off in his head]..."Go and watch tv for a while, dear, I have some things to do in the [home]office".
He should immediately go into the office and ring his lawyer, taking the homework documents with him.
He should start a diary note in a special diary or book...detailing all that has happened since his child came home from school. Keeping all the homework documents in his safe.
It's important he says nothing about the homework to his child before seeking legal advice.
So, you're perfectly fine with a young girl being told to ask her Daddy about his erections and his ejaculations?

I'm not sure exactly what the fuck is wrong with you, but it's no small thing. Anyone who has no problem with that is a fuckin' pervert who needs to be dropped...
As the war against childhood gets sicker and sicker out there, these mindless creatures just keep going along with it for no other reason than they think they should.
ou never mention religious organizations which have a problem also.

*80-90% faggots preying on kids, same as with the Catholic Church; that's how 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' played out for them. Your faggot buddies need to be kept away from kids, period.

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