School Tells White Kids To Step Aside, This Is For Black Kids Only

That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
Most of them are not much better off having been on your LibDem poverty programs. Such an appropriate name: Poverty Programs.
Liberals always see the color of your skin first and judge your character last....and sometimes never.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.

Liberals like paint don't think beyond their own existence so everything they do or try to do blows up in their face. This is why Obama's presidency has been such a freaking mess of screw ups.
I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
You're the most racist person on this forum next to Odium. You legitimately think every other race should give money to the black race because the black race was harmed. Why don't you go burn yourself with coffee and sue mcdonalds.
All humans are racist and when this country has a level playing field, it doesn't, then you can sit back and watch, not before.
You- just give black people money cause you owe it for the possible slavers way back whenever the fuck. (my family moved here after slavery so couldn't have been me)
Me- I have no problem personally assisting black people or any other race who is poor off but I don't think any child born into a specific race deserves government help than any other race.

I have a lot of respect for many many African Americans but if they started mentioning such programs as this on a government budget I would tell them they are stupid. I find it hard to believe that most decent black people would even support this kind of a thing though.

They didn't until the Democrats succored them into leaving the Republican Party and joining with the Democrats for a few measly crumbs off the Liberal Plantation table.
I have hope. There will be great black leaders soon who can be real examples instead of all the bullshit that goes on now. The problem right now is that if blacks try to break off from the culture they get spit on and called uncle tom or house "N" by their own race so it kind of stunts any change that could happen.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.

Your Democrat buddies in white were never concerned with improving the lives of blacks. Just as your party doesn't today.
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
I wonder if you, like Ben Affleck, have slaveowner blood in your ancestry you're trying to atone for. You seem so desperate to prove you're not racist against blacks one begins to wonder if you have some unspeakable crime in your past.

Tell us what your sin is. We'll be a lot more understanding than you might think.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.

Liberals like paint don't think beyond their own existence so everything they do or try to do blows up in their face. This is why Obama's presidency has been such a freaking mess of screw ups.
I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
You're the most racist person on this forum next to Odium. You legitimately think every other race should give money to the black race because the black race was harmed. Why don't you go burn yourself with coffee and sue mcdonalds.
All humans are racist and when this country has a level playing field, it doesn't, then you can sit back and watch, not before.
Lies. A poor white kid has less resources available to him than a poor black kid.
What is considered the best American novel of the past 25 years was written by a black woman, Toni Morrison. So much for blacks being low IQ and failures. Her novel, BELOVED, is taught in universities around the world.
I bet it wasn't written in Ebonics. Something you LibDems are afraid to tell your slaves that it is something they should avoid speaking.
Sure thing, Adolf.
Another gathering of Democrats I see. Which one is you?

This is far more likely a self portrait of you and your friends.
Nope. Been Republican all my life. Never been a LibDem.
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That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
Most of them are not much better off having been on your LibDem poverty programs. Such an appropriate name: Poverty Programs.
Maybe you'd better work on your own race, Whitey:

Location........White .........Black ........Hispanic ...Other ......Total
United States 19,027,400 10,312,400 12,853,100 3,555,500 45,748,400

Poverty Rate by Race Ethnicity The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
Most of them are not much better off having been on your LibDem poverty programs. Such an appropriate name: Poverty Programs.
Maybe you'd better work on your own race, Whitey:

Location........White .........Black ........Hispanic ...Other ......Total
United States 19,027,400 10,312,400 12,853,100 3,555,500 45,748,400

Poverty Rate by Race Ethnicity The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
What's wrong with the poverty rate? And I've told you a dozen times. I think at this point we shouldn't even be looking at statistics like that anymore. Look at the total poverty rate across the board and figure it out together. Being poor is being poor. It's no longer some type of unique struggle.
1924 Democratic National Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The 1924 Democratic National Convention, also called the Klanbake,[1] held at the Madison Square Garden in New York City from June 24 to July 9, 1924, took a record 103 ballots to nominate a presidential candidate. It was the longest continuously running convention in United States political history. It was the first major party national convention that saw the name of a woman, Lena Springs, placed in nomination for the office of Vice President. It was also known for the strong influence of the Ku Klux Klan. John W. Davis, initially an outsider, eventually won the presidential nomination as a compromise candidate following a virtual war of attrition between front-runners William Gibbs McAdoo and Al Smith.
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
Most of them are not much better off having been on your LibDem poverty programs. Such an appropriate name: Poverty Programs.
Maybe you'd better work on your own race, Whitey:

Location........White .........Black ........Hispanic ...Other ......Total
United States 19,027,400 10,312,400 12,853,100 3,555,500 45,748,400

Poverty Rate by Race Ethnicity The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
What is 12% of 330 million? Then compare 80% of 330 million to it. Your numbers don't look so promising for the people you LibDems are bringing out of poverty with your compassion.
KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party National Black Republican Association

"History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party. This ugly fact about the Democrat Party is detailed in the book, A Short History of Reconstruction, (Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., 1990) by Dr. Eric Foner, the renown liberal historian who is the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University. As a further testament to his impeccable credentials, Professor Foner is only the second person to serve as president of the three major professional organizations: the Organization of American Historians, American Historical Association, and Society of American Historians.
Democrats in the last century did not hide their connections to the Ku Klux Klan. Georgia-born Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wrote on page 21 of the September 1928 edition of the Klan’s “The Kourier Magazine”: “I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.”
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That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
Most of them are not much better off having been on your LibDem poverty programs. Such an appropriate name: Poverty Programs.
Maybe you'd better work on your own race, Whitey:

Location........White .........Black ........Hispanic ...Other ......Total
United States 19,027,400 10,312,400 12,853,100 3,555,500 45,748,400

Poverty Rate by Race Ethnicity The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
What is 12% of 330 million? Then compare 80% of 330 million to it. Your numbers don't look so promising for the people you LibDems are bringing out of poverty with your compassion.
You aren't 80%, Whitey.

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