School Tells White Kids To Step Aside, This Is For Black Kids Only

I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
Get the hate out of your heart and you'll be a happier man for it.
One should hate evil.
Wanting standards and equality isn't evil. Pull your head out of your ass.
Humanity is what's evil, dumbass.
I for once agree with you despite my belief that you are a big racist who if was put in control of government would prolong racism.
I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
Get the hate out of your heart and you'll be a happier man for it.
One should hate evil.
Wanting standards and equality isn't evil. Pull your head out of your ass.
Humanity is what's evil, dumbass.
I for once agree with you despite my belief that you are a big racist who if was put in control of government would prolong racism.
Racism ends when human races or humanity ends, not before.
All humans are racist and when this country has a level playing field, it doesn't, then you can sit back and watch, not before.

Republicans leveled the playing field in the 1960s and 100 years before that. Time for everyone to step up and play ball.
Where'd you get that fantasy from, Rush Limbaugh? That's utter crap, BTW.
I wonder if you, like Ben Affleck, have slaveowner blood in your ancestry you're trying to atone for. You seem so desperate to prove you're not racist against blacks one begins to wonder if you have some unspeakable crime in your past.

Tell us what your sin is. We'll be a lot more understanding than you might think.

Why Paint is so un-racist that he can call blacks n1ggers cause they respect him for fighting Whitey for them.
I wonder if you, like Ben Affleck, have slaveowner blood in your ancestry you're trying to atone for. You seem so desperate to prove you're not racist against blacks one begins to wonder if you have some unspeakable crime in your past.

Tell us what your sin is. We'll be a lot more understanding than you might think.

Why Paint is so un-racist that he can call blacks n1ggers cause they respect him for fighting Whitey for them.
I call them ******* because you little PC morons aren't honest enough to.
All humans are racist and when this country has a level playing field, it doesn't, then you can sit back and watch, not before.

Republicans leveled the playing field in the 1960s and 100 years before that. Time for everyone to step up and play ball.
Where'd you get that fantasy from, Rush Limbaugh? That's utter crap, BTW.
Controllable behavior and money are the only things that hold back African Americans today. Money has been proven that it can be overcome in many scenarios. It just takes a couple hard working generations. I don't know if there is an example in history of a country helping the poor crime ridden culture and then suddenly they become equal through massive amounts of government aid. Tell me if they do because I seriously don't know.
Talking about all this fairness and white privilege is kind of humorous in a way. If you think about it Africans mostly sold other Africans to be our slaves. They helped us make a shitty lazy south with low industry when compared with the low slave northern counter parts. Contributed very little to the success of the US. Later we decide it's wrong so we release them from slavery. We allow them to use the colleges we made, use the roads, the amazing government system, and everything that white Americans had worked so hard to achieve was just given to African Americans after a short term of slavery they got to be part of the best country in the world and wouldn't want to leave it now. They never had to set up a stable government, make a constitution, or strong infrastructure. Now I'd say 70% of white people treat blacks with just as much respect as they would treat another white man or maybe I'm the only one that does that. Just another way I thought of how good white people have been despite us whites hating negroes so much.
Talking about all this fairness and white privilege is kind of humorous in a way. If you think about it Africans mostly sold other Africans to be our slaves. They helped us make a shitty lazy south with low industry when compared with the low slave northern counter parts. Contributed very little to the success of the US. Later we decide it's wrong so we release them from slavery. We allow them to use the colleges we made, use the roads, the amazing government system, and everything that white Americans had worked so hard to achieve was just given to African Americans after a short term of slavery they got to be part of the best country in the world and wouldn't want to leave it now. They never had to set up a stable government, make a constitution, or strong infrastructure. Now I'd say 70% of white people treat blacks with just as much respect as they would treat another white man or maybe I'm the only one that does that. Just another way I thought of how good white people have been despite us whites hating negroes so much.
What a good little Nazi you are...
Where'd you get that fantasy from, Rush Limbaugh? That's utter crap, BTW.
Prove me wrong, fool.
You didn't level shit, and never would have given a chance. You've always been fine with the ******* as slaves, and always will be.
Get your ass an education and then try to tell us Democrats freed the slaves and passed Civil Rights legislation. Who was President during Brown vs Board of Education?

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