School Tells White Kids To Step Aside, This Is For Black Kids Only

You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations.
Among other things, that so many believe utterly and entirely untrue things such as that.
What is considered the best American novel of the past 25 years was written by a black woman, Toni Morrison. So much for blacks being low IQ and failures. Her novel, BELOVED, is taught in universities around the world.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations.
Among other things, that so many believe utterly and entirely untrue things such as that.
Why would 37% of black people say that they are racist whenever black people stick together about everything and rarely criticize themselves despite having the most problems if it weren't true? I don't live in black communities but I have seen how people look at me if I try to talk to them in many areas. It's just not the same in other communities the level of racism.

And back on topic about the bus. African Americans are Americans so why not have a bus for poor Americans rather than for just African Americans despite there social status. What about the rich African Americans that are actually better off than the fast majority of other races? It's stupid to divide a field trip like this by race.
Government these days especially at the federal level are all about dividing us by race gender and don't be surprised when a Government school divides us as well. Get DC out of the education business before it's too late.
You're an ass.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, Irish, Jews, others. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.
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Government these days especially at the federal level are all about dividing us by race gender and don't be surprised when a Government school divides us as well. Get DC out of the education business before it's too late.
The difference between me and our racist government is that I actually want a generation to grow up viewing other as equals and just other humans. Liberals don't give a fuck about anything but trying to meet race, sex, homosexual quotas within our society. Something is clearly wrong if more of one race decides to do something so let's pick this specific race out and help them instead of just viewing everyone as a group and helping groups with problems not based on skin color.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations.
Among other things, that so many believe utterly and entirely untrue things such as that.
Why would 37% of black people say that they are racist whenever black people stick together about everything and rarely criticize themselves despite having the most problems if it weren't true? I don't live in black communities but I have seen how people look at me if I try to talk to them in many areas. It's just not the same in other communities the level of racism.

And back on topic about the bus. African Americans are Americans so why not have a bus for poor Americans rather than for just African Americans despite there social status. What about the rich African Americans that are actually better off than the fast majority of other races? It's stupid to divide a field trip like this by race.
No self-respecting black would want anything to do with you, Whitey. You are why these kinds of programs for blacks were invented.
[QUOTE="saintmichaeldefendthem, post: 11235220, member: 52097]
You're an ass.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.[/QUOTE]
People hated the Irish but they worked their way up.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.
Stupid, lazy, criminal *******. Got it.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations.
Among other things, that so many believe utterly and entirely untrue things such as that.
Why would 37% of black people say that they are racist whenever black people stick together about everything and rarely criticize themselves despite having the most problems if it weren't true? I don't live in black communities but I have seen how people look at me if I try to talk to them in many areas. It's just not the same in other communities the level of racism.

And back on topic about the bus. African Americans are Americans so why not have a bus for poor Americans rather than for just African Americans despite there social status. What about the rich African Americans that are actually better off than the fast majority of other races? It's stupid to divide a field trip like this by race.
No self-respecting black would want anything to do with you, Whitey. You are why these kinds of programs for blacks were invented.
You- just give black people money cause you owe it for the possible slavers way back whenever the fuck. (my family moved here after slavery so couldn't have been me)
Me- I have no problem personally assisting black people or any other race who is poor off but I don't think any child born into a specific race deserves government help than any other race.

I have a lot of respect for many many African Americans but if they started mentioning such programs as this on a government budget I would tell them they are stupid. I find it hard to believe that most decent black people would even support this kind of a thing though.
From the article: As part of a plan to encourage Black third-graders to take their education seriously and aim for earning a college degree, Dr. G. David Moss, director of African-American student/parent services at South Bend Community Schools Corporation, arranged a series of outings to bus youngsters to area colleges.

It was a plan to help encourage black kids to aim for college, something they NEED more than white kids. You racist assholes are always going on about what losers blacks are, but anything done to help and encourage them to rise above their current status is racist to you. You racists make me sick.

You send these black kids to a college and then tell them they'll never get there on their own without the help of LibDems.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.

Liberals like paint don't think beyond their own existence so everything they do or try to do blows up in their face. This is why Obama's presidency has been such a freaking mess of screw ups.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.

Your Democrat buddies in white were never concerned with improving the lives of blacks. Just as your party doesn't today.
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.

Liberals like paint don't think beyond their own existence so everything they do or try to do blows up in their face. This is why Obama's presidency has been such a freaking mess of screw ups.
I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.

Your Democrat buddies in white were never concerned with improving the lives of blacks. Just as your party doesn't today.
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
They vote for dems because they think dems will give them free hand outs which they will do thinking that it helps things when in fact it does nothing because large groups of people are like children. Once they realize they can get by and be comfortable doing nothing then why not just stay that way. People fear change.
You- just give black people money cause you owe it for the possible slavers way back whenever the fuck. (my family moved here after slavery so couldn't have been me)
Me- I have no problem personally assisting black people or any other race who is poor off but I don't think any child born into a specific race deserves government help than any other race.

I have a lot of respect for many many African Americans but if they started mentioning such programs as this on a government budget I would tell them they are stupid. I find it hard to believe that most decent black people would even support this kind of a thing though.

They didn't until the Democrats succored them into leaving the Republican Party and joining with the Democrats for a few measly crumbs off the Liberal Plantation table.
It's liberals like Paint that is the reason for blacks remaining in the lower classes, socially and economically. Funny, but people immigrating here from other cultures with fewer advantages that blacks have here, quickly find themselves climbing out of poverty and onto the success bus. Indians (Hindu), Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans. And that's probably because the Democrat party hasn't reached out to them as they did with blacks who they promised "social justice and equality". What they have done is masterminded the return of blacks to the plantation. The Liberal Plantation. Where has that gotten the black man? Nothing. Republicans reached out, but they bit the hand we offered. So we leave them to their masters. Maybe they'll wise up someday. Some have and I know they don't regret it.

Liberals like paint don't think beyond their own existence so everything they do or try to do blows up in their face. This is why Obama's presidency has been such a freaking mess of screw ups.
I think over the span of all of human history, which is why I know humanity is a disease.
You're the most racist person on this forum next to Odium. You legitimately think every other race should give money to the black race because the black race was harmed. Why don't you go burn yourself with coffee and sue mcdonalds.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.

Your Democrat buddies in white were never concerned with improving the lives of blacks. Just as your party doesn't today.
That must be why they vote, in such very large numbers, for your party? Oh wait, my bad, they don't because you guys think they were better off as slaves.
They vote for dems because they think dems will give them free hand outs which they will do thinking that it helps things when in fact it does nothing because large groups of people are like children. Once they realize they can get by and be comfortable doing nothing then why not just stay that way. People fear change.
Stupid *******. Got it.

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