School Tells White Kids To Step Aside, This Is For Black Kids Only

Not this bullshit you want of just getting things handed to you cause your black. Illogical and ignorant.
No one who matters calls for that, and neither do I, so stop lying to yourself.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
Not this bullshit you want of just getting things handed to you cause your black. Illogical and ignorant.
No one who matters calls for that, and neither do I, so stop lying to yourself.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
Not this bullshit you want of just getting things handed to you cause your black. Illogical and ignorant.
No one who matters calls for that, and neither do I, so stop lying to yourself.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
No one who matters calls for that, and neither do I, so stop lying to yourself.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
WHAT is so damned good about diversity? I want people to follow the same laws, accept the same ideals. Speak the same language. At a smorgasbord, yeah, I want diversity. When I go to a art museum, yeah. I want diversity. When I give a kid a box of crayons, I want diversity. But in society, that's just not practical and it's moronic.
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No one who matters calls for that, and neither do I, so stop lying to yourself.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
Go play with Odium the race warrior then. I'm not interested in Nazi-lite.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
Go play with Odium the race warrior then. I'm not interested in Nazi-lite.
Do you not see that as being true? In a hundred years there won't be many whites left but every other race will still exist in purity. I'd just say that's a simple fact if you look at the current changes.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
Go play with Odium the race warrior then. I'm not interested in Nazi-lite.
Do you not see that as being true? In a hundred years there won't be many whites left but every other race will still exist in purity. I'd just say that's a simple fact if you look at the current changes.
The POTUS is an Oreo but you think only whitey isn't pure? Wake up whitey.
Why do you advocate for so much black only stuff then? Why don't you just want to see advancement as a country?... The advancement of specific race shouldn't be an issue currently.
The advancement is to a level playing field. They aren't a top dog, just another in the pack.
Here's what we need to start doing to make the perfect world you want. I have a plan. We will take every baby from every parent in the US and then just randomly pass them back out to random families. Then there will soon be just as many poor white people as black people. Suddenly everyone is happy right?
The fix would be to make everyone the same color. See The Lathe of Heaven.
That's gross. I want diversity. Also the only race that is currently getting phased out would be white people. Every other race has it's own country that is remaining extremely pure compared to white.
Go play with Odium the race warrior then. I'm not interested in Nazi-lite.

LOL. I gotta warn you, I'm going to use that. Odium is Nazi-lite alright.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

This entire country caters to white bread 24 /7, Now with the demographic shift white entitlement is going away
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

This entire country caters to white bread 24 /7, Now with the demographic shift white entitlement is going away
Unless they suddenly feel the urge to have a revolution as soon as the whites become a minority I don't think the power shift will happen in our lifetime or at least I'll be wealthy and happy by then.
And you're ok with that?

Can I assume that you're fine with a program only for white kids? Or is it only racist if it excludes blacks, but not anyone else?

It's a program for black children to see others like them going to college and being successful in life when many do not have that exposure.

Whites are the super majority in college. You will find plenty of mentors in your own family to be rôle models for them.

Why can't a black kid get exposure to successful people of their color? Oh right, because that would make them have hope in life. We can't have that.
And you're ok with that?

Can I assume that you're fine with a program only for white kids? Or is it only racist if it excludes blacks, but not anyone else?

It's a program for black children to see others like them going to college and being successful in life when many do not have that exposure.

Whites are the super majority in college. You will find plenty of mentors in your own family to be rôle models for them.

Why can't a black kid get exposure to successful people of their color? Oh right, because that would make them have hope in life. We can't have that.
What about the white trash that lives near by or the poor Mexican family? It's very possible that no one in their families has high school diplomas. This isn't about the opportunity to see college but the fact that it's targeted based on race in a public institution.
And you're ok with that?

Can I assume that you're fine with a program only for white kids? Or is it only racist if it excludes blacks, but not anyone else?

It's a program for black children to see others like them going to college and being successful in life when many do not have that exposure.

Whites are the super majority in college. You will find plenty of mentors in your own family to be rôle models for them.

Why can't a black kid get exposure to successful people of their color? Oh right, because that would make them have hope in life. We can't have that.
What about the white trash that lives near by or the poor Mexican family? It's very possible that no one in their families has high school diplomas. This isn't about the opportunity to see college but the fact that it's targeted based on race in a public institution.

There are hispanic programs too.

If white people go to any university in the country, they are the majority. Their tour guide is likely white as well. They see people like them being successful in college. The WHOLE point of the field trip is for young elementary black children to SEE other black students doing well. Why is that so horrible? Because you don't want them to get an education.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.
The return to segregation is happening. Now that it's a black idea segregation is a good thing. When will the signs appear "this drinking fountain reserved for black students only ".
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

This entire country caters to white bread 24 /7, Now with the demographic shift white entitlement is going away
Unless they suddenly feel the urge to have a revolution as soon as the whites become a minority I don't think the power shift will happen in our lifetime or at least I'll be wealthy and happy by then.
Even if whites become a numerical minority they will still rule. "White Power" actually means something. Think of the British in Hong Kong and India as examples. Thousands of pygmies can be ruled by a handful of whites. History doesn't lie. Domination is in their blood.

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