School Tells White Kids To Step Aside, This Is For Black Kids Only

Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

This entire country caters to white bread 24 /7, Now with the demographic shift white entitlement is going away
Unless they suddenly feel the urge to have a revolution as soon as the whites become a minority I don't think the power shift will happen in our lifetime or at least I'll be wealthy and happy by then.
Even if whites become a numerical minority they will still rule. "White Power" actually means something. Think of the British in Hong Kong and India as examples. Thousands of pygmies can be ruled by a handful of whites. History doesn't lie. Domination is in their blood.
Funny but true as far as history goes back.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

This entire country caters to white bread 24 /7, Now with the demographic shift white entitlement is going away
Unless they suddenly feel the urge to have a revolution as soon as the whites become a minority I don't think the power shift will happen in our lifetime or at least I'll be wealthy and happy by then.
Even if whites become a numerical minority they will still rule. "White Power" actually means something. Think of the British in Hong Kong and India as examples. Thousands of pygmies can be ruled by a handful of whites. History doesn't lie. Domination is in their blood.
True. How many Spaniards did it take to destroy the Aztecs? Whites were the minority in the United States for years. A handful of Dutchmen conquered all of Africa.

It's in the ability to organize. There have been examinations of this racial difference. If you are interested an essay titled Sun People Ice People would explain a lot.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
I never said I wanted rich/middle class white people to be the ones talking to kids. You act like a white person/asian/mexican/other race has never climbed out of poverty and made it through college. The problem is that for some reason people think that someone of the same race has to be the speaker. Promoting racial segregation and tension. Take race out of the equation. That's all I'm saying. If you think that is bad then kudos to you and stick with your silly ignorant belief.

If a whole group of people living in a few world are able to be held down simply by another race saying they are stupid then maybe they are stupid. There are many black successful people just a far lower percentage. Being the victim is childish and will never get you anywhere. Teach a man to fish, don't give him the fish.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.
They didn't need to start one for whites, there were already many of them. And white kids didn't need an Affirmative Action program either. They had that also, just by being born white.
What University admits whites, but doesn't admit black?
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.
They didn't need to start one for whites, there were already many of them. And white kids didn't need an Affirmative Action program either. They had that also, just by being born white.
What University admits whites, but doesn't admit black?
None that I know of because we fixed that, and many other things, with laws like AA.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You'd rather their influences be little wayne, adrian peterson, and 50 cent. You want blacks to fail because there are only so many black celebrity spots available and they fill up quick.
Just like the United Negro College Fund.

If someone were to start a college fund for whites only, all hell would break loose.

It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You'd rather their influences be little wayne, adrian peterson, and 50 cent. You want blacks to fail because there are only so many black celebrity spots available and they fill up quick.
I want blacks to be able to have decent lives without having to pretend to be white. How unreasonable of me...
It was started in 1944. Guess what was happening then? Oh blacks were denied access and scholarships to universities. That's why it started you imbecile. Even today, Whites get 75% of the scholarships at universities despite being 62% of the overall student population.

Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Probably cause they are smarter on average. If I was to give away a scholarship I would not give it to someone who is not smart enough to attend college. Waste of money. I don't know why liberals always turn things into race issues. It should be more about the kids. Not the black kids or mexican kids. Poor kids should be the ones getting help... Liberals claim Republicans are racist when they are in favor of government racism. You want black kids to focus on the fact that other blacks are doing well? So fucking stupid. Why can't they look at the fact that other fellow Americans are doing well? You want to stamp out racism but promote it in the worst kind of ways. People like you are the reason it won't just go away.

Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Because America has constantly told African Americans since the beginning of the country that you aren't truly Americans. From Dred Scott to Jim Crow, the super majority of this country's history is demeaning African American to inferior second class status.

But it all comes down to being able to relate to another person. Tell me how a poor black person can relate to Bill Gates? Or the Koch Brothers? They never grew up in the ghetto, they didn't deal with the extreme poverty that they deal with so how can they relate? That's why they need role models who grew up in similar situations and GOT OUT. Then they can see a person who is successful that "got out" and made something of themselves giving them hope that they can too.

Saying they MUST relate to white people who grew up middle to upper middle class is ridiculous because they don't understand what they go through, what they have seen and what they have to grow up with. Putting children in programs that can help them relate to someone in college and see a way out is a good thing.

Why is it so horrible for black children to see a way out? I know why you think its a bad idea just like the Jim Crow supporters before you but let's see if you're an honest person.
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
Black disadvantaged children could do worse than being influenced by white, middleclass successful people. They need to get away from the influence of the urban black culture that keeps them trapped in the status they were born in. What better role model than decent whites? Every successful black person I know or you see on television who is conservative don't act anything like the "brothers in the hood." That's why they're successful and respected.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
I don't want to kill black people. I agree with Malcolm X but only in a non violent way. Black people should go take it. They should educate themselves and be useful. What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations. Black people can learn a thing or 2 after selling their brothers into slavery.
Sure thing, Adolf.
You're an ass.
No, I'm brutally honest. Telling blacks to act white makes you one of these fine, successful, well-dressed fellows. Remember that next time.
Why should the majority bend to accept an inferior culture that is far weaker and less evolved? A smart black man realizes that he should put the values of having fatherless families, living on welfare, and crime aside to join the rest of the working world. Only the ignorant ignore the truth.
Another KKKer. Tell us, is this what you want?
What is so bad about the white race? They have continually been world leaders and been ahead of other nations.
Among other things, that so many believe utterly and entirely untrue things such as that.
Seems racist to me


School field trip causes controversy among some parents - ABC57 News - See the Difference Michiana

A South Bend school field trip turned into a conversation about race after students at local primary schools were offered a chance to visit three area colleges. The trips are only for African-American students.

Some parents have told ABC 57 they believe this is discrimination but the school corporation says this is all just a misunderstanding and it is not meant to be a discriminatory trip.

“We should be able to do everything together and not separate,” says parent Charles Yost.

“I feel like all kids should be going,” says Deirdra Mullings who has a son going on one of the field trips.

“It creates a double standard,” says parent Kelley Garing.

Several planned field trips for South Bend, Indiana elementary school students have many parents up in arms over what appears to be a deliberate double standard, since all three of the trips are closed to anyone who isn’t African-American.

As part of a plan to encourage Black third-graders to take their education seriously and aim for earning a college degree, Dr. G. David Moss, director of African-American student/parent services at South Bend Community Schools Corporation, arranged a series of outings to bus youngsters to area colleges. On the campuses, the kids will be given the opportunity to chat it up with university students, who Moss hopes will become mentors for them and encourage them to aim for higher goals in life, since they may not otherwise get such positive messages.

SBCSC officials say they never intended for the trip to be discriminatory, but by specifying the opportunity is only open to one race, they created a debate over race relations, whether it was intentional or not.

From the article: As part of a plan to encourage Black third-graders to take their education seriously and aim for earning a college degree, Dr. G. David Moss, director of African-American student/parent services at South Bend Community Schools Corporation, arranged a series of outings to bus youngsters to area colleges.

It was a plan to help encourage black kids to aim for college, something they NEED more than white kids. You racist assholes are always going on about what losers blacks are, but anything done to help and encourage them to rise above their current status is racist to you. You racists make me sick.
Seems racist to me


School field trip causes controversy among some parents - ABC57 News - See the Difference Michiana

A South Bend school field trip turned into a conversation about race after students at local primary schools were offered a chance to visit three area colleges. The trips are only for African-American students.

Some parents have told ABC 57 they believe this is discrimination but the school corporation says this is all just a misunderstanding and it is not meant to be a discriminatory trip.

“We should be able to do everything together and not separate,” says parent Charles Yost.

“I feel like all kids should be going,” says Deirdra Mullings who has a son going on one of the field trips.

“It creates a double standard,” says parent Kelley Garing.

Several planned field trips for South Bend, Indiana elementary school students have many parents up in arms over what appears to be a deliberate double standard, since all three of the trips are closed to anyone who isn’t African-American.

As part of a plan to encourage Black third-graders to take their education seriously and aim for earning a college degree, Dr. G. David Moss, director of African-American student/parent services at South Bend Community Schools Corporation, arranged a series of outings to bus youngsters to area colleges. On the campuses, the kids will be given the opportunity to chat it up with university students, who Moss hopes will become mentors for them and encourage them to aim for higher goals in life, since they may not otherwise get such positive messages.

SBCSC officials say they never intended for the trip to be discriminatory, but by specifying the opportunity is only open to one race, they created a debate over race relations, whether it was intentional or not.

From the article: As part of a plan to encourage Black third-graders to take their education seriously and aim for earning a college degree, Dr. G. David Moss, director of African-American student/parent services at South Bend Community Schools Corporation, arranged a series of outings to bus youngsters to area colleges.

It was a plan to help encourage black kids to aim for college, something they NEED more than white kids. You racist assholes are always going on about what losers blacks are, but anything done to help and encourage them to rise above their current status is racist to you. You racists make me sick.
It was the fact that it was literally SEGREGATION. Does no one understand how much a child's brain could be influenced by this shit? Why would anyone condone a public institution teaching flat out racism. It's insane.

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