School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

The simplest thing we can all do is to stop voting for Dimocrats, all the way from the president to your local city council. If it's a non-partisan position like school board members, then you owe it to yourself and the rest of us, to find out the background and belief system of the candidate.
The simplest thing we can all do is to stop voting for Dimocrats, all the way from the president to your local city council. If it's a non-partisan position like school board members, then you owe it to yourself and the rest of us, to find out the background and belief system of the candidate.

we can only wish
Back years ago the citizens were more Involved in who they voted for. Now if they have a D after their name that's all that matters to a lot of them
"Purple penguins"

A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

The document also warns against asking students to “line up as boys or girls,” and suggests asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening.”

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.”

Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

The teachers were also given a handout created by the Center for Gender Sanity, which explains to them that “Gender identity . . . can’t be observed or measured, only reported by the individual,” and an infographic called “The Genderbred Person,” which was produced by

Teachers Told To Stop Calling Students 8216 Boys 8217 And 8216 Girls 8217

Folks this has gone far enough. To the parents of children in the Lincoln, NE school system it's time to demand that all school admins. and the school board resign and get gone. These are your boys and girls and they are being demeaned and stripped of their identity. This must be stopped, stomped into the ground and those who agree with this tripe need to be shown the way out of town. Stand up people you pay these twerps salaries, demand they leave immediately or sooner.
"Purple penguins"

A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

The document also warns against asking students to “line up as boys or girls,” and suggests asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening.”

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.”

Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

The teachers were also given a handout created by the Center for Gender Sanity, which explains to them that “Gender identity . . . can’t be observed or measured, only reported by the individual,” and an infographic called “The Genderbred Person,” which was produced by

Teachers Told To Stop Calling Students 8216 Boys 8217 And 8216 Girls 8217

Folks this has gone far enough. To the parents of children in the Lincoln, NE school system it's time to demand that all school admins. and the school board resign and get gone. These are your boys and girls and they are being demeaned and stripped of their identity. This must be stopped, stomped into the ground and those who agree with this tripe need to be shown the way out of town. Stand up people you pay these twerps salaries, demand they leave immediately or sooner.
Saw that yesterday. I think it's part of that 'Hope and Change.'
"Purple penguins"

A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at the Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

The document also warns against asking students to “line up as boys or girls,” and suggests asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening.”

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.”

Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong.

“Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”

The teachers were also given a handout created by the Center for Gender Sanity, which explains to them that “Gender identity . . . can’t be observed or measured, only reported by the individual,” and an infographic called “The Genderbred Person,” which was produced by

Teachers Told To Stop Calling Students 8216 Boys 8217 And 8216 Girls 8217

Folks this has gone far enough. To the parents of children in the Lincoln, NE school system it's time to demand that all school admins. and the school board resign and get gone. These are your boys and girls and they are being demeaned and stripped of their identity. This must be stopped, stomped into the ground and those who agree with this tripe need to be shown the way out of town. Stand up people you pay these twerps salaries, demand they leave immediately or sooner.
You said Nebraska.
Well, this is it.

We had a good run, America.

200-and-nearly-a-half years may not exactly have rivaled Imperial Rome in splendor, but we a good time for awhile.

Nothing good lasts forever. :thup:

Don't give up on america yet. If people will demand a return to states rights (as the constitution demands), she can be saved.
When are people going to finally get it that liberals are mentally ill? These people should be in psychiatric institutions, anywhere but teaching and indoctrinating our children.
the bill of sharts said:
Well, this is it.

We had a good run, America.

200-and-nearly-a-half years may not exactly have rivaled Imperial Rome in splendor, but we a good time for awhile.

Nothing good lasts forever. :thup:

shootspeeders said:
Don't give up on america yet. If people will demand a return to states rights (as the constitution demands), she can be saved.

Even though I seldom agree with you, I'm sure we can both agree that a lot of blood would hafta be spilled for that to happen.

It wouldn't be pretty.
Can we please just give liberals their own country? They get to run that into the ground, and we don't get destroyed in the process? We'd have to build a wall to keep them out given how they are like locusts. If you like high taxes, high crime and having the state micromanage your life, please move to Libtopia. I'll even donate money to get the show on the road.
The simplest thing we can all do is to stop voting for Dimocrats, all the way from the president to your local city council. If it's a non-partisan position like school board members, then you owe it to yourself and the rest of us, to find out the background and belief system of the candidate.

we can only wish
Back years ago the citizens were more Involved in who they voted for. Now if they have a D after their name that's all that matters to a lot of them
Can we please just give liberals their own country? They get to run that into the ground, and we don't get destroyed in the process? We'd have to build a wall to keep them out given how they are like locusts. If you like high taxes, high crime and having the state micromanage your life, please move to Libtopia. I'll even donate money to get the show on the road.
They have Canada now, it's extremely unfortunate American libs don't move there. I guarantee you they would be much happier, and it goes without saying how the rest of us here would feel.
This immoral crap is why we had Muslims attack us, we don't even respect our own morality, Gay rights. rights for illegal aliens, we don't have any common sense anymore. Jeese. We are dead as a culture.

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