School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

How many people, even among liberals, support this nonsense? These kids are gonna grow up with their heads on backwards.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

oct 8 2014
A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.

How many liberals would support this ? MOST OF THEM WOULD !

How else the fuck would something like this become policy ? You think conservatives pushed for this ? Moderates ? Aliens from Alpha Centauri ?

There's only one way on planet earth an insane policy like this could be enacted, and that is due to the agenda of L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S !!!!
This immoral crap is why we had Muslims attack us, we don't even respect our own morality, Gay rights. rights for illegal aliens, we don't have any common sense anymore. Jeese. We are dead as a culture.
That's the "Change" in Obama's Hope and Change. What used to be crimes are now the law of the land. What used to be the law of the land are now crimes. See how community organizing helps develop the country?
So why did the OP lie and claim it has something to do with transgender issues?

Shootspeeders, why did you lie? It's just a program about treating a classroom as "people", instead of as "boys vs. girls." It has zilch, zippo, not a thing to do with anything transgender.

And why did all the conservatives on this thread brainlessly believe the lie?

(Expected, of course. If they fact-checked and could use logic, they'd be liberals.)

And yes, I know none of the conservatives cares in the least that the OP was a huge honkin' lie. If any big lie helps their cause, conservatives will auto-justify that lie, defend it to the death, and lovingly tongue the rectum of the liar. To a conservative, there is no guiding command beyond "The ends always justify the means for your own side." If it weren't for relative morals, they'd have no morals at all.

The real problem this nation has is how so many conservatives are pathologically dishonest cult morons, as this thread demonstrated.

And before you scream hate at me, state why anyone should care about what a pack of sociopathic retards like you all thinks. Decent people accept your hatred as a badge of honor.
Public education needs to be removed from government and unions. America was smarter before these corrupt institutions got involved.
So why did the OP lie and claim it has something to do with transgender issues?

Shootspeeders, why did you lie? It's just a program about treating a classroom as "people", instead of as "boys vs. girls." It has zilch, zippo, not a thing to do with anything transgender.

And why did all the conservatives on this thread brainlessly believe the lie?

(Expected, of course. If they fact-checked and could use logic, they'd be liberals.)

And yes, I know none of the conservatives cares in the least that the OP was a huge honkin' lie. If any big lie helps their cause, conservatives will auto-justify that lie, defend it to the death, and lovingly tongue the rectum of the liar. To a conservative, there is no guiding command beyond "The ends always justify the means for your own side." If it weren't for relative morals, they'd have no morals at all.

The real problem this nation has is how so many conservatives are pathologically dishonest cult morons, as this thread demonstrated.

And before you scream hate at me, state why anyone should care about what a pack of sociopathic retards like you all thinks. Decent people accept your hatred as a badge of honor.

First of all take your insults and shove them up your ass !

Second, go back and read the posts, you'll find that most don't address anything about "transgender".

It's the insane policy of taking away references to boys and girls, and replacing them with ridiculously stupid references that seek to define girls and boys as being exactly the same.

Conservatives realize that there are two distinctly different genders on this planet, they look different, think different, have different perspectives, and instead of trying to hide the differences with moronic ideas such as this, they should be celebrated.

As I have pointed out over and over in this thread, no conservative, and very likely no moderate would ever consider enacting something like this, since they have no reason to disguise the differences between boys and girls.

And lastly, if this is indeed also an attempt to make the one or two kids in a school feel more comfortable because they have some mental issue about their gender, then I say fuck you to the school district for confusing the other 99% who don't have any issues about who they are !!!
“Just how much more can we take of the schools indoctrinating our children as Left Wingers?”

Just how much more of these straw man fallacies can we take.

“The infection is getting deep and needs to be cut out.”

The fear and disdain you and others on the right have for diversity, dissent, and individual liberty comes as no surprise.
So why did the OP lie and claim it has something to do with transgender issues?

Shootspeeders, why did you lie? It's just a program about treating a classroom as "people", instead of as "boys vs. girls." It has zilch, zippo, not a thing to do with anything transgender.

And why did all the conservatives on this thread brainlessly believe the lie?

(Expected, of course. If they fact-checked and could use logic, they'd be liberals.)

And yes, I know none of the conservatives cares in the least that the OP was a huge honkin' lie. If any big lie helps their cause, conservatives will auto-justify that lie, defend it to the death, and lovingly tongue the rectum of the liar. To a conservative, there is no guiding command beyond "The ends always justify the means for your own side." If it weren't for relative morals, they'd have no morals at all.

The real problem this nation has is how so many conservatives are pathologically dishonest cult morons, as this thread demonstrated.

And before you scream hate at me, state why anyone should care about what a pack of sociopathic retards like you all thinks. Decent people accept your hatred as a badge of honor.
I don't believe anyone misconstrued the title of the OP. If you click the link in post #1 it is the title of the article and explains the gender reference. Why do liberals always start off insulting, accusing and name calling? It only makes you look like an Esel.
Public education needs to be removed from government and unions. America was smarter before these corrupt institutions got involved.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

One can't 'remove' public schools from government, that would make them private schools.

Public schools provide a vital service to local communities by ensuring all children receive an education, regardless the income and means of their parents.

That you and others on the right would seek to destroy the public school system is consistent with your elitist authoritarianism.

And public education in America has existed since the advent of the Republic.
Public education needs to be removed from government and unions. America was smarter before these corrupt institutions got involved.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

One can't 'remove' public schools from government, that would make them private schools.

Public schools provide a vital service to local communities by ensuring all children receive an education, regardless the income and means of their parents.

That you and others on the right would seek to destroy the public school system is consistent with your elitist authoritarianism.

And public education in America has existed since the advent of the Republic.

public education is a province for state and local government not FEDERAL
The fear and disdain you and others on the right have for diversity, dissent, and individual liberty comes as no surprise. mean the left...diversity, dissent and individual liberty are the enemies of the left...they are not the enemies of conservatives/libertarians/tea party followers...considering that the article is about destroying diversity between the two sexes and forcing both sexes into one group, a made up group, called "purple penguins" and you say the right has disdain for diversity, and the way the left treats conservative speakers on college campuses...and the way they want to force everyone to accept the gay agenda by suing bakers and photograghers...and it is the right that doesn't accept dissent, and the way the left attacks individual liberty and wants to replace it with "group" rights...the new sex police in california and their new rules about consent in a private sexual encounter...I thought you guys said it was the right who wanted to be in your bedroom...and yet the left moves farther into that bedroom every day...

Just replace the word "right" with "left" and your post will be accurate...
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Public education needs to be removed from government and unions. America was smarter before these corrupt institutions got involved.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

One can't 'remove' public schools from government, that would make them private schools.

Public schools provide a vital service to local communities by ensuring all children receive an education, regardless the income and means of their parents.

That you and others on the right would seek to destroy the public school system is consistent with your elitist authoritarianism.

And public education in America has existed since the advent of the Republic.
We did pretty good teaching our children before the Federal government and unions got involved and turned education into a money laundering scheme to fund the Democrat party.

Union dues Democrat 8216 money laundering 8217 scheme
Public schools provide a vital service to local communities by ensuring all children receive an education, regardless the income and means of their parents.

That you and others on the right would seek to destroy the public school system is consistent with your elitist authoritarianism.

Do you not understand conservative positions on education...we want to give the money to the parents so the parents can choose the school they send their children is the left wing that demands that the poor and middle class be forced into the public schools with no way to escape...

typical liberal dyslexia...conservatives want parents to take the money set aside from tax money for the education of their children so they can freely choose which school those children attend, and so they can take their children out of schools that are failing and put them into a school that will allow their children to actually have a future....which liberals believe is preventing children from recieving an education...

Liberals want children to be forced to only attend the public school in their neighborhood even if that school does not educate the children...because the union insists that any competition will negatively impact the teachers....and liberals say that is how you ensure that children receive an keeping them in schools that have 50% graduation rates...

That is truly liberal dyslexia...

You need to get help for that...think about what you believe...turn it around...and then you will think like a rational person...and you will counter your liberal dyslexia...

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