School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

Teaching kids to be considerate rather than suspicious and hateful, I can see where conservatives might see this as a threat. Just like the attack on critical thinking and the teaching of blind patriotism occurring in many conservative districts.
Who is teaching kids to be inconsiderate, suspicious and hateful.
Give an example.
The fact that conservatives give birth and raise new conservatives is a good example. Parents always impress their fears and prejudices on their kids, angry people have angry kids.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
They aren't schools anymore

They have become little commie camps with your children being used as lab rats.

Sit and say nothing and they will continue to run over you

Y'all are sitting around saying nothing about forced gay marriage in your state. All you'd have to do is sue for polygamy marriage right now and this whole nightmare would come to a screeching halt in a nanosecond. After all, since your current marriage law was just rendered "dead", there's nothing preventing polygamists from the same "equal rights". A dead law cannot discriminate. It would change everything. Let's just say in the end that the polygamists wouldn't win and it would unravel at an exponential rate from then on.. It's all about timing. If they sue now, they won't win and you will. If you draw your last breath while the LGBT steamroller gains the last increment, the polygamists will win because there will be nothing stopping them.

I'd imagine if you looked around you could find some people willing to plural make the try to marry their way into law instead of sincerly doing the gays are doing right now..
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Who is teaching kids to be inconsiderate, suspicious and hateful.
Give an example.
The fact that conservatives give birth and raise new conservatives is a good example. Parents always impress their fears and prejudices on their kids, angry people have angry kids.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
They aren't schools anymore

They have become little commie camps with your children being used as lab rats.

Sit and say nothing and they will continue to run over you

Y'all are sitting around saying nothing about forced gay marriage in your state. All you'd have to do is sue for polygamy marriage right now and this whole nightmare would come to a screeching halt in a nanosecond. It would change everything. Let's just say that the polygamists wouldn't win and it would unravel at an exponential rate from then on..

I'd imagine if you looked around you could find some people willing to plural make the try to marry their way into law instead of sincerly doing the gays are doing right now..

Polygamy makes more sense than gay marriage.
Give an example.
The fact that conservatives give birth and raise new conservatives is a good example. Parents always impress their fears and prejudices on their kids, angry people have angry kids.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
I'll call a boy, a boy and a girl a girl. I'll do so until the day I die.

You democratic filth can all go to hell. I hope soon!
Hey I'm a democrat. And millions of us...tens of millions of us disagree with this LGBT BS. :bsflag:

You think all those people clogging chic fil a were registered republicans? Think again..
Give an example.
The fact that conservatives give birth and raise new conservatives is a good example. Parents always impress their fears and prejudices on their kids, angry people have angry kids.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
Who are you talking about? You still haven't given an example.
The problem is that you have a small number of people setting policy and then directing the rank-and-file teachers to implement the policies. Now, on most matters that is really not a big deal. For example, if a school board decides to teach math a certain way, or to restructure class schedules. These are administrative matters. However, when these small groups start setting a morality based policy and then start implementing it without parental consent, they may be overstepping their bounds.

I feel that it is perfectly appropriate to teach and encourage diversity. But trannies? Come on. Unless a kid is a hermaphrodite, then there is no reason not to point out, implicitly, a distinction that suggests that there are only boys and girls. They are, afterall, boys and girls. Even if a kid is having hormone problems, the kid is still either a boy or a girl. Trannies do not start whacking off their junk until they become adults. Besides, what percentage of people are actually trannies or hermaphrodites? The answer is far too few to justify a policy that seeks to erase sexual orientation from the minds of children. The idea is absurd.

Teachers seem to be crossing these lines a lot. For example, my nine year old son recently received a disappointing grade on an assignment. He said out loud that his grade "brings great shame down on his family" and apparently said something about falling on a sword. The teacher construed what my son said as talk of suicide and shipped him out of class and to the counselor, who thoroughly interviewed my son about his comments, home life, his parents, etc... The administration at his school was notified that my 9 year old son was making comments about committing suicide. All of this unfolded without any contact with me. Nobody even called me. I found out about this nonsense from my son, who was upset at having to go to the counselor and be probed about his personal life.

Had they bothered to call me with their concern they would have learned that we jokingly say "you bring great shame upon our family" around my house all the time. If our dog gets into the trash we all tell her that she has brought great shame down on our family. We may even throw in some hari kari references too. The point is that it is a harmless joke. But, for the public school idiots, my son's words equated to him talking about suicide, which sets off certain protocol.

I got pissed and drove to the school. I was most pissed off that a public school teacher can, without notice to me, pull my son out of class and conduct an interview that includes my 9 year old son having to answer a lot of personal questions about what is going on at home. To make it more absurd, those people know me. I am involved in my son's education. I communicate regularly either in person or be email. They know me, what I do for a living, and my reputation in our relatively small community. Yet, they made the decision to exclude me from the process to determine if my son is having a problem. That determination was made without me. Both me and my ex were pissed by this. I, of course, had to go to the school and act like a total ass and be critical of their protocol. However, I think they are used to that by now.

The matter was straightened out, but I found it to be incredibly annoying and a waste of time. Why? Because the school was conducting a unilateral inquiry of my son's home life with no parental involvement. Obviously, I have nothing to hide. But the fact is that they have the responsibility to teach our kids, not delve into the inner workings of a home.

Granted, intervention may be both appropriate and helpful in cases where the parents do not give a shit. However, I do get involved and the school knows it. They had no business pulling my child out of class then placing him in an isolated setting where he must be subjected to questioning about his family life.

My story is offered to show that when you drop off your child at school they become custodians of the children for several hours each day and are free to instill any sort of ideology into the children. They have a scary degree of influence over our kids. And, honestly, teachers are generally not that smart. They are autonomotons that execute the policies set forth by a very small group of people. It is fucking ridiculous. If this was the first time the school absurdly overreacted, that would be in thing. But, this is not the first time something like this has happened. My son is energetic, smart, and very curious. Unfortunately, he has a problem with authority, just like his old man. Thus, he is a handful and the school is always coming up with some non-productive bullshit to deal with him. He studies music and just attended an architect program that lasted a week. He can field strip, clean and reassemble every firearm I own. He is a very bright kid, but then he gets caught up in this bullshit at school. It is pathetic. I am strongly considering enrolling him in a private school because I am growing tired of the social engineering that is happening.
The fact that conservatives give birth and raise new conservatives is a good example. Parents always impress their fears and prejudices on their kids, angry people have angry kids.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
Who are you talking about? You still haven't given an example.
Getting late here, I am wondering if you even have a clear opinion on this issue. Conservatives having taken it on themselves to blanket oppose acceptance of alternative lifestyles have inherited the worst societal ills associated with everything anti-gay including the naked hate and violence directed at them. You picked a side now accept that there are a lot of homophobic assholes associated with it.
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
Who are you talking about? You still haven't given an example.
Getting late here, I am wondering if you even have a clear opinion on this issue. Conservatives having taken it on themselves to blanket oppose acceptance of alternative lifestyles have inherited the worst societal ills associated with everything anti-gay including the naked hate and violence directed at them. You picked a side now accept that there are a lot of homophobic assholes associated with it.
You're making a blanket accusation. Americans have the right to believe what they want. No conservatives have promoted violence on queers. You can't force people to bow to your agenda in America. Live and let live.
"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.”

Are they going to have a "little boys room" a "little girls room" a "little boths room"and a "little neithers room?"
Gender can be complicated. I have a buddy I've known 15 years who recently had some pretty serious changes drop in his lap. He was being tested for late onset schizophrenia with very mild symptoms. Part of the testing was genetic....and he was informed that he had an extra chromosome. He was actually XXY. One of the effects of the extra chromosome is that his body treated testosterone as an infection and constantly attacked it. This caused tremendous inflamation in his body with the mean age for folks with this chromosomal anomaly without treatment was about 50. If however, he took medication to suppress his testosterone, he'd live to a ripe old age.

So he did. Being chromosomally intersex, he already had some subtle female traits. A voice that was just a little high. A face that was a little round. Fat in odd places for a guy. And with the medication, it became more pronounced. He grew small breasts. He no longer had to shave. And he started to get hips. He and I have dinner about once a week, and he's exploring gender issues right now. Its rather fascinating to hear about. And you realize how much of our gender identity is something that we're told rather than something we decide.

There's enough ambiguity in the gender and sexuality of enough people that it can't hurt to be mindful of it. Though I draw the line at made up intersex pronouns.

There is NOTHING complicated about gender. You either have a dick or you don't.

God I hope you're not a school teacher
Gender can be complicated. I have a buddy I've known 15 years who recently had some pretty serious changes drop in his lap. He was being tested for late onset schizophrenia with very mild symptoms. Part of the testing was genetic....and he was informed that he had an extra chromosome. He was actually XXY. One of the effects of the extra chromosome is that his body treated testosterone as an infection and constantly attacked it. This caused tremendous inflamation in his body with the mean age for folks with this chromosomal anomaly without treatment was about 50. If however, he took medication to suppress his testosterone, he'd live to a ripe old age.

So he did. Being chromosomally intersex, he already had some subtle female traits. A voice that was just a little high. A face that was a little round. Fat in odd places for a guy. And with the medication, it became more pronounced. He grew small breasts. He no longer had to shave. And he started to get hips. He and I have dinner about once a week, and he's exploring gender issues right now. Its rather fascinating to hear about. And you realize how much of our gender identity is something that we're told rather than something we decide.

There's enough ambiguity in the gender and sexuality of enough people that it can't hurt to be mindful of it. Though I draw the line at made up intersex pronouns.

These instances are rare. Saying boys and girls is acceptable and most people can easily fit one or the other. Maybe they are a little of both or whatever, but everyone is covered one way or the other.

It's getting stupid.

Other kids feel bad because they are different and they usually don't want things to change because of them or it just makes them feel worse. Think about all the ones in wheel chairs who can't participate in gym class or the blind kids who can't draw in art class. Yet, we don't stop those classes just because some will feel left out. It would make the disabled students feel worse if others couldn't be normal just because of them.

Many have unique problems, but having schools treating other children differently because of that only emphasizes the fact that some are a little different.
These instances are rare. Saying boys and girls is acceptable and most people can easily fit one or the other. Maybe they are a little of both, but everyone is covered one way or the other.

They're less rare than you might think. Issues of ambiguity in sex organs, sex trait related genetic abnormalities or hormonal sensitivity issues (which can make a man grow breasts, or delay a woman ever developing them) occur in as much as 1% of births. The condition my friend has is about 1 in 1000. Which means in a large highschool there may be 2 people like my friend. And 20 others with one of these conditions.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the school board policy. But it doesn't hurt to be mindful of the issue.

Personally, I kinda feel bad. I once gave my buddy a Jack Link's "Lil' Chub" smoked sausauge as a way of ribbing him about his less than stellar package. Looking back on it and his condition, it was pretty dickish.

Er...pun not intended.
They're less rare than you might think. Issues of ambiguity in sex organs, sex trait related genetic abnormalities or hormonal sensitivity issues (which can make a man grow breasts, or delay a woman ever developing them) occur in as much as 1% of births. The condition my friend has is about 1 in 1000. Which means in a large highschool there may be 2 people like my friend. And 20 others with one of these conditions.
1% doesn't determine what the majority consider normal.
They're less rare than you might think. Issues of ambiguity in sex organs, sex trait related genetic abnormalities or hormonal sensitivity issues (which can make a man grow breasts, or delay a woman ever developing them) occur in as much as 1% of births. The condition my friend has is about 1 in 1000. Which means in a large highschool there may be 2 people like my friend. And 20 others with one of these conditions.
1% doesn't determine what the majority consider normal.

1% is a large enough number to take into consideration when crafting school policy. Perhaps not to the extent of the school boards policy. But it doesn't hurt to be mindful of the issue. These are measurable physiological issues. You can pretend that my friend with his extra chromosome was a choice. But that doesn't change the fact that he's genetically XXY from the moment he was born.

You are trying to so hard to treat these people as less. And you're losing both the electorate and our youth.
"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.
wow, just when you think leftist can't come up with another dumb idea

jezuz, how many trannies are there in grade school?

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