School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
Have you never worked for a government entity or large corporation? You think when you receive gender equity instructions are not rules or guidelines they are "suggestions?" ROFL Show me where the documents said these gender equity instructions are merely suggestions.


Yes I have

And a stated policy is policy and handouts are just handouts

Still looking for you to show where the school "told" people to call them purple penguins. Either that or acknowledge that it is just another case of the right overreacting to a story based on bad information
Let me get this straight. Your story is the school handed out these gender inclusive training handouts cause they what, thought the teachers would find them interesting but not follow the instructions in the training? In fact, you are trying to say the handouts were some sort of joke? The handouts were not to be used? The handouts were to be ignored? All handouts are to be ignored unless there's some POLICY STAMP in large letters? HUH?
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Yes I have

And a stated policy is policy and handouts are just handouts

Still looking for you to show where the school "told" people to call them purple penguins. Either that or acknowledge that it is just another case of the right overreacting to a story based on bad information

The school handing out a document with instructions on how to address gender with kids isn't them having "told" teachers how to address the kids? Seriously, big guy, you're going with that?

BTW, your hypocrisy reeks on the overreacting to a story based on bad information. Wow. Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
Have you never worked for a government entity or large corporation? You think when you receive gender equity instructions are not rules or guidelines they are "suggestions?" ROFL Show me where the documents said these gender equity instructions are merely suggestions.


Yes I have

And a stated policy is policy and handouts are just handouts

Still looking for you to show where the school "told" people to call them purple penguins. Either that or acknowledge that it is just another case of the right overreacting to a story based on bad information

Question big guy. Suppose the school gives a handout to teachers on how to state during science classes that the world is actually 6,000 years old and was created by God literally as the bible says. Is that OK since it's just a handout and they are not actually telling them to do it?
Why? Because the school was conducting a unilateral inquiry of my son's home life with no parental involvement.

See...this is just what the left see your purple penguin as belonging to you...and you see your self as a paternal overlord of this purple really, who is more seeks to own your purple penguin or the enlightened school administrators who realize the patriarchal dynamic this purple penguin is forced to endure because of silly cultural affectations like "family" and "parents," and "children" need to conform, submit, and accept being a member of the purple penguin borg will be so much easier for you and the purple penguin...
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
Who are you talking about? You still haven't given an example.
Getting late here, I am wondering if you even have a clear opinion on this issue. Conservatives having taken it on themselves to blanket oppose acceptance of alternative lifestyles have inherited the worst societal ills associated with everything anti-gay including the naked hate and violence directed at them. You picked a side now accept that there are a lot of homophobic assholes associated with it.

Fuck you, shit-for-brains. I have a problem with the government - through schools - teaching children morality. Yesterday public schools were erroneously teaching that Indians are really "native Americans", who were a proud and noble people who lived a life of peace and religious fulfillment in a virtual utopia UNTIL the white man came and corrupted them, stole their land, murdered their men and raped their women. I bet some of you dumb fuckers on this board believe this, don't you?

Today, the government - through public school - is teaching, and attempting to establish a more, that it is perfectly ok that a person thinks he is the opposite sex despite his/her biology and that it is ok to mutilate his/her genitals and walk around looking like some kind of Halloween freak. It is a fucking mental illness. Further, we do not need to accept this bullshit. What percentage of the population is tranny? Well less than 1% I bet. I will tell you why it is being taught:

1. It is consistent with the leftist ideology and gives leftists hard-ons, and
2. It is the leftist way of continuing with their effort to destroy institutions, which means that convention must be thrown out.

What it is next? Teaching kids that American is a corrupt place and that we need to strive for a more utopian society DESPITE our history, customs, beliefs and law? Oh wait, we are already there, aren't we? You can imagine my surprise a few years ago when my son brought home a copy of that damn book about the fish with shiny scales (you parents know what I am talking about - a leftist piece of crap). I almost had a fucking stroke.

What is the danger of allowing the government - through public school - to establish moral thought and boundaries in our children? It should be obvious. But you people who call yourselves Americans - the majority of you human cattle out there - allow it to get incrementally worse because every step further to the left we take you justify it.

You say: Acceptance of gays - what is wrong with that? I am no homophobe. Acceptance of trannies? Sure, I am no biggot. They are people to. Teaching that America was founded by a bunch of sexists and racists? Well we were. What is the harm of teaching the "truth". Teaching children that those opposing the government should be thrown into ovens and burned alive in front of their families? Well sure, afterall, they ARE opposing the good work of the government. Thus, they are BAD people.

Don't deny it. Most of you fuckers are human cattle who can be led around to your own doom. I am especially talking about the do-good, liberal-leftist scum that slithers around with their narcissistic idea that they are doing what's fair and right, and that the right is full of ignorant meanies. You leftist shit bags are being led around by your noses, having your narcissistic tendencies manipulated so that you are willing to believe just about anything. Well, fuck you. I have no pity for you. You have chosen your path to doom. But you are not going to drag me and my family down with you.

It cannot be denied that while public schools are largely local institutions, the federal government has a substantial influence. Schools receive varying amounts of federal money. As is typical, they tie adherence to certain policies to receipt of these funds. The U.S. Dept of Education should be abolished.

In fact, it is a fundamental component of our constitutional system that power must be DECENTRALIZED so that too much power does not accumulate in one area. This has been allowed to occur in the Dept of Ed., and in other agencies. This occurs because these federal agencies are allowed way too much regulatory authority. The Founders NEVER would have allowed such power to be concentrated. But, here we are. And you leftist, ignorant swine see no problem because these agencies are just "trying to do good and help people". Well, fuck you, scum fucks. I would not give a shit about your stupid leftist fucks if not for the fact that your reckless ideology is now producing converts like breeding cockroaches. It is a shame that stupidity does not cause cancer.

To conclude, you leftist shit heads do not get it. You fail to see the forest for the trees. You can rationalize just about anything. But what are the underlying consequences? Failing to take this into account is malfeasance. THE ISSUE IS NOT ABOUT ACCEPTANCE OF TRANNIES. THE ISSUE IS ABOUT HOW MUCH POWER ARE WE GOING TO ALLOW THE GOVERNMENT TO HAVE OVER OUR LIVES.

To each and every person out there who vote for Democrats: fuck you, you ignorant pieces of shit!
The fact you can't give an example, and you resort to insulting rhetorical bullshit is disappointing. Ignorant. Your hateful nasty bigotry proves you to be in desperate need of an education.
Not even being mean here, we pass all kinds of things down to our kids. There is a strong component of suspicion and condemnation involved in the conservative side of the gender orientation debate and they clearly do not want their kids to ever even hear the other side of the debate. That's indoctrination.
Be specific. Exactly what is it conservative parents don't want their children to know.
That gay people are not out turn them gay, that there is nothing wrong with being gay or that gay people shouldn't be beaten for being gay. You know the standard hate rationalizations better than I do.
Who are you talking about? You still haven't given an example.
Getting late here, I am wondering if you even have a clear opinion on this issue. Conservatives having taken it on themselves to blanket oppose acceptance of alternative lifestyles have inherited the worst societal ills associated with everything anti-gay including the naked hate and violence directed at them. You picked a side now accept that there are a lot of homophobic assholes associated with it.

You don' even have enough integrity to jut say "This is just silly shit and should be stopped">
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.
Today, the government - through public school - is teaching, and attempting to establish a more, that it is perfectly ok that a person thinks he is the opposite sex despite his/her biology and that it is ok to mutilate his/her genitals and walk around looking like some kind of Halloween freak. It is a fucking mental illness. Further, we do not need to accept this bullshit...
...Don't deny it. Most of you fuckers are human cattle who can be led around to your own doom. I am especially talking about the do-good, liberal-leftist scum that slithers around with their narcissistic idea that they are doing what's fair and right, and that the right is full of ignorant meanies. You leftist shit bags are being led around by your noses, having your narcissistic tendencies manipulated so that you are willing to believe just about anything. Well, fuck you. I have no pity for you. You have chosen your path to doom. But you are not going to drag me and my family down with you...

...To each and every person out there who vote for Democrats: fuck you, you ignorant pieces of shit!

Couple of things..

1. Totally agree with you in your first comment about so-called "transsexuals". Any doctor who participates in such a surgery should have their license immediately revoked for violating the hippocratic oath, 'do no harm'. Mutilating perfectly healthy organs of another person should be a minimum of 10 years in prison. And it would be if I had control over the laws. Any doctor who prescribes medication/hormones seeking to drug and artificially alter the body of a child in anticipation of such surgery later on would receive either the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole. Texas?

2. I would say that there are some on the far right who are also narcissistic shit bags. But, point well taken. Political extremists without brains, who follow false religions that are more similar than not [indulgence of self/greed] are shit bags who weigh down the rest of the country.

3. Sorry, I vote democrat often, though this election not as often as usual. And I do it because the ignorance on the right extreme has the greatest potential to do the quickest harm to our country. The far left has the same potential but it is a slower march. In firefighting, you put out the biggest flames first and work on the hot spots later. The right wants to pollute our last sources of freshwater underground aquifers forever in favor of carbon carbon carbon monopolies. They're against green energy. They deny that snownado storms are a new and frightening weather pattern among many plaguing our country. They want zero abortion while our needy and poor populations breed out of control. Yet they won't pitch a dime that way to help those unwanted children grow to full potential. Then they whine about how expensive prisons and the welfare system is. They don't want universal healthcare but complain about how expensive it is to do business in the US. "Stupid" is not a trait reserved just for the far left.

Insanity blossoms quite well at both ends of the political spectrum. Come join us in the middle. It's really pleasant here.
So many hysterical conservatives. They "feel" something must be true, so they're not going to let a silly thing like a complete lack of any evidence convince them otherwise. After all, they never have before. We here in the reason-based community, the liberals, can only shake our heads sadly at such emotion-based lifestyles.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. And add this to your list of urban legends that you will forever believe. You know, same old same old.
The right wants to pollute our last sources of freshwater underground aquifers forever in favor of carbon carbon carbon monopolies. They're against green energy. They deny that snownado storms are a new and frightening weather pattern among many plaguing our country. They want zero abortion while our needy and poor populations breed out of control. Yet they won't pitch a dime that way to help those unwanted children grow to full potential. Then they whine about how expensive prisons and the welfare system is. They don't want universal healthcare but complain about how expensive it is to do business in the US. "Stupid" is not a trait reserved just for the far left.

Hmmm...not a lot of deep thought put into those comments...yes...republicans drink water from magical wells and just want democrats to drink poisoned water...against green energy that doesn't work and won't work because the technology isn't there yet...we don't care where you get just can't demand that we give up on energy that actual works, when we need it for energy sources that only work some of the time and only supply miniscule amounts of energy in comparison to coal, oil and natural gas...

Ahhhh...the eugenicist comes out in all lefties eventually....

I always here that conservatives won't spend money to help children...but never see how they actually do it that we want to cut tax money going to corrupt, greedy politicians who will take money given to support children and use it to build their own power...all the while denying those children actual help....

I won't complain about only costs about 26,000 dollars a year to jail a violent criminal, but they cause about 3 million dollars in damage to society when they are roaming free...

A welfare system where only 26 cents out of every dollar actually helps those it is intended to help...and that was back in the 90s...and where 25% of mediCal is lost to waste and theft...

You do realize that your "universal" healthcare will mean poorer quality healthcare for everyone...except for the greedy corrupt politicians....

The far left is the truly stupid group...why it only took them killing 100 million people with their ideas of how to create a just society and they only wish they can get another chance to try it again....
A lefty saying the conservatives are basing decisions on emotions...that is another example of liberal dyslexia...or projection....could be both...
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

If people are this fucking stupid, then I suspect a very effective dumbing-down campaign has been implemented in our public schools.

We all see it, Clayton. Quit acting like an asshole. You are a dog turd.
And all the extremists from both sides of the spectrum come out in full rage and regalia...not like I didn't expect that would happen...'tis the nature of the beast.. :ack-1: Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
Have you never worked for a government entity or large corporation? You think when you receive gender equity instructions are not rules or guidelines they are "suggestions?" ROFL Show me where the documents said these gender equity instructions are merely suggestions.


Yes I have

And a stated policy is policy and handouts are just handouts

Still looking for you to show where the school "told" people to call them purple penguins. Either that or acknowledge that it is just another case of the right overreacting to a story based on bad information

Question big guy. Suppose the school gives a handout to teachers on how to state during science classes that the world is actually 6,000 years old and was created by God literally as the bible says. Is that OK since it's just a handout and they are not actually telling them to do it?
Well lets see?

First off I wouldn't start a thread claiming they are requiring the teaching that it is 6000 years old
Secondly, the teacher is free to file it in the appropriate place....the circular file
Purple penguins? Why purple? Why penguins? Don't pretend to understand everyting people do but usually I can come up with something. Not here though. :)
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

If people are this fucking stupid, then I suspect a very effective dumbing-down campaign has been implemented in our public schools.

We all see it, Clayton. Quit acting like an asshole. You are a dog turd.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

One paragraph...did you hit all the rightwing talking points?
Birth certificate.....nope
Hates whites.....nope

Overall, I give your post a FAIL
So many hysterical conservatives. They "feel" something must be true, so they're not going to let a silly thing like a complete lack of any evidence convince them otherwise. After all, they never have before. We here in the reason-based community, the liberals, can only shake our heads sadly at such emotion-based lifestyles.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. And add this to your list of urban legends that you will forever believe. You know, same old same old.
So many hysterical conservatives. They "feel" something must be true, so they're not going to let a silly thing like a complete lack of any evidence convince them otherwise. After all, they never have before. We here in the reason-based community, the liberals, can only shake our heads sadly at such emotion-based lifestyles.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. And add this to your list of urban legends that you will forever believe. You know, same old same old.
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

If people are this fucking stupid, then I suspect a very effective dumbing-down campaign has been implemented in our public schools.

We all see it, Clayton. Quit acting like an asshole. You are a dog turd.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

One paragraph...did you hit all the rightwing talking points?
Birth certificate.....nope
Hates whites.....nope

Overall, I give your post a FAIL
Obama had absolutely zero experience with governing and foreign policy. It shows, glaringly.
So many hysterical conservatives. They "feel" something must be true, so they're not going to let a silly thing like a complete lack of any evidence convince them otherwise. After all, they never have before. We here in the reason-based community, the liberals, can only shake our heads sadly at such emotion-based lifestyles.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. And add this to your list of urban legends that you will forever believe. You know, same old same old.
So many hysterical conservatives. They "feel" something must be true, so they're not going to let a silly thing like a complete lack of any evidence convince them otherwise. After all, they never have before. We here in the reason-based community, the liberals, can only shake our heads sadly at such emotion-based lifestyles.

Have a good cry, conservatives. Get it all out. And add this to your list of urban legends that you will forever believe. You know, same old same old.
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

If people are this fucking stupid, then I suspect a very effective dumbing-down campaign has been implemented in our public schools.

We all see it, Clayton. Quit acting like an asshole. You are a dog turd.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

One paragraph...did you hit all the rightwing talking points?
Birth certificate.....nope
Hates whites.....nope

Overall, I give your post a FAIL
Obama had absolutely zero experience with governing and foreign policy. It shows, glaringly.

I'll keep that in mind when Republicans run Cruz, Paul, or Rubio
[Question big guy. Suppose the school gives a handout to teachers on how to state during science classes that the world is actually 6,000 years old and was created by God literally as the bible says. Is that OK since it's just a handout and they are not actually telling them to do it?
Well lets see?

First off I wouldn't start a thread claiming they are requiring the teaching that it is 6000 years old
Secondly, the teacher is free to file it in the appropriate place....the circular file

I keep forgetting you've never had a job before. If I sent that circular to my staff, I would clearly be telling them to say that. Any employer would. What color is the sky in your world?
Purple penguins? Why purple? Why penguins? Don't pretend to understand everyting people do but usually I can come up with something. Not here though. :)
I think calling them purple penguins is discriminatory towards yellow, green and pink penguins. I want this bigotry stopped! When will yellow, green and pink penguins finally get the equal status and treatment they deserve? And don't even get me started on blue penguins!

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