School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject?

It means of some to extend compassion, making a difference. You know, god doesn't need to speak to people. Sometimes just reading comprehension will do. :cool-45:
I'm not the one with reading comprehension. You'll remember that I'm the christian who's saying our old religious laws should not be enforced by government, but rather god. You on the other hand are the one screaming for government to judge Christians by these old rules. I'm the one saying... wait a min.. that's not what he bible says. You're the one using the bible as a weapon against gays, not me.
Today, the government - through public school - is teaching, and attempting to establish a more, that it is perfectly ok that a person thinks he is the opposite sex despite his/her biology and that it is ok to mutilate his/her genitals and walk around looking like some kind of Halloween freak. It is a fucking mental illness. Further, we do not need to accept this bullshit...
...Don't deny it. Most of you fuckers are human cattle who can be led around to your own doom. I am especially talking about the do-good, liberal-leftist scum that slithers around with their narcissistic idea that they are doing what's fair and right, and that the right is full of ignorant meanies. You leftist shit bags are being led around by your noses, having your narcissistic tendencies manipulated so that you are willing to believe just about anything. Well, fuck you. I have no pity for you. You have chosen your path to doom. But you are not going to drag me and my family down with you...

...To each and every person out there who vote for Democrats: fuck you, you ignorant pieces of shit!

Couple of things..

1. Totally agree with you in your first comment about so-called "transsexuals". Any doctor who participates in such a surgery should have their license immediately revoked for violating the hippocratic oath, 'do no harm'. Mutilating perfectly healthy organs of another person should be a minimum of 10 years in prison. And it would be if I had control over the laws. Any doctor who prescribes medication/hormones seeking to drug and artificially alter the body of a child in anticipation of such surgery later on would receive either the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole. Texas?

2. I would say that there are some on the far right who are also narcissistic shit bags. But, point well taken. Political extremists without brains, who follow false religions that are more similar than not [indulgence of self/greed] are shit bags who weigh down the rest of the country.

3. Sorry, I vote democrat often, though this election not as often as usual. And I do it because the ignorance on the right extreme has the greatest potential to do the quickest harm to our country. The far left has the same potential but it is a slower march. In firefighting, you put out the biggest flames first and work on the hot spots later. The right wants to pollute our last sources of freshwater underground aquifers forever in favor of carbon carbon carbon monopolies. They're against green energy. They deny that snownado storms are a new and frightening weather pattern among many plaguing our country. They want zero abortion while our needy and poor populations breed out of control. Yet they won't pitch a dime that way to help those unwanted children grow to full potential. Then they whine about how expensive prisons and the welfare system is. They don't want universal healthcare but complain about how expensive it is to do business in the US. "Stupid" is not a trait reserved just for the far left.

Insanity blossoms quite well at both ends of the political spectrum. Come join us in the middle. It's really pleasant here.

Point taken. I had got myself all worked up.
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” [John 8:7 KJV]

OK, if you want to carry the bible theme on a bit I'll indulge you.

In Jude 1 nobody was commanded to stone homosexuals. They were commanded instead to reject the spread of their behavior, while simultaneously extending the hand of compassion to the individuals caught up in that forbidden culture.

Oh what a difference context makes eh?

Jude 1:

22: "And of some have compassion, making a difference"

You can read the rest here: Jude 1 - KJV - Online Bible Study
Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject? Does extending a hand mean passing laws in the relm of ceasar to smite them down?

Are the jewish laws of the torah that made it into the old testament of the bible to be enforced by god or cesar?
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word. How is citing the bible, rejecting god's word?
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"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'


Poor C, no integrity.......unless of course you are Gay and support this stupidity.
If you support it just butch up and say so.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

If people are this fucking stupid, then I suspect a very effective dumbing-down campaign has been implemented in our public schools.

We all see it, Clayton. Quit acting like an asshole. You are a dog turd.

Some may say that the fact that Obama, a "community organizer" within the meaning attributed to it by Alinsky, who never had a job and who was only an "adjunct" title away from being unemployed, was elected President not once but twice, notwithstanding his record as the most liberal member of the Senate during his abbreviated term. Obama's leftist views are not the majority views, regardless of the vote. The electorate was duped by "hope and change" and other emotive based tripe.

One paragraph...did you hit all the rightwing talking points?
Birth certificate.....nope
Hates whites.....nope

Overall, I give your post a FAIL

I am who I am, you shit bag. I do not use "talking points". Do you? Are you projecting. Get cancer and die, fuck head.
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” [John 8:7 KJV]

OK, if you want to carry the bible theme on a bit I'll indulge you.

In Jude 1 nobody was commanded to stone homosexuals. They were commanded instead to reject the spread of their behavior, while simultaneously extending the hand of compassion to the individuals caught up in that forbidden culture.

Oh what a difference context makes eh?

Jude 1:

22: "And of some have compassion, making a difference"

You can read the rest here: Jude 1 - KJV - Online Bible Study
Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject? Does extending a hand mean passing laws in the relm of ceasar to smite them down?

Are the jewish laws of the torah that made it into the old testament of the bible to be enforced by god or cesar?
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word.
You reject the scriptures in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality.
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” [John 8:7 KJV]

OK, if you want to carry the bible theme on a bit I'll indulge you.

In Jude 1 nobody was commanded to stone homosexuals. They were commanded instead to reject the spread of their behavior, while simultaneously extending the hand of compassion to the individuals caught up in that forbidden culture.

Oh what a difference context makes eh?

Jude 1:

22: "And of some have compassion, making a difference"

You can read the rest here: Jude 1 - KJV - Online Bible Study
Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject? Does extending a hand mean passing laws in the relm of ceasar to smite them down?

Are the jewish laws of the torah that made it into the old testament of the bible to be enforced by god or cesar?
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word.
You reject the scriptures in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality.
Citing gods word directly from the bible is not the same as rejecting other scriptures that I did not cite. Are you actually saying that God contradicted himself when he said the things I cited from the bible? You lost me. You are accusing me of rejecting gods word by citing gods word.

Let No One Disqualify You Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God. (Colossians 2:16-19 ESV)

Think that over. He's pointing out three of the old rules and telling them to "let no one pass judgment on you regarding those rules... However, he follows with stating that these are a shadow of things to come.. IOW more there may be more rules that should not be judged by man, and the substance of which should or should not belongs to Christ.

I'm not twisting his words I'm quoting them.
OK, if you want to carry the bible theme on a bit I'll indulge you.

In Jude 1 nobody was commanded to stone homosexuals. They were commanded instead to reject the spread of their behavior, while simultaneously extending the hand of compassion to the individuals caught up in that forbidden culture.

Oh what a difference context makes eh?

Jude 1:

22: "And of some have compassion, making a difference"

You can read the rest here: Jude 1 - KJV - Online Bible Study
Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject? Does extending a hand mean passing laws in the relm of ceasar to smite them down?

Are the jewish laws of the torah that made it into the old testament of the bible to be enforced by god or cesar?
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word.
You reject the scriptures in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality.
Citing gods word directly from the bible is not the same as rejecting other scriptures that I did not cite. Are you actually saying that God contradicted himself when he said the things I cited from the bible? You lost me. You are accusing me of rejecting gods word by citing gods word.

Let No One Disqualify You Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God. (Colossians 2:16-19 ESV)

Think that over. He's pointing out three of the old rules and telling them to "let no one pass judgment on you regarding those rules... However, he follows with stating that these are a shadow of things to come.. IOW more there may be more rules that should not be judged by man, and the substance of which should or should not belongs to Christ.

I'm not twisting his words I'm quoting them.
Do you believe this scripture?

1 Corinthians 6 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God Do not be deceived Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
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Purple penguins? Why purple? Why penguins? Don't pretend to understand everyting people do but usually I can come up with something. Not here though. :)
I think calling them purple penguins is discriminatory towards yellow, green and pink penguins. I want this bigotry stopped! When will yellow, green and pink penguins finally get the equal status and treatment they deserve? And don't even get me started on blue penguins!

Probably a case to be made it's discriminatory against actual transgendered people. You're not TG because you're a boy who wants to wear and identify as a girl, you're a crossdresser. :)
People who cannot accept who they are, are mentally ill. I think that's the term you're looking for..

Nah. Don't most of us say how we're trying to improve ourselves and become better people? :)

Delta, quit poking around here like you know what the fuck is going on, puss head. We all know you are dumber than a turd. The issue is whether distinguishing between them and non-tyrannies is illegal. You will only find justification - possibly - under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. However, Title VII will not apply because trannies were not found by Congress to be historically discriminated against when writing the law. Therefore, Trannies are outside the scope of the law, as are gays. Now, the Equal Protection Clause is s different matter. The biggest obstacle here is that there is a prerequisite finding that the whole tranny thing is a legitimate condition, either as a third gender or that it constitutes some sort of disability. You cannot simply cut your dick off and then seek protected status, save for the snipping constituting evidence of a mental disability.

So, with trannies, fuck them. They are either male or female with a serious mental disorder. The wrong way to remedy this is to start into genital mutilation.

Thus, it does not really matter what you call them: "purple penguin" or "cock craving abominable faggot from hell", you can legally discriminate against these assholes all you want.

In fact, you would be doing these trannies a favor by discriminating against them, or even beating the shit out of one from time to time. That will encourage them to get the help they need.
Does reject mean judge, ban, disrespect, slap, sue, throw stones, hinder, attack... Or personally reject? Does extending a hand mean passing laws in the relm of ceasar to smite them down?

Are the jewish laws of the torah that made it into the old testament of the bible to be enforced by god or cesar?
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word.
You reject the scriptures in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality.
Citing gods word directly from the bible is not the same as rejecting other scriptures that I did not cite. Are you actually saying that God contradicted himself when he said the things I cited from the bible? You lost me. You are accusing me of rejecting gods word by citing gods word.

Let No One Disqualify You Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God. (Colossians 2:16-19 ESV)

Think that over. He's pointing out three of the old rules and telling them to "let no one pass judgment on you regarding those rules... However, he follows with stating that these are a shadow of things to come.. IOW more there may be more rules that should not be judged by man, and the substance of which should or should not belongs to Christ.

I'm not twisting his words I'm quoting them.
Do you believe this scripture?

1 Corinthians 6:9-10New International Version (NIV)
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?D)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-28477D" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlersE)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-28478E" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> will inherit the kingdom of God.

Yes. And what does inheriting the kingdom of god in heaven have to do with government laws on planet earth banning gays from getting married.
I love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth. You say you're a Christian, but you reject God's Word.
Where did I reject gods word, oh false accuser. Show me. Cite my statements rejecting gods word.
You reject the scriptures in the New Testament that condemn homosexuality.
Citing gods word directly from the bible is not the same as rejecting other scriptures that I did not cite. Are you actually saying that God contradicted himself when he said the things I cited from the bible? You lost me. You are accusing me of rejecting gods word by citing gods word.

Let No One Disqualify You Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God. (Colossians 2:16-19 ESV)

Think that over. He's pointing out three of the old rules and telling them to "let no one pass judgment on you regarding those rules... However, he follows with stating that these are a shadow of things to come.. IOW more there may be more rules that should not be judged by man, and the substance of which should or should not belongs to Christ.

I'm not twisting his words I'm quoting them.
Do you believe this scripture?

1 Corinthians 6:9-10New International Version (NIV)
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?D)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-28477D" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlersE)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-28478E" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> will inherit the kingdom of God.

Yes. And what does inheriting the kingdom of god in heaven have to do with government laws on planet earth banning gays from getting married.
Oh my god. Never mind.
"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.

It's rather stupid, but it's equally stupid to act like the "purple penguin" example is a mandate.

What they're saying is that if a teacher is lining kids up, use something other than gender to decide. Like, "all kids born in January."

But never mentioning "boys and girls"? Dumb.
Having two genders to keep track of is too much for them I guess. That's like twice as complicated as one gender. There's so much brainwashing and so little time as it is.
Let me get this straight. Your story is the school handed out these gender inclusive training handouts cause they what, thought the teachers would find them interesting but not follow the instructions in the training? In fact, you are trying to say the handouts were some sort of joke? The handouts were not to be used? The handouts were to be ignored? All handouts are to be ignored unless there's some POLICY STAMP in large letters? HUH?

The handouts were meant to be informative, especially to teachers who might be dealing with students who are transgender. Believe it or not, the vast majority of teachers are interested in doing a good job, in expanding their knowledge, and in making each and every student feel like part of the community.

Any teacher worth anything would be interested in helping a student, and want to avoid even incidentally making them uncomfortable.
Though the website hosting the article is questionable, the story itself is popping up among various websites. I wouldn't be too quick to downplay the actuality of this issue.

Live not far from there. He said it's just a suggestion sent to the schools

I'd move along to the west coast if I be him. He's catching a ton of heat
It's rather stupid, but it's equally stupid to act like the "purple penguin" example is a mandate.

What they're saying is that if a teacher is lining kids up, use something other than gender to decide. Like, "all kids born in January."

But never mentioning "boys and girls"? Dumb.

Like I said before... I think personally that the exclusion of green, yellow and pink penguins is gross bigotry. And we should open up a lawsuit on this school district until penguins of all colors are represented fairly. :cranky:

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