School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

Today, the government - through public school - is teaching, and attempting to establish a more, that it is perfectly ok that a person thinks he is the opposite sex despite his/her biology and that it is ok to mutilate his/her genitals and walk around looking like some kind of Halloween freak. It is a fucking mental illness. Further, we do not need to accept this bullshit...
...Don't deny it. Most of you fuckers are human cattle who can be led around to your own doom. I am especially talking about the do-good, liberal-leftist scum that slithers around with their narcissistic idea that they are doing what's fair and right, and that the right is full of ignorant meanies. You leftist shit bags are being led around by your noses, having your narcissistic tendencies manipulated so that you are willing to believe just about anything. Well, fuck you. I have no pity for you. You have chosen your path to doom. But you are not going to drag me and my family down with you...

...To each and every person out there who vote for Democrats: fuck you, you ignorant pieces of shit!

Couple of things..

1. Totally agree with you in your first comment about so-called "transsexuals". Any doctor who participates in such a surgery should have their license immediately revoked for violating the hippocratic oath, 'do no harm'. Mutilating perfectly healthy organs of another person should be a minimum of 10 years in prison. And it would be if I had control over the laws. Any doctor who prescribes medication/hormones seeking to drug and artificially alter the body of a child in anticipation of such surgery later on would receive either the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole. Texas?

2. I would say that there are some on the far right who are also narcissistic shit bags. But, point well taken. Political extremists without brains, who follow false religions that are more similar than not [indulgence of self/greed] are shit bags who weigh down the rest of the country.

3. Sorry, I vote democrat often, though this election not as often as usual. And I do it because the ignorance on the right extreme has the greatest potential to do the quickest harm to our country. The far left has the same potential but it is a slower march. In firefighting, you put out the biggest flames first and work on the hot spots later. The right wants to pollute our last sources of freshwater underground aquifers forever in favor of carbon carbon carbon monopolies. They're against green energy. They deny that snownado storms are a new and frightening weather pattern among many plaguing our country. They want zero abortion while our needy and poor populations breed out of control. Yet they won't pitch a dime that way to help those unwanted children grow to full potential. Then they whine about how expensive prisons and the welfare system is. They don't want universal healthcare but complain about how expensive it is to do business in the US. "Stupid" is not a trait reserved just for the far left.

Insanity blossoms quite well at both ends of the political spectrum. Come join us in the middle. It's really pleasant here.

You have all them leftwing extremist talking points down pat. brainwashing has been completed on you. my gawd do you really go around telling people that crap?
In my school, we have boys and girls, no inclusive shit in case a transgender kids rolls up in the next 50 years.
We encourage family, morals, good behaviour, and respect for others.
We see drug use as stupid, alcohol as a bad idea, and sex outside marriage as dangerous, as well as immoral.
Christian, Muslim, whatever - we all agree on these things.
Fuck stupid left wing bullshit.
Transgendered students.
Liberals cut dicks off of their little boys? Jesus Christ!

Transgender, to my understanding, means to identify with a different gender than one's biological gender.
Oh, OK. I guess I was thinking transexual? Transgendered would be the first step then. But if you have a son that thinks he should be your daughter, you have failed as a parent.

You're welcome to that opinion. Personally, I think happy kids are the best sign of a good parent. And that means dealing with and accepting the person that your child is.
In my school, we have boys and girls, no inclusive shit in case a transgender kids rolls up in the next 50 years.
We encourage family, morals, good behaviour, and respect for others.
We see drug use as stupid, alcohol as a bad idea, and sex outside marriage as dangerous, as well as immoral.
Christian, Muslim, whatever - we all agree on these things.
Fuck stupid left wing bullshit.

"inclusive shit"

Yep, "exclusive shit" is so much better. :wtf:
Oh, OK. I guess I was thinking transexual? Transgendered would be the first step then. But if you have a son that thinks he should be your daughter, you have failed as a parent.

You're welcome to that opinion. Personally, I think happy kids are the best sign of a good parent. And that means dealing with and accepting the person that your child is.[/QUOTE]If being a girl makes your boy happy he needs some serious psychiatric help, not approval. What if he thinks he's a duck, would you go along with that too? If not, why not?
If being a girl makes your boy happy he needs some serious psychiatric help, not approval. What if he thinks he's a duck, would you go along with that too? If not, why not?

Without bogging this down into one example, I'm sure that a boy who thinks he's really a girl should get some counseling. And if the supposed "cure" is meant to make everyone else around him comfortable, but he is miserable, then I don't consider that a treatment.

If my kid decided to be a duck, then I would support any kind of reaction that makes him happy with what he is, along with having the skills to live as comfortably and successfully as possible in the real world. If that includes living in a pond on weekends, but being a productive working citizen on weekdays, then great.
If being a girl makes your boy happy he needs some serious psychiatric help, not approval. What if he thinks he's a duck, would you go along with that too? If not, why not?

Without bogging this down into one example, I'm sure that a boy who thinks he's really a girl should get some counseling. And if the supposed "cure" is meant to make everyone else around him comfortable, but he is miserable, then I don't consider that a treatment.

If my kid decided to be a duck, then I would support any kind of reaction that makes him happy with what he is, along with having the skills to live as comfortably and successfully as possible in the real world. If that includes living in a pond on weekends, but being a productive working citizen on weekdays, then great.
It isn't "just an example". It's the crux of the matter. Reality is what it is. Pretending it is otherwise to make someone happy enables their dysfunction it doesn't cure it. We don't have counseling just to make others more comfortable, we find out what's wrong and fix it. In this example the problem is obviously systemic and the parent is the root cause. Parents basic function should be to teach their children to adapt to life, not that life needs to adapt to them.
It isn't "just an example". It's the crux of the matter. Reality is what it is. Pretending it is otherwise to make someone happy enables their dysfunction it doesn't cure it. We don't have counseling just to make others more comfortable, we find out what's wrong and fix it. In this example the problem is obviously systemic and the parent is the root cause. Parents basic function should be to teach their children to adapt to life, not that life needs to adapt to them.

People seek help because they are unhappy with whatever condition. And yes, people have to adapt to life, but they don't have to adapt to conform to everyone else's expectations. That's not a reasonable "treatment." So, if people are happy with their treatment, then it's a success. If a transgendered person is happy living life as the opposite sex, then it's an appropriate treatment, especially if that transgendered person is able to live successfully in our society. No one's asking anyone to "adapt" to anyone else, unless you think that "tolerate" is synonymous to "adapt."
People seek help because they are unhappy with whatever condition. And yes, people have to adapt to life, but they don't have to adapt to conform to everyone else's expectations. That's not a reasonable "treatment." So, if people are happy with their treatment, then it's a success. If a transgendered person is happy living life as the opposite sex, then it's an appropriate treatment, especially if that transgendered person is able to live successfully in our society. No one's asking anyone to "adapt" to anyone else, unless you think that "tolerate" is synonymous to "adapt."
We aren't talking about a smoking problem here. We are talking about a GENDER identity crisis. That's fairly serious. Tolerating someone like that doesn't mean that they will ever fit in. I'm all for individualism but a certain amount of fitting in is necessary in a society. Most people aren't going to take a guy in a dress seriously, it's just a fact of life.
People seek help because they are unhappy with whatever condition. And yes, people have to adapt to life, but they don't have to adapt to conform to everyone else's expectations. That's not a reasonable "treatment." So, if people are happy with their treatment, then it's a success. If a transgendered person is happy living life as the opposite sex, then it's an appropriate treatment, especially if that transgendered person is able to live successfully in our society. No one's asking anyone to "adapt" to anyone else, unless you think that "tolerate" is synonymous to "adapt."
We aren't talking about a smoking problem here. We are talking about a GENDER identity crisis. That's fairly serious. Tolerating someone like that doesn't mean that they will ever fit in. I'm all for individualism but a certain amount of fitting in is necessary in a society. Most people aren't going to take a guy in a dress seriously, it's just a fact of life.

You act like this is news.

So, the appropriate treatment for a guy who really wants to wear a dress, might be to save the dress-wearing for home and for situations where it is expected and appropriate, and go about in mainstream society wearing clothing more expected and accepted.

But adapting to mainstream society is not a reaction to the transgendered's condition, it is a reaction to others' reactions to it.

By the way, it used to be a "fact of life" that women could ever be accepted to universities or be doctors. Just sayin'.
You have all them leftwing extremist talking points down pat. brainwashing has been completed on you. my gawd do you really go around telling people that crap?

No, actually, I took courses in science in college and I learned the math, chemistry and physics of what we are doing to the world and what its human carrying capacity is before its main ecological systems [the ones we rely on for fresh water, energy, food, air and temperature regulation] will begin to collapse. That number was around 7 billion. At the time there were 6 billion-ish people around. The calculations were fairly accurate. The earth isn't as big as you think and its finite resources are pretty easy to understand, study and extrapolate.

You will notice my stance on this topic and gay marriage, for instance. I'm not brainwashed. I think for myself.
Y'all this actually hurts.

1) Sex != Gender
Sex is the parts/chromosomes you were born with.

Gender is the parts/chromosomes you feel internally regardless of what parts you do or do not have.

The majority of people use sex/gender back and forth as if they are the same thing which can and does create problems.

2) There are certain ideas that are pushed on kids that boys do one thing and girls do another. Growing up I was told it was stupid for me to like math because I didn't have a penis...Say whaaaaa?

By reinforcing things in school and splitting kids up into boys and girls it reinforces this notion. Girls then give peer pressure to every other girl to act in the same manner. For example girls should always wear makeup, boys should always love football. This is very damaging if you are a girl that hates makeup or a boy who hates football. Take that one step further and imagine you are a boy in a girl's body or vice versa. Then every time you feel like you should be in the girl's line you have to open yourself up to this ridicule because your teacher demands it. The student has no choice.

By removing guys and girls from lineups and teacher mandated instructions a student is able to adequately follow teacher instruction without conflict.

This also enables kids who believe in only guys and girls to divide themselves up in that way at recess or outside of school. If a child thinks sex is gender they can treat kids like that but the teacher allows the kid fluidity in their gender.

The real world is still free to be a dick. The teacher won't just do it themselves.

3) Sexual orientation has nothing to do with sex or gender.

Whether you believe it to be a choice or not, sexual orientation is who you fall in love with. Teachers cannot and do not say "Hey you should like/kiss Bobby or Susie." There is no propaganda by teachers to turn a student gay. They just sit and listen regardless of their religious beliefs and let the child figure it out.

4) Religous beliefs do not belong in public school -- No matter the majority
As a Christian I believe in sin. I don't think homosexuality is and neither is transgender. If you ask for an ear I give it. However the person I am talking to deals with the consequences. Shoving the Bible down someone's throat doesn't make them believe.

It is through love that people listen and it is Jesus's main message. My attempting to influence a majority of people into what you think life should be like because God said so is very much like the Pharisees in the Biblical times. How do you know your version is superior to your neighbor's reading of the same passage?

Therefore religion cannot be used in public school as part of the transgender debate.

Students can still share that they think the Bible means that ____ is bad. Just teachers won't.

5) let me reiterate. Each person is still allowed their opinion just teachers won't enforce a standard.
So, the appropriate treatment for a guy who really wants to wear a dress, might be to save the dress-wearing for home and for situations where it is expected and appropriate, and go about in mainstream society wearing clothing more expected and accepted.

But adapting to mainstream society is not a reaction to the transgendered's condition, it is a reaction to others' reactions to it.

By the way, it used to be a "fact of life" that women could ever be accepted to universities or be doctors. Just sayin'.
No, I'm for treating the poor bastard so he realizes the folly of thinking he's another gender. It's a disorder and your solution is to accomodate it. And to compare it to women's suffrage makes no sense.
Y'all this actually hurts.

1) Sex != Gender
Sex is the parts/chromosomes you were born with.

Gender is the parts/chromosomes you feel internally regardless of what parts you do or do not have.

The majority of people use sex/gender back and forth as if they are the same thing which can and does create problems.

2) There are certain ideas that are pushed on kids that boys do one thing and girls do another. Growing up I was told it was stupid for me to like math because I didn't have a penis...Say whaaaaa?

By reinforcing things in school and splitting kids up into boys and girls it reinforces this notion. Girls then give peer pressure to every other girl to act in the same manner. For example girls should always wear makeup, boys should always love football. This is very damaging if you are a girl that hates makeup or a boy who hates football. Take that one step further and imagine you are a boy in a girl's body or vice versa. Then every time you feel like you should be in the girl's line you have to open yourself up to this ridicule because your teacher demands it. The student has no choice.

By removing guys and girls from lineups and teacher mandated instructions a student is able to adequately follow teacher instruction without conflict.

This also enables kids who believe in only guys and girls to divide themselves up in that way at recess or outside of school. If a child thinks sex is gender they can treat kids like that but the teacher allows the kid fluidity in their gender.

The real world is still free to be a dick. The teacher won't just do it themselves.

3) Sexual orientation has nothing to do with sex or gender.

Whether you believe it to be a choice or not, sexual orientation is who you fall in love with. Teachers cannot and do not say "Hey you should like/kiss Bobby or Susie." There is no propaganda by teachers to turn a student gay. They just sit and listen regardless of their religious beliefs and let the child figure it out.

4) Religous beliefs do not belong in public school -- No matter the majority
As a Christian I believe in sin. I don't think homosexuality is and neither is transgender. If you ask for an ear I give it. However the person I am talking to deals with the consequences. Shoving the Bible down someone's throat doesn't make them believe.

It is through love that people listen and it is Jesus's main message. My attempting to influence a majority of people into what you think life should be like because God said so is very much like the Pharisees in the Biblical times. How do you know your version is superior to your neighbor's reading of the same passage?

Therefore religion cannot be used in public school as part of the transgender debate.

Students can still share that they think the Bible means that ____ is bad. Just teachers won't.

5) let me reiterate. Each person is still allowed their opinion just teachers won't enforce a standard.
Your posts hurts. It SCREAMS victim hood. I didn't like football until I was in my 50s and many gals were great at math and many from my generation got work along those lines. It was also part of the hippie generation where many gals did not wear makeup, and I thought they looked better. Still do. The one living in the box is you.
So, the appropriate treatment for a guy who really wants to wear a dress, might be to save the dress-wearing for home and for situations where it is expected and appropriate, and go about in mainstream society wearing clothing more expected and accepted.

But adapting to mainstream society is not a reaction to the transgendered's condition, it is a reaction to others' reactions to it.

By the way, it used to be a "fact of life" that women could ever be accepted to universities or be doctors. Just sayin'.
No, I'm for treating the poor bastard so he realizes the folly of thinking he's another gender. It's a disorder and your solution is to accomodate it. And to compare it to women's suffrage makes no sense.

I'm not comparing it to women's suffrage. I'm comparing your insistence that transsexualism is a disorder to be reversed to those who thought that women who wanted to be doctors were suffering from a similar "folly."

"Girls can't be doctors!" (hearty guffaw)
Your posts hurts. It SCREAMS victim hood. I didn't like football until I was in my 50s and many gals were great at math and many from my generation got work along those lines. It was also part of the hippie generation where many gals did not wear makeup, and I thought they looked better. Still do. The one living in the box is you.

Exactly. Often those with the greatest view of disparity and the most exaggerated views of what it means to be "man" and "woman" are the LGBTs. Do you see cross dressers wearing slacks and a blouse like women usually do? No, you see them in cartoonish garish makeup, a dress and heels.

I think the reason a lot of these people have these views is because they start off with a skewed view of reality. I mean if you can look between your legs and deny what's there, I guess you can look out in society and only see radically cartoonish polarized roles of the sexes. Women are good at math. I know some in construction too who like men. The gays are the ones propagating these stereotyped roles and if they come across a woman good at hard work, to them there literally is no other reality that she could be a lesbian. Likewise if a man likes color arrangement, or is good at organizing or into theater, he AUTOMATICALLY is "in the closet" according to gay men.

It's like they live in a world of bizarroland. Theirs is a very restrictive view of the potential that anyone can be in their naturally-born body.
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation abortion homosexuality to children parents outraged News LifeSite
See attached "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe_WHO_BZgA_Standards"

In this video pedophiles are being interviewed.

Pedofiele Top 100 van Vereniging MARTIJN

legalization of incest. Part 1

Dépénalisation de l'inceste (débat 1/2) en Suisse !! TSR Fautpascroire CCRT Médias-Pro
Marriage for all: the Swiss will legalize incest (video)

Kids have to pass a test at school on how to have an orgasm.

Need to know mentioning what is an orgasm?
Fragebogen empört Eltern: Müssen Neunjährige wissen, was ein Orgasmus ist? koeln fragebogen-empoert-eltern-muessen-neunjaehrige-wissen--was-ein-orgasmus-ist- 2856 22190714.html - Translator
View on Nachrichten aus K ln D sseldorf Bonn und der Welt EXPRESS
Wie intim, wie offensiv darf der Sexualunterricht sein? Ein Vater sagt dem EXPRESS: „Das, was da gerade passiert, ist Porno-Unterricht. Dagegen wehren wir uns.“
Bing and Google will translate the article.

Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON

Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps
Sch ler sollten Geschlechtsteile benennen Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps Panorama EXPRESS
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON z-zagranicy2 3460-niemcy-dzieci-trafily-do-szpitala-po-lekcji-seksu - Translator

Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken

Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken

Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken - Translator

"Protect our children" protest against sexualization of children.
Stuttgart: Second Show me against "Training plan" 2014 02 stuttgart-zweite-demo-gegen-bildungsplan - Translator

"Protect our children" calls to the Show me on 1 March 2014 in Stuttgart

Erste Demo f r Alle MEDRUM - Translator
Stuttgart: Demonstration gegen den grün-roten Bildungsplan für die Schulen in BW

Germany leads Europe in legalising ‘third gender'

Europe - Germany leads Europe in legalising x2018 third gender x27 - France 24

S-politicians: Making incest legal

Source: S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen
S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen - Translator
VILL SE EN LAGÄNDRING. Socialdemokratiska riksdagsledamoten Monica Green tycker att incest ska legaliseras. Foto: Cornelia Nordström

Danish Green Party wants to legalise incest to change gender norms danska-socialister-vill-legalisera-syskonsex - Translator
Source: Danska Milj partiet vill legalisera incest f r att ndra genusnormer Fria Tider
Published 7 November 2012 at 07: 30 Foreign.

Gender-Neutral” Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control
8220 Gender-Neutral 8221 Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control Why I Left Sweden

Protests Over "Gender Theory" in France

Protests Over 8220 Gender Theory 8221 in France Brian Sandberg Historical Perspectives

French parents boycott schools over 'gender theory' scare

France - French parents boycott schools over x27 gender theory x27 scare - France 24

Legalized incest

Legalized incest

In Western Europe, has been widely discussed legalization of incest

Google Translate

Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia

Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia Russian news and facts

Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’

Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for Mother and Father

Citizen mandate. For the protection of children, the family and the Christian roots of Germany's kampagne fragebogen bbd.html - Translator

No sexualization of children in elementary school - appeal 2012 01 06 keine-sexualisierung-der-kinder-in-der-grundschule-appell - Translator
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation abortion homosexuality to children parents outraged News LifeSite
See attached "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe_WHO_BZgA_Standards"
In this video pedophiles are being interviewed.

Pedofiele Top 100 van Vereniging MARTIJN

legalization of incest. Part 1
Dépénalisation de l'inceste (débat 1/2) en Suisse !! TSR Fautpascroire CCRT Médias-Pro
Marriage for all: the Swiss will legalize incest (video)

Kids have to pass a test at school on what is an orgasm.
Need to know mentioning what is an orgasm?
Fragebogen empört Eltern: Müssen Neunjährige wissen, was ein Orgasmus ist? koeln fragebogen-empoert-eltern-muessen-neunjaehrige-wissen--was-ein-orgasmus-ist- 2856 22190714.html - Translator
View on Nachrichten aus K ln D sseldorf Bonn und der Welt EXPRESS
Wie intim, wie offensiv darf der Sexualunterricht sein? Ein Vater sagt dem EXPRESS: „Das, was da gerade passiert, ist Porno-Unterricht. Dagegen wehren wir uns.“
Bing and Google will translate the article.
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON
Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps
Sch ler sollten Geschlechtsteile benennen Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps Panorama EXPRESS
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON z-zagranicy2 3460-niemcy-dzieci-trafily-do-szpitala-po-lekcji-seksu - Translator
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken Translation
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken - Translator
"Protect our children" protest against sexualization of children.
Stuttgart: Second Show me against "Training plan" 2014 02 stuttgart-zweite-demo-gegen-bildungsplan - Translator
"Protect our children" calls to the Show me on 1 March 2014 in Stuttgart
Erste Demo f r Alle MEDRUM - Translator
Stuttgart: Demonstration gegen den grün-roten Bildungsplan für die Schulen in BW

Germany leads Europe in legalising ‘third gender'
Europe - Germany leads Europe in legalising x2018 third gender x27 - France 24
S-politicians: Making incest legal
Source: S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen
S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen - Translator
VILL SE EN LAGÄNDRING. Socialdemokratiska riksdagsledamoten Monica Green tycker att incest ska legaliseras. Foto: Cornelia Nordström
Danish Green Party wants to legalise incest to change gender norms danska-socialister-vill-legalisera-syskonsex - Translator
Source: Danska Milj partiet vill legalisera incest f r att ndra genusnormer Fria Tider
Published 7 November 2012 at 07: 30 Foreign.
Gender-Neutral” Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control
8220 Gender-Neutral 8221 Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control Why I Left Sweden
Protests Over "Gender Theory" in France
Protests Over 8220 Gender Theory 8221 in France Brian Sandberg Historical Perspectives
French parents boycott schools over 'gender theory' scare
France - French parents boycott schools over x27 gender theory x27 scare - France 24
Legalized incest
Legalized incest
In Western Europe, has been widely discussed legalization of incest
Google Translate
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia Russian news and facts
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for Mother and Father
Citizen mandate. For the protection of children, the family and the Christian roots of Germany's kampagne fragebogen bbd.html - Translator
No sexualization of children in elementary school - appeal 2012 01 06 keine-sexualisierung-der-kinder-in-der-grundschule-appell - Translator
How many people, even among liberals, support this nonsense? These kids are gonna grow up with their heads on backwards.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

oct 8 2014
A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.
What happens when you take the worst students, make them teachers, and put them in a union where they can't get fired... oh yeah and let them decide how to teach our kids.

Solution: don't send your kids to school.

I hear McDonald's has great benefits. Maybe.
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation abortion homosexuality to children parents outraged News LifeSite
See attached "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe_WHO_BZgA_Standards"
In this video pedophiles are being interviewed.

Pedofiele Top 100 van Vereniging MARTIJN

legalization of incest. Part 1
Dépénalisation de l'inceste (débat 1/2) en Suisse !! TSR Fautpascroire CCRT Médias-Pro
Marriage for all: the Swiss will legalize incest (video)

Kids have to pass a test at school on what is an orgasm.
Need to know mentioning what is an orgasm?
Fragebogen empört Eltern: Müssen Neunjährige wissen, was ein Orgasmus ist? koeln fragebogen-empoert-eltern-muessen-neunjaehrige-wissen--was-ein-orgasmus-ist- 2856 22190714.html - Translator
View on Nachrichten aus K ln D sseldorf Bonn und der Welt EXPRESS
Wie intim, wie offensiv darf der Sexualunterricht sein? Ein Vater sagt dem EXPRESS: „Das, was da gerade passiert, ist Porno-Unterricht. Dagegen wehren wir uns.“
Bing and Google will translate the article.
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON
Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps
Sch ler sollten Geschlechtsteile benennen Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps Panorama EXPRESS
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON z-zagranicy2 3460-niemcy-dzieci-trafily-do-szpitala-po-lekcji-seksu - Translator
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken Translation
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken - Translator
"Protect our children" protest against sexualization of children.
Stuttgart: Second Show me against "Training plan" 2014 02 stuttgart-zweite-demo-gegen-bildungsplan - Translator
"Protect our children" calls to the Show me on 1 March 2014 in Stuttgart
Erste Demo f r Alle MEDRUM - Translator
Stuttgart: Demonstration gegen den grün-roten Bildungsplan für die Schulen in BW

Germany leads Europe in legalising ‘third gender'
Europe - Germany leads Europe in legalising x2018 third gender x27 - France 24
S-politicians: Making incest legal
Source: S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen
S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen - Translator
VILL SE EN LAGÄNDRING. Socialdemokratiska riksdagsledamoten Monica Green tycker att incest ska legaliseras. Foto: Cornelia Nordström
Danish Green Party wants to legalise incest to change gender norms danska-socialister-vill-legalisera-syskonsex - Translator
Source: Danska Milj partiet vill legalisera incest f r att ndra genusnormer Fria Tider
Published 7 November 2012 at 07: 30 Foreign.
Gender-Neutral” Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control
8220 Gender-Neutral 8221 Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control Why I Left Sweden
Protests Over "Gender Theory" in France
Protests Over 8220 Gender Theory 8221 in France Brian Sandberg Historical Perspectives
French parents boycott schools over 'gender theory' scare
France - French parents boycott schools over x27 gender theory x27 scare - France 24
Legalized incest
Legalized incest
In Western Europe, has been widely discussed legalization of incest
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Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia Russian news and facts
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for Mother and Father
Citizen mandate. For the protection of children, the family and the Christian roots of Germany's kampagne fragebogen bbd.html - Translator
No sexualization of children in elementary school - appeal 2012 01 06 keine-sexualisierung-der-kinder-in-der-grundschule-appell - Translator

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