School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

How many people, even among liberals, support this nonsense? These kids are gonna grow up with their heads on backwards.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

oct 8 2014
A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.

How many liberals would support this ? MOST OF THEM WOULD !

How else the fuck would something like this become policy ? You think conservatives pushed for this ? Moderates ? Aliens from Alpha Centauri ?

There's only one way on planet earth an insane policy like this could be enacted, and that is due to the agenda of L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S !!!!
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation abortion homosexuality to children parents outraged News LifeSite
See attached "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe_WHO_BZgA_Standards"
In this video pedophiles are being interviewed.

Pedofiele Top 100 van Vereniging MARTIJN

legalization of incest. Part 1
Dépénalisation de l'inceste (débat 1/2) en Suisse !! TSR Fautpascroire CCRT Médias-Pro
Marriage for all: the Swiss will legalize incest (video)

Kids have to pass a test at school on what is an orgasm.
Need to know mentioning what is an orgasm?
Fragebogen empört Eltern: Müssen Neunjährige wissen, was ein Orgasmus ist? koeln fragebogen-empoert-eltern-muessen-neunjaehrige-wissen--was-ein-orgasmus-ist- 2856 22190714.html - Translator
View on Nachrichten aus K ln D sseldorf Bonn und der Welt EXPRESS
Wie intim, wie offensiv darf der Sexualunterricht sein? Ein Vater sagt dem EXPRESS: „Das, was da gerade passiert, ist Porno-Unterricht. Dagegen wehren wir uns.“
Bing and Google will translate the article.
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON
Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps
Sch ler sollten Geschlechtsteile benennen Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps Panorama EXPRESS
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON z-zagranicy2 3460-niemcy-dzieci-trafily-do-szpitala-po-lekcji-seksu - Translator
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken Translation
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken - Translator
"Protect our children" protest against sexualization of children.
Stuttgart: Second Show me against "Training plan" 2014 02 stuttgart-zweite-demo-gegen-bildungsplan - Translator
"Protect our children" calls to the Show me on 1 March 2014 in Stuttgart
Erste Demo f r Alle MEDRUM - Translator
Stuttgart: Demonstration gegen den grün-roten Bildungsplan für die Schulen in BW

Germany leads Europe in legalising ‘third gender'
Europe - Germany leads Europe in legalising x2018 third gender x27 - France 24
S-politicians: Making incest legal
Source: S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen
S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen - Translator
VILL SE EN LAGÄNDRING. Socialdemokratiska riksdagsledamoten Monica Green tycker att incest ska legaliseras. Foto: Cornelia Nordström
Danish Green Party wants to legalise incest to change gender norms danska-socialister-vill-legalisera-syskonsex - Translator
Source: Danska Milj partiet vill legalisera incest f r att ndra genusnormer Fria Tider
Published 7 November 2012 at 07: 30 Foreign.
Gender-Neutral” Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control
8220 Gender-Neutral 8221 Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control Why I Left Sweden
Protests Over "Gender Theory" in France
Protests Over 8220 Gender Theory 8221 in France Brian Sandberg Historical Perspectives
French parents boycott schools over 'gender theory' scare
France - French parents boycott schools over x27 gender theory x27 scare - France 24
Legalized incest
Legalized incest
In Western Europe, has been widely discussed legalization of incest
Google Translate
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia Russian news and facts
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for Mother and Father
Citizen mandate. For the protection of children, the family and the Christian roots of Germany's kampagne fragebogen bbd.html - Translator
No sexualization of children in elementary school - appeal 2012 01 06 keine-sexualisierung-der-kinder-in-der-grundschule-appell - Translator
They aren't schools anymore

They have become little commie camps with your children being used as lab rats.

Sit and say nothing and they will continue to run over you
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged
WHO sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation abortion homosexuality to children parents outraged News LifeSite
See attached "Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe_WHO_BZgA_Standards"
In this video pedophiles are being interviewed.

Pedofiele Top 100 van Vereniging MARTIJN

legalization of incest. Part 1
Dépénalisation de l'inceste (débat 1/2) en Suisse !! TSR Fautpascroire CCRT Médias-Pro
Marriage for all: the Swiss will legalize incest (video)

Kids have to pass a test at school on what is an orgasm.
Need to know mentioning what is an orgasm?
Fragebogen empört Eltern: Müssen Neunjährige wissen, was ein Orgasmus ist? koeln fragebogen-empoert-eltern-muessen-neunjaehrige-wissen--was-ein-orgasmus-ist- 2856 22190714.html - Translator
View on Nachrichten aus K ln D sseldorf Bonn und der Welt EXPRESS
Wie intim, wie offensiv darf der Sexualunterricht sein? Ein Vater sagt dem EXPRESS: „Das, was da gerade passiert, ist Porno-Unterricht. Dagegen wehren wir uns.“
Bing and Google will translate the article.
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON
Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps
Sch ler sollten Geschlechtsteile benennen Das sagt die Direktorin zum Sexkunde-Kollaps Panorama EXPRESS
Germany: children found their way to the hospital after ... SEX LESSON z-zagranicy2 3460-niemcy-dzieci-trafily-do-szpitala-po-lekcji-seksu - Translator
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken
Emergency use in the sex education lessons at high school in Borken Translation
Notarzteinsatz beim Sexualkunde-Unterricht an Gymnasium in Borken - Translator
"Protect our children" protest against sexualization of children.
Stuttgart: Second Show me against "Training plan" 2014 02 stuttgart-zweite-demo-gegen-bildungsplan - Translator
"Protect our children" calls to the Show me on 1 March 2014 in Stuttgart
Erste Demo f r Alle MEDRUM - Translator
Stuttgart: Demonstration gegen den grün-roten Bildungsplan für die Schulen in BW

Germany leads Europe in legalising ‘third gender'
Europe - Germany leads Europe in legalising x2018 third gender x27 - France 24
S-politicians: Making incest legal
Source: S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen
S-politiker G r incest lagligt Nyheter Expressen - Translator
VILL SE EN LAGÄNDRING. Socialdemokratiska riksdagsledamoten Monica Green tycker att incest ska legaliseras. Foto: Cornelia Nordström
Danish Green Party wants to legalise incest to change gender norms danska-socialister-vill-legalisera-syskonsex - Translator
Source: Danska Milj partiet vill legalisera incest f r att ndra genusnormer Fria Tider
Published 7 November 2012 at 07: 30 Foreign.
Gender-Neutral” Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control
8220 Gender-Neutral 8221 Pre-School in Sweden Accused of Mind Control Why I Left Sweden
Protests Over "Gender Theory" in France
Protests Over 8220 Gender Theory 8221 in France Brian Sandberg Historical Perspectives
French parents boycott schools over 'gender theory' scare
France - French parents boycott schools over x27 gender theory x27 scare - France 24
Legalized incest
Legalized incest
In Western Europe, has been widely discussed legalization of incest
Google Translate
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia
Possible legalization of an incest in the Scandinavian countries disturbs Russia Russian news and facts
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’
Gender-neutral Term to Replace the Words for Mother and Father
Citizen mandate. For the protection of children, the family and the Christian roots of Germany's kampagne fragebogen bbd.html - Translator
No sexualization of children in elementary school - appeal 2012 01 06 keine-sexualisierung-der-kinder-in-der-grundschule-appell - Translator
WHO (World Health Organization) sex-ed guidelines promote masturbation, abortion, homosexuality to children: parents outraged

I'd be pissed off as well.
Sex education is fine - kids want to know and it helps a lot if they get a good education, as long as moral values come into it.
As for masturbation and the rest, it gets a mention out here, but in a very negative way, but without being anti anyone.
C'mon...there's none of you conservatives who actually care enough to mobilize your leadership against this march towards the abject destabilization of society at its core.

None of you. You're as insipid about staving this off as Obama is about shutting down ebola flights. Neither side shows leadership at all. Stay home. Either don't vote at all or cast a protest vote for a dark horse. Unless things change by election day. If we see a sudden manifestation of "enough is enough" on this marriage insanity and Gay Agenda...or Agenda Project...or what have you..that party wins. That's literally how the Chic Fil A crowd will vote.

Gentlemen and have exactly three weeks from today...

Prove yourselves because we ain't listening to your empty words anymore...
"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.

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