School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

There is NOTHING complicated about gender. You either have a dick or you don't.

God I hope you're not a school teacher

So you say. My friend dealing with a changing body, an extra chromosome, and hormone suppression therapy that is saving his life has a very different perspective on the issue. It may be comforting for you to think that everything is either 0 or 1, black or white, yes or no. But thinking in binary doesn't mean the world loses any shade of gray. Or becomes the cartoon simple caricature you imagine it to be.

In reality, gender can be complicated. And it doesn't hurt to be mindful of the grays and the people that live in them.
“Just how much more can we take of the schools indoctrinating our children as Left Wingers?”

Just how much more of these straw man fallacies can we take.

“The infection is getting deep and needs to be cut out.”

The fear and disdain you and others on the right have for diversity, dissent, and individual liberty comes as no surprise.
Here's a liberal right here that supports it.
Teaching kids to be considerate rather than suspicious and hateful, I can see where conservatives might see this as a threat. Just like the attack on critical thinking and the teaching of blind patriotism occurring in many conservative districts.

And just how "considerate" will these children be to the boy or girl who uses the term "boy" or "girl"...they will be treated with suspicion and hate for trying to use critical thinking against the "purple penguin Borg collective"...and then they will receive the same when they use critical thinking to combat the "Hate America" first, last and always curriculum they are being forced to accept...
If critical thinking is taught well no one is forced to accept anything on face value or jump to conclusions. If America is so great then there is nothing to hate. Seems trying to keep kids from being easily fooled is a hot button issue for some, I suspect they are the ones actually trying to do most of the fooling.
Supports it.
Watched a parent of children in the school district this morning on FOX. She said she was made aware of this program by teachers who were disgusted with this. She said the teachers e-mailed some of the parents asking them to spread the word.
Good to see they're not all in favor of the insanity.
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'

"No evidence" ? Are you fucking kidding me ? The program is the evidence !!!

Who the fuck else would call for something like this ?

This isn't liberalism ?:

“Always ask yourself, ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” said Step 1 of the handout.
Or they could “Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple
Penguins’ to meet at the rug,” the handout said.

Step 5: “When you find it necessary to reference gender, say ‘boy, girl, both or neither,” the handout said. “When asked why, use this as a teachable moment. Emphasize to students that your classroom recognizes and celebrates the gender diversity of all students.”

Step 7: “Look for examples in the media that reinforce gender stereotypes or binary models of gender (it won’t be hard; they’re everywhere). When with others, call it out and interrogate it.”

Step 8: “Be intolerant of openly hostile attitudes or references towards others… on their statements about gender. Being punitive may stop the behavior, at least in your presence. Being instructive may stop it entirely.”

Step 10: “Avoid using ‘normal’ to define any behaviors.”
Another playful handout called “The Genderbread Person” said gender isn’t binary, it isn’t either/or and encouraged kids to define their gender based on how much they align with “what you understand to be the options for gender” such as “two-spirit” and “gender/queer.” The options for expressing gender ranged from butch to femme and androgynous to gender-neutral. The handout was written by “social justice comedian” Sam Killermann.
"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.

You called them "kids". That's inclusive to transgender.
I'll call a boy, a boy and a girl a girl. I'll do so until the day I die.

You democratic filth can all go to hell. I hope soon!
Hey I'm a democrat. And millions of us...tens of millions of us disagree with this LGBT BS. :bsflag:

You think all those people clogging chic fil a were registered republicans? Think again..

You agree with it every time you vote for a Dimocrat.
"The Schools are going nuts indoctrinating Children as Liberals.. We need to take them back."

The OP is a liar, of course.

Not only is there no evidence of 'indoctrination,' there is also no evidence this 'policy' is advocated by any 'liberal.'

"No evidence" ? Are you fucking kidding me ? The program is the evidence !!!

They do not / will not see this.

They're consumed by it.

. Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
All American parents may do public school, private school, or home school.

There is no issue here.

If the complaint is that the millennial generation is calling its grandparents out, the grandparents better look in the collective mirror and not the schools.

There are not the ones calling anyone out,whats the age of the teachers/admin setting policy?? There is no crime in calling a boy a boy,or a girl a girl.

Well I should take that back they might be getting this ideas from the kids??!!!

I uh... huh. If this is true, that's nuts. Purple Penguins? Really? What else are these more radical liberals going to come up with next?

I do know there are some level-headed and reasonable liberals out there. If they could weigh in on this issue I think that would be valuable.
you will NOT find a reasonable libernut within 99 miles of this forum. :lmao:

the ones we have here are so filled with :bsflag: they would best serve on a farmers field :up:

once more :lmao:
liberal dyslexia...

Freedom = Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism = freedom

Liberals really think funny...
the reality of this is, libertards do not have the ability to think..., all they can do is FEEEEEEEEL ! :up:
Teaching kids to be considerate rather than suspicious and hateful, I can see where conservatives might see this as a threat. Just like the attack on critical thinking and the teaching of blind patriotism occurring in many conservative districts.
Who is teaching kids to be inconsiderate, suspicious and hateful.
would you believe me if i told you it is the radical libertards ?? Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers? Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
It's time to kick out every last one of these commie/liberal/progressives from every aspect of our government. and take back your STATES rights Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
Have you never worked for a government entity or large corporation? You think when you receive gender equity instructions, they are not rules or guidelines they are "suggestions?" ROFL Show me where the documents said these gender equity instructions are merely suggestions.

"A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead."

"Don’t use phrases such as ‘boys and girls,’ ‘you guys,’ ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ and similarly gendered expressions to get kids’ attention,” instructs a trainingdocument given to middle-school teachers at Lincoln Public Schools.

“Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug,” it advises.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

Liberals are easily the most moronic of all Political persuasions.
What's the matter with calling them homos and lesbos? Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins

The handouts, provided by a staff member on a district equity team, were meant only for teachers, not for students or parents, she said.

And they were not meant as rules staff had to follow, but as suggestions for how teachers can make students feel comfortable. It also stresses the impact words can have on others, Leggiardo said.

"If there's a staff member that's uninformed and unsupportive, that can be pretty scary for a family maybe struggling to understand transgender issues themselves," she said.
Read more at Nebraska School Bans Genders in Favor of Purple Penguins
I call bullshit. Snopes is not a truth meter anymore. It's a lib propaganda site. We're supposed to trust this Leggiardo, vs the actual words of the instructions given the teachers?

Prove them wrong

Show where this was put out as school policy
Have you never worked for a government entity or large corporation? You think when you receive gender equity instructions are not rules or guidelines they are "suggestions?" ROFL Show me where the documents said these gender equity instructions are merely suggestions.


Yes I have

And a stated policy is policy and handouts are just handouts

Still looking for you to show where the school "told" people to call them purple penguins. Either that or acknowledge that it is just another case of the right overreacting to a story based on bad information
I do know there are some level-headed and reasonable liberals out there. If they could weigh in on this issue I think that would be valuable.

There are? If that's true, they aren't weighing in on any issue.

My wife went to Smith College, which is a women's college. They banned the word "she" because of possible offense to transgenders. I'm like, if they are saying they aren't women, they aren't supposed to BE at a women's college. I mean think about it. You can't dream up the things liberals actually believe.

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