School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender

This is the movement with the homosexual AGENDA folks

so they just wanted to be able to get married, remember?
also remember, "we just want you smokers to stop smoking on airplanes"

"we don't want to ban guns, just keep them out of the hands of whackos"

liberscum just want you to stop ________________ (fill in the blank)

Why don't you become part of the solution and become a teacher?

They won't let you "become a teacher" unless you are willing to start as an entry level teacher. You can have 25years experience teaching math/science to adults and they will look at you and say.. here's your entry level pay that we give fresh outs. IOW work experience means nothing to them, tenure in their unions is the only thing that counts in many union jobs.
We don't need sex in this modern world. We have sperm banks, adoption agencies, and turkey basters. Just ask Rosie O'Donnell.

And pocket pussies.

Can I post a pic of a pocket pussy?

do you flush yours with bleach after every use ? :lmao: ..... :lmao:

seriously....., do you ?

Hell no! You've gotta keep it nice and goopy. More realistic that way. :thup:


Is that a sloppy seconds thing?
This is the movement with the homosexual AGENDA folks

so they just wanted to be able to get married, remember?
also remember, "we just want you smokers to stop smoking on airplanes"

"we don't want to ban guns, just keep them out of the hands of whackos"

liberscum just want you to stop ________________ (fill in the blank)

Why don't you become part of the solution and become a teacher?
Teachers are the solution.....:lmao:
You hear that folks?

ITS AGAINST the law not to send YOUR kids to school

so keep sending THEM to these little commie camps or get off your asses and GET INVOLVED. YOU PAY FOR IT
This is the movement with the homosexual AGENDA folks

so they just wanted to be able to get married, remember?
also remember, "we just want you smokers to stop smoking on airplanes"

"we don't want to ban guns, just keep them out of the hands of whackos"

liberscum just want you to stop ________________ (fill in the blank)

Why don't you become part of the solution and become a teacher?
Teachers are the solution.....:lmao:
They can be if they are the right people. You seem to think not.
You hear that folks?

ITS AGAINST the law not to send YOUR kids to school

so keep sending THEM to these little commie camps or get off your asses and GET INVOLVED. YOU PAY FOR IT
It's hard when idiots pretend to be c
Teachers are the solution.....:lmao:

Teachers are ok for young kids but after the age of 14 we should tell students "here's the textbook, now teach yourself."
Not so much. Today and the past 20 years at least parents need to be vigilante to what is being done in the class room and at school. We moved 15 years ago to find a better atmosphere for our children, but still had to be on top of every single thing. Gone are the days where school is a safe and good environment to be taken for granted.
By the way, if anyone would like to e-mail the school district superintendent, Dr Steve Joel and give him a piece of your mind, here's his e-mail address: [email protected]

Hopefully he won't receive too many pats on the back from liberals.
The usual suspect lefty idiots in here are too busy in another thread complaining about what Rush has written in his kiddie books rather than show their normal levels of support for this absolute PC bullshit.
Steve Joel ,school superintendent....told KLIN Radio’s Drive Time Lincoln show Wednesday....... he was “happy” and “pleased” with the training materials.....Kids who are “living an alternative lifestyle” or have a “gender difference” are going through an “emotionally traumatic time,” Joel said, and other students “don’t understand what that child represents” so the school needs to help students understand ......

The usual suspect lefty idiots in here are too busy in another thread complaining about what Rush has written in his kiddie books rather than show their normal levels of support for this absolute PC bullshit.
This is one of those issues that clearly defines the differences between moderates/conservatives, and liberals.
No conservative would ever call for this kind of insane policy, and I can't imagine too many or any moderates that would.

This is the kind of thing when someone remarks that liberalism is a disease, that you have to genuinely consider it.
Steve Joel ,school superintendent....told KLIN Radio’s Drive Time Lincoln show Wednesday....... he was “happy” and “pleased” with the training materials.....Kids who are “living an alternative lifestyle” or have a “gender difference” are going through an “emotionally traumatic time,” Joel said, and other students “don’t understand what that child represents” so the school needs to help students understand ......


Yeah so 95% of the kids have to be insulted in order to avoid the possibility that a couple of kids may feel uncomfortable.
Teaching this kind of stuff. SHOULD be left up to the PARENTS

they are there to LEARN how to read, write, spell and arithmetic

I'd take my kid out of that sick commie camp
How many people, even among liberals, support this nonsense? These kids are gonna grow up with their heads on backwards.

School Told to Call Kids Purple Penguins Because Boys and Girls Is Not Inclusive to Transgender National Review Online

oct 8 2014
A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.

“Always ask yourself . . . ‘Will this configuration create a gendered space?’” the document says.

The instructions were part of a list called “12 steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” developed by Gender Spectrum, an organization that “provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.”

Other items on the list include asking all students about their preferred pronouns and decorating the classroom with “all genders welcome” door hangers.

If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.

Every person who voted yes for this should be yanked out of there asap, slapped upside the head, and never be allowed to teach anywhere again or sit on any board of anything. Or just shoot them, that would work too. This is truly f'd up. I mean ... seriously??? If I ever become a grandmom I will absolutely make sure my g-kids go to private school.
And which websites would these be? Who is responsible for the posting and the websites?

Though the website hosting the article is questionable, the story itself is popping up among various websites. I wouldn't be too quick to downplay the actuality of this issue.
People need to wake up and get INVOLVED. This administration has done more damage to us AND our children than ANY OTHER

October 9, 2014 - 1:50 PM

By Rob Schwarzwalder

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for public education are often in the news, and Family Research Council has taken a strong stand against them.
Critics of the CCSS raise a number of key concerns, ranging from the content of the standards to the manner of their implementation. However, there is one primary issue that must not be lost in the discussion: The federal government's role in education.
Simply put, according to the Constitution, the federal government really has no enumerated role in education. That's why we have states, political entities through which parents and responsible adults can develop curricula for their children's education at a much more local level than one dictated by a federal bureaucracy.
Are federal bureaucrats ill-motivated? Do supporters of the federal Department of Education wish to undermine the republic? Are business leaders worried about the decline of what the late management theorist Peter Drucker called "knowledge workers" - employees who have the high-tech training necessary to keep our country competitive in the increasingly integrated global economy - animated only greed?
My own answer to these questions is no. Motivations tend to be complex and often rationalized. More than this, many advocates of the CCSS believe that without them, our economic future will be more bleak than otherwise and that young people will graduate from high school ill-prepared for the professional challenges of the 21st century.
That said, there are myriad problems with Common Core, as FRC's Senior Fellow Sarah Perry has documented. But let's say that the substance of the standards was hailed universally as outstanding and that nothing else about their content or marketing or effectiveness was in question. One issue would remain: The fact that the Constitution of the United States provides no basis for federal intervention in education.

all of it here:
The Constitution Holds the Answer to Washington s Education Behemoth Common Core CNS News

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