Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

Are you joking? Liberals constantly hold up accusations as fact. I'm not blaming you directly cuz personally I don't remember much of what you write but liberalism in general is built on accusations and fake victims.

Remember this classic:

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.
Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter. Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

"The nature of the evidence is irrelevant. It's the seriousness of the charge."

Isn't the story you posted just a set of serious charges by one individual, as yet to your knowledge without supporting evidence?

And yet you're already treating the accusations as proven fact.

Carry on, Anita...
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Notice how differently the RWnuts around here react to these accusations compared to how they are reacting to the accusations made against Governor Walker in Wisconsin.

I really can't come up with a good reason to continue the government schools....

They're a black hole for expenditures...
..the scores of grads are mediocre at best...
..and they bar any thought except Liberal ones....pretty much the definition of 'totalitarian.'

1 "Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites

2. WOODBURY, Conn. (CBS Hartford) – A high school student claims that a firewall is blocking conservative websites at his school.

3. ....he couldn’t get on the National Rifle Association’s website while on campus as he was doing research for a classroom debate on gun control in May.
“So, I went over to the other side,” Lampart told WTIC. “And I went over on sites such as Moms Demand Action or Newtown Action Alliance and I could get on these websites but not the others.”

4. ...found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked,” ...

5. ....looked at websites focusing on abortion issues and religion. He discovered that “right-to-life” groups were blocked by the firewall but that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America weren’t.

6. ....tried to explore websites like and the Vatican’s site but they were both blocked. However, was not blocked.

7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

8. “It’s not a joking matter in terms of having access to both sides of an issue,” Board Chairman John Chapman told WTIC."
Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites « CBS Connecticut

Had there been any doubt that Liberals are afraid of the debate......

...well, here it is.

What's the point?

So you found a story about about a draconian democrat overstepping political boundaries in a public school... And the answer is to stop funding education as a public responsibility altogether? :eusa_eh:

That's nuts. The streets will be awash with dirty little urchins with nothing better to do than to start a life of crime.
Has anyone found any real proof? Or is this another right winged hate fest?

Proof of what, our continued academic decline?

U.S. 15-Year-Olds Slip in Rankings on International Exams - WSJ

"U.S. 15-year-olds made no progress on recent international achievement exams and fell further in the rankings, reviving a debate about America's ability to compete in a global economy."

Democrat Party doing its best to breed generations of Food Stamp consumers

So...why aren't we doing what those other countries are doing....longer school days, weeks, years.....tracking...and more respect for teachers.
I really can't come up with a good reason to continue the government schools....

They're a black hole for expenditures...
..the scores of grads are mediocre at best...
..and they bar any thought except Liberal ones....pretty much the definition of 'totalitarian.'

1 "Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites

2. WOODBURY, Conn. (CBS Hartford) – A high school student claims that a firewall is blocking conservative websites at his school.

3. ....he couldn’t get on the National Rifle Association’s website while on campus as he was doing research for a classroom debate on gun control in May.
“So, I went over to the other side,” Lampart told WTIC. “And I went over on sites such as Moms Demand Action or Newtown Action Alliance and I could get on these websites but not the others.”

4. ...found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked,” ...

5. ....looked at websites focusing on abortion issues and religion. He discovered that “right-to-life” groups were blocked by the firewall but that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America weren’t.

6. ....tried to explore websites like and the Vatican’s site but they were both blocked. However, was not blocked.

7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

8. “It’s not a joking matter in terms of having access to both sides of an issue,” Board Chairman John Chapman told WTIC."
Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites « CBS Connecticut

Had there been any doubt that Liberals are afraid of the debate......

...well, here it is.

It follows along with the liberal media. They only want people to have certain information and pretend that there is never another side to the story they are telling.

Now that the liberals have their hooks in the schools, they intend to start indoctrinating students early so it will be easier later on to spoon feed them bias news.

They are teaching young children to fear guns or even the mention of guns. Of course, they cannot allow older students access to the NRA site or any Republican site that talks about our rights and liberties. Knowledge would actually remove many of the fears that liberalism is teaching. They want students growing up to fear the world and see government as their only savior.

When it comes to religion, the left is against Christianity, though for some strange reason they are accepting of Islam. Makes no sense considering they also push the theory of evolution. Muslims would be against infidels who believe that, yet the left embraces two opposing ideologies at the same time.

They are also teaching man-made global warming as a fact despite many past alarmists now changing their tune and admitting that the science was bogus. It's not that they shouldn't discuss actual climate change, but they are pushing the notion that they can actually control it by redistributing wealth. In typical liberal fashion, they do this by scaring them into believing that the earth will explode if the wealth is not redistributed and rights are not ceded to government. More libs need to understand that this isn't really about saving the planet. Read Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and the Cloward-Piven strategy. Understand that this is about taking down America and rebuilding a socialist/communist country in it's place. No more, no less. That is the reason behind all they do, including global warming "solutions."

Schools are taking over teaching children sex education and they no longer respect parent's beliefs. Government seems bent on taking over the role of parenting and reversing any morals or religious beliefs the children were taught prior to starting school. Complaints from parents carry little weight. It's no wonder that home schooling continues to grow in popularity. The goal of schools today is clear. They have a far left agenda and they intend to raise our children their way and they don't give a damn what parents think.

The liberals have declared that anyone who doesn't go along with them are radicals. They are the most intolerant people in the world. They complain that the right was in control for too long, but I recall discussing liberal ideas way back when. We were never cut off from their message. We were allowed to see both sides. I am glad that I was able to see both sides and realize what a bunch of mind numbed idiots some on the left were. Clearly some liberal "educators" realized that some of the left's beliefs look completely insane when compared to more reasonable views, so they just blocked off others.
Last edited:
I really can't come up with a good reason to continue the government schools....

They're a black hole for expenditures...
..the scores of grads are mediocre at best...
..and they bar any thought except Liberal ones....pretty much the definition of 'totalitarian.'

1 "Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites

2. WOODBURY, Conn. (CBS Hartford) – A high school student claims that a firewall is blocking conservative websites at his school.

3. ....he couldn’t get on the National Rifle Association’s website while on campus as he was doing research for a classroom debate on gun control in May.
“So, I went over to the other side,” Lampart told WTIC. “And I went over on sites such as Moms Demand Action or Newtown Action Alliance and I could get on these websites but not the others.”

4. ...found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked,” ...

5. ....looked at websites focusing on abortion issues and religion. He discovered that “right-to-life” groups were blocked by the firewall but that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America weren’t.

6. ....tried to explore websites like and the Vatican’s site but they were both blocked. However, was not blocked.

7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

8. “It’s not a joking matter in terms of having access to both sides of an issue,” Board Chairman John Chapman told WTIC."
Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites « CBS Connecticut

Had there been any doubt that Liberals are afraid of the debate......

...well, here it is.

Maybe your kind should go back to the rice paddy's in south east Asia where you can eat dog and sell trinkets to American tourists where you would feel back home in a banana republic form of government

If the tea party won out = 80% of the population of this country would be working like east asians. Treated like it too. Like dog shit.

Because we are all rich CEOs?
Conservatives don't give a fuck about the quality of education, if all they did was teach the Bible like some christian madrassa and treated critical thinking like the sin it is in conservative circles then they would have little problem with the state of our education system.

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