Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

Has anyone found any real proof? Or is this another right winged hate fest?

Newark,NJ spends $18,000 per student , One of the highest of any major public school system , yet only 30 percent of 8th graders can pass the annual proficiency test in math.

D.C. public-schools, which also has among the highest per-pupil expenditures in the USA is continuously among the lowest test scores.

Detroit Public Schools - In 2011, Detroit tied Washington, D.C. for last place in eighth-grade reading scores.

All Democratic controlled cities - liberal run Schools.

Major Democratic cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia is where the largest numbers of children cannot read, write, and compute at anything approaching acceptable levels.

The most disastrous of Americas inner-city schools are controlled by Democrats and Liberals, their Unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and its left-wing agenda, staffers and bureaucrats who do not adhere to leftist liberal views are weeded out and banished under at times, the most treacherous of methodology. Teacher-training colleges resemble indoctrination systems and those who escape the halls of this vile form of academia are decidedly leftist, conservatives, or those who betray a conservative opinion are flunked out long before graduation.
Oh, My God, the schools are blocking gun nuts websites from kids?

Yeah, it's not like we haven't had dozens of school shootings.

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?

Like kids give a fuck about such things, you want a plot to politically indoctrinate kids all you have to do is go to Texas, you remember the blow-up over their state textbook committee, is that shit okay?
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

Should I wait for you to provide evidence to the contrary, or should I plan on having a future?

everybody knows republicans lie about history, so it would only make sense to block their sites ... good job high schools ... if they don't like it home school them ... who needs another lying republican ...
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

she gets confused about how schools aren't there to teach religion.

and if that's a problem for her, she can do what she did... which is home school her kids so they don't learn anything that might teach them actual science and fair treatment of others.
If we want real stupid kids in this country, give them access to Republican web sites. Then we will show the world how to turn out some real dumb kids.

And you repubs claim you are so concerned about the quality of the education, yet complain when schools keep kids from visiting stupid on line sites. Like a Republican run web site.

Sounds to me like this school system was looking out for the kids education. No school wants to participate in making kids dumber. And Repubs definitely want dumb young people. It is the Republican parties only chance to survive.

Look at the Repub dummies on this board. You all visit Republican web sites all the time. They have made you all stupid. What do you think those sites would do to a young mind? Corrupt them is what.

I rest my case.
If we want real stupid kids in this country, give them access to Republican web sites. Then we will show the world how to turn out some real dumb kids.

And you repubs claim you are so concerned about the quality of the education, yet complain when schools keep kids from visiting stupid on line sites. Like a Republican run web site.

Sounds to me like this school system was looking out for the kids education. No school wants to participate in making kids dumber. And Repubs definitely want dumb young people. It is the Republican parties only chance to survive.

Look at the Repub dummies on this board. You all visit Republican web sites all the time. They have made you all stupid. What do you think those sites would do to a young mind? Corrupt them is what.

I rest my case.
Conservative schooling does not guarantee conservative grads, my rural backwoods school broke every rule in the book on prayer and indoctrination and still I knew bullshit when I saw it, kids tend to get their religion and politics at home and my parents taught me that 90% of what people in authority tell you is designed to protect their positions. If conservatives feel that their kids are turning out too liberal then they should pay more attention to them and explain their politics in a way that does not turn out to be easily debunked bullshit. If you tell kids one lie and they find out different then they usually assume the rest is bullshit too, this is the problem conservatives have with public schools.
Oh, My God, the schools are blocking gun nuts websites from kids?

Yeah, it's not like we haven't had dozens of school shootings.

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?

if the article had any factual bases to it, any kind of truth to it, don't you think the news, fox noise, would be all over it ???? I know when stories are released here on the web a lot of them are pure fiction ... I cans see blocking the NRA, but to block all of the other sites seems a lot made up to me ...
If we want real stupid kids in this country, give them access to Republican web sites. Then we will show the world how to turn out some real dumb kids.

And you repubs claim you are so concerned about the quality of the education, yet complain when schools keep kids from visiting stupid on line sites. Like a Republican run web site.

Sounds to me like this school system was looking out for the kids education. No school wants to participate in making kids dumber. And Repubs definitely want dumb young people. It is the Republican parties only chance to survive.

Look at the Repub dummies on this board. You all visit Republican web sites all the time. They have made you all stupid. What do you think those sites would do to a young mind? Corrupt them is what.

I rest my case.
Conservative schooling does not guarantee conservative grads, my rural backwoods school broke every rule in the book on prayer and indoctrination and still I knew bullshit when I saw it, kids tend to get their religion and politics at home and my parents taught me that 90% of what people in authority tell you is designed to protect their positions. If conservatives feel that their kids are turning out too liberal then they should pay more attention to them and explain their politics in a way that does not turn out to be easily debunked bullshit. If you tell kids one lie and they find out different then they usually assume the rest is bullshit too, this is the problem conservatives have with public schools.

That is a very interesting point. How is it that Republican parents are not able to indoctrinate their kids in such a way that nothing a liberal teacher could say or do would have an effect on the Republican kids outlook or beliefs?

Are you Republican parents so weak in your home teachings that what you teach can be so easily dismissed when a student gets in the classroom?

Like when your Johnny claims that man walked with dinosaurs and the other kids start making fun of them for being dumb. Your kid would be able to take that making fun of and PROVE to those other mean liberal kids that man DID walk with dinosaurs.

You Repubs can prove that can't you?
They are teaching young children to fear guns or even the mention of guns. Of course, they cannot allow older students access to the NRA site or any Republican site that talks about our rights and liberties.

I'm pretty sure they can find the Constitution without having to visit a site endorsed by the NRA...

But are you sure that a kid whose parents are Republican can find the COTUS without visiting a Repub web site? I have my doubts. Surely the COTUS wouldn't be in a text book on American history.
They are teaching young children to fear guns or even the mention of guns. Of course, they cannot allow older students access to the NRA site or any Republican site that talks about our rights and liberties.

I'm pretty sure they can find the Constitution without having to visit a site endorsed by the NRA...

But are you sure that a kid whose parents are Republican can find the COTUS without visiting a Repub web site? I have my doubts. Surely the COTUS wouldn't be in a text book on American history.

Well...the textbooks they print in Texas probably edit out most of the 2nd Amendment...especially that pesky "well regulated" part....And it ends at the 10th... :eusa_whistle:
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

she gets confused about how schools aren't there to teach religion.

and if that's a problem for her, she can do what she did... which is home school her kids so they don't learn anything that might teach them actual science and fair treatment of others.

You appear quite the fool.
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

Should I wait for you to provide evidence to the contrary, or should I plan on having a future?

everybody knows republicans lie about history, so it would only make sense to block their sites ... good job high schools ... if they don't like it home school them ... who needs another lying republican ...

Spoken like a government school grad!

Your post is far better testimony to why the schools need to be reformed than I could have written.

Now wipe that drool off your chin.
7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

How is blocking of an NRA site depriving anyone of anything going on in the world??

PLEASE !!! tell us you are not really that stupid.., are you ?? :up:
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

Should I wait for you to provide evidence to the contrary, or should I plan on having a future?

everybody knows republicans lie about history, so it would only make sense to block their sites ... good job high schools ... if they don't like it home school them ... who needs another lying republican ...

"[ame=""]United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination[/ame] " rewrites the Constitution of the United States. The high school textbook contains a summary of each Amendment that alters the actual initial intent -- It quotes the Second Amendment as, "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia." When the actual amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

California, recently made it mandatory for all public schools to exaggerate and incorporate into their curriculum the contributions of homosexuals to history. This indoctrination begins at kindergarten . As per Tim Donnelly, a California lawmaker, this new law forbids educators to portray homosexuals in anything other than a positive light.

A Massachusetts public school principal, Anne Foley, has banned celebrations of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, labeling them American atrocities parading as historical holidays. She also forbid children to dress up for Halloween. Massachusetts Principal Takes Aim at Fall Holidays, Says Theyre Insensitive

At schools in Illinois, fourth graders are being forced to read a Common Core compliant book....the biography of Barack Obama. Sounds innocent enough, right? This assignment is far from innocent. In fact, it attacks the innocence of our children, perverts the history of our country, and smears an entire population of people who disagree with Obamas policies.

Here is what fourth graders will learn in this book about the life of President Barack Obama....though he is referred to in this book as simply Barack.

1. Barack learned how to be black, which meant cursing, fighting, and smoking, drinking, and doing drugs from watching television.
2. Whites are racist and therefore didnt want to vote for Barack.
3. Baracks pastor said that God would damn America for mistreating black people. The pastor called our country a failure.
4. Blacks and whites are angry at each other and only Barack could make the country more perfect.
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Oh, My God, the schools are blocking gun nuts websites from kids?

Yeah, it's not like we haven't had dozens of school shootings.

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?

if the article had any factual bases to it, any kind of truth to it, don't you think the news, fox noise, would be all over it ???? I know when stories are released here on the web a lot of them are pure fiction ... I cans see blocking the NRA, but to block all of the other sites seems a lot made up to me ...
it's so easy being a liberal. Just stick your heads up Obama's ass.
7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

How is blocking of an NRA site depriving anyone of anything going on in the world??

"It's just a LITTLE bit of censorship, that I happen to support. What's the big deal?"

Progressives, by their actions, acknowledge their ideas can't withstand comparison with differing views.

That's why you rely on force-feeding your politics to children too unsophisticated to question what you tell them.

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