Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

Oh, My God, the schools are blocking gun nuts websites from kids?

Yeah, it's not like we haven't had dozens of school shootings.

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?
Joe is quite the supporter of fascism. He thinks he'll be given a corner office after the Revolution.
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

Should I wait for you to provide evidence to the contrary, or should I plan on having a future?

everybody knows republicans lie about history, so it would only make sense to block their sites ... good job high schools ... if they don't like it home school them ... who needs another lying republican ...

Well, aren't you a little scumbag.

Hint: The answer is "Yes".
To you, an accusation is the same as a conviction...

she gets confused about how schools aren't there to teach religion.

and if that's a problem for her, she can do what she did... which is home school her kids so they don't learn anything that might teach them actual science and fair treatment of others.
So, blocking children's access to differing views is "fair treatment"?

I can't wait to hear your explanation.
Would it be correct to assume that you have no problem with schools providing only one long as it is the Liberal one?

Oh, I'm sorry. No you are not correct.

Now answer my question above. Note: a non-answer from you translates as a 'No', so trying to dodge the question doesn't save you.

By 'no,' are you stating that you oppose filters designed to prevent conservative views, or denying that you support Liberal ones only?

Focus like a laser and try to articulate your point.

Of course I do. jesus on a jet ski, have you learned nothing from my posts over the years? Are you ineducable?

Now about your homeschooling...

...I'll bet you don't practice what you're preaching here...
Oh, I'm sorry. No you are not correct.

Now answer my question above. Note: a non-answer from you translates as a 'No', so trying to dodge the question doesn't save you.

By 'no,' are you stating that you oppose filters designed to prevent conservative views, or denying that you support Liberal ones only?

Focus like a laser and try to articulate your point.

Of course I do. jesus on a jet ski, have you learned nothing from my posts over the years? Are you ineducable?

Now about your homeschooling...

...I'll bet you don't practice what you're preaching here...

Possibly you've mistaken me for a government school which mandates attendance.....


"Of course I do."

As inarticulate as you are, you must be a government school grad.

Do what????
Does ANY conservative here believe that the kid's accusations should be verified before they are declared to be facts?

ANY of you?

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
everybody knows republicans lie about history, so it would only make sense to block their sites ... good job high schools ... if they don't like it home school them ... who needs another lying republican ...

Jamie Glazov -- Forty-eight Liberal Lies About American History
FP: The atomic bombing of Japan?

Schweikart: Some of the texts make it very clear the view the atomic bombing of Japan as “atomic diplomacy,” designed to frighten or intimidate the Soviets, not to force Japan to surrender. It’s silly. We know now from internal Japanese documents that the Japanese government wasn’t even close to surrendering prior to Hiroshima, and still hesitated after Hiroshima.

FP: The Rosenbergs?

Schweikart: Another clear example of blatant bias. The textbooks state that they were innocent, and the ones that admit the Rosenbergs were guilty go on to excuse what they did by saying, “It wasn’t that bad. What they provided wasn’t important.” I guess this means if a traitor gives away the army’s position, then the army moves and isn’t wiped out, everything is fine. In fact, none other than Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev said his top spy told him the information provided by the Rosenbergs was crucial to building the Soviet a-bomb.

FP: Almost all American history books identify John Wilkes Booth as a “Confederate” and more than half identify Lee Harvey Oswald as a “Marine.” What does this say exactly?

Schweikart: I think it’s one of the clearest messages in the book. Oswald shot Kennedy because he was a Marine---because of his “Marine-ness.” Only one mentions the fact that he was a communist, and in fact that is why he shot Kennedy, because as a communist he disliked Kennedy’s hard line against the Cubans and the Soviets. Booth didn’t shoot Lincoln because he was an actor! So it displays a rather stunning insight into how these historians view the military. In fact, in most of the books, there are very few---if any---“heroic” images of our soldiers. Some wounded soldiers in Vietnam appear, but you are almost never shown American military success.​
I believe you were saying something stupid about lying about history...?
One student in one school claims right wing websites are blocked so that means all schools block all right wing websites.

One school censoring the free exchange of ideas is one school too many.

But apparently the left has no problem with it.

Our school district filters porn sites. You should come here and protest.
Yes, because conservative web sites ARE JUST LIKE porn.

Why are you so afraid of differing views? You're terrified of them. Don't bother denying it.
Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side..


Obviously the OP never studied logical fallacies, wherever she attended school.

If she had she’d understand the premise of her thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The purpose of the exaggeration was to rope you in so I could make fun of you.


But there is no doubt about the essence of the OP.

No doubt at all.
Does ANY conservative here believe that the kid's accusations should be verified before they are declared to be facts?

ANY of you?

And even if they were verified as ‘facts,’ the premise remains a fallacy, as this one isolated incident is not representative off all schools, ‘liberal’ or otherwise.


From "Still The Best Hope," by Dennis Prager:

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

a. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

2. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

b. [ame=]Eric Holder D.O.J "We Must Brainwash People About Guns" - YouTube[/ame]
Does ANY conservative here believe that the kid's accusations should be verified before they are declared to be facts?

ANY of you?

And even if they were verified as ‘facts,’ the premise remains a fallacy, as this one isolated incident is not representative off all schools, ‘liberal’ or otherwise.

Without seeing the filter program I can't judge whether it was inappropriate or not,

and neither should anyone else.
Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

Because science has a liberal bias.
By 'no,' are you stating that you oppose filters designed to prevent conservative views, or denying that you support Liberal ones only?

Focus like a laser and try to articulate your point.

Of course I do. jesus on a jet ski, have you learned nothing from my posts over the years? Are you ineducable?

Now about your homeschooling...

...I'll bet you don't practice what you're preaching here...

Possibly you've mistaken me for a government school which mandates attendance.....


If I've mistaken you for someone, it's for someone who believes that the education of children should not be a politically biased indoctrination,

because now you're saying you support it for your own children. Why is indoctrination a positive for your children, but a negative for children who attend public school?

"Of course I do."

As inarticulate as you are, you must be a government school grad.

Do what????

Why must you be told everything several times?

this is what you originally asked me:

Would it be correct to assume that you have no problem with schools providing only one long as it is the Liberal one?

And I said no, it would not be correct...and for some reason you can't understand that answer.


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