Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

Because science has a liberal bias.

Ironic that the crowd objecting to this is the same crowd that

demands creationism/intelligent design be taught as science,

demands that sex education not be taught,

and demands that homosexuality not be presented as an acceptable lifestyle/orientation.

Oh, and demands racially offensive team names lolol.
Look at the USMB Libs, nice bunch, but they have no ability to think for themselves.

You show them the lies about FDR, LBJ and McCarthy, and you get back flying froth and spittle.
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Does ANY conservative here believe that the kid's accusations should be verified before they are declared to be facts?

ANY of you?
I've already posted a link showing the district superintendent confirms it.

You (purposefully) ignored it.

He did not confirm the veracity of the specific items of the kid's accusations. I tried to explain the filter programs, or was going to,

but the profound lack of interest from you people of actually learning something was sufficient to deter me.
Oh, and btw, since we now have a Marxist Pope, as we've been told by the Right's propaganda ministry,

blocking the Vatican website would be CONSERVATIVE bias, wouldn't it?
Oh, My God, the schools are blocking gun nuts websites from kids?

Yeah, it's not like we haven't had dozens of school shootings.

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?
Joe is quite the supporter of fascism. He thinks he'll be given a corner office after the Revolution.

He's batshit insane and evil on the level of Stalin. To him, no action by the government can be wrong, no matter how egregious.
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Of course I do. jesus on a jet ski, have you learned nothing from my posts over the years? Are you ineducable?

Now about your homeschooling...

...I'll bet you don't practice what you're preaching here...

Possibly you've mistaken me for a government school which mandates attendance.....


If I've mistaken you for someone, it's for someone who believes that the education of children should not be a politically biased indoctrination,

because now you're saying you support it for your own children. Why is indoctrination a positive for your children, but a negative for children who attend public school?

"Of course I do."

As inarticulate as you are, you must be a government school grad.

Do what????

Why must you be told everything several times?

this is what you originally asked me:

Would it be correct to assume that you have no problem with schools providing only one long as it is the Liberal one?

And I said no, it would not be correct...and for some reason you can't understand that answer.


More than likely, because it is a LIE!
Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...
Home School!!!

Then your kids will have the critical thinking skills they need to reject moonbatshit!

It's even worse than bullshit.

Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...

I'll take that stunned silence as a 'yes'. lol
One student in one school claims right wing websites are blocked so that means all schools block all right wing websites.


No. It is sufficient tragedy that it happened in even one school in this country.
Does ANY conservative here believe that the kid's accusations should be verified before they are declared to be facts?

ANY of you?
I've already posted a link showing the district superintendent confirms it.

You (purposefully) ignored it.

He did not confirm the veracity of the specific items of the kid's accusations. I tried to explain the filter programs, or was going to,

but the profound lack of interest from you people of actually learning something was sufficient to deter me.
Oh, we fully enjoy and support learning.

What we object to is progressive indoctrination. Have you finally accepted that progressivism can't survive comparison to other political philosophies? That's why progs seek to silence conflicting views.
Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...

I'll take that stunned silence as a 'yes'. lol


Are you actually claiming that schools in a Democratic District can set their computers to allow their students to read the Democratic Party Website, but not the Republican Party Web Site.

That's the stunned silence. Mao is proud of you. The Jeffersonians...not so much.
Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...
What if they blocked the DNC's website, HuffPo, Planned Parenthood, and other bastions of liberal thought? Something tells me you wouldn't be so cavalier.

Say, here's an idea: Let's let the kids see all kinds of political material, and let them make their own minds up.

You up for that? Or are you afraid they'll make wrong decisions?
Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...

I'll take that stunned silence as a 'yes'. lol
The only way you could stun anyone is if you said something intelligent.
If we want real stupid kids in this country, give them access to Republican web sites. Then we will show the world how to turn out some real dumb kids.

And you repubs claim you are so concerned about the quality of the education, yet complain when schools keep kids from visiting stupid on line sites. Like a Republican run web site.

Sounds to me like this school system was looking out for the kids education. No school wants to participate in making kids dumber. And Repubs definitely want dumb young people. It is the Republican parties only chance to survive.

Look at the Repub dummies on this board. You all visit Republican web sites all the time. They have made you all stupid. What do you think those sites would do to a young mind? Corrupt them is what.

I rest my case.

This poster has stopped being an American. He's just a full-time Democrat now.
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Has anyone found any real proof? Or is this another right winged hate fest?

Newark,NJ spends $18,000 per student , One of the highest of any major public school system , yet only 30 percent of 8th graders can pass the annual proficiency test in math.

D.C. public-schools, which also has among the highest per-pupil expenditures in the USA is continuously among the lowest test scores.

Detroit Public Schools - In 2011, Detroit tied Washington, D.C. for last place in eighth-grade reading scores.

All Democratic controlled cities - liberal run Schools.

Major Democratic cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia is where the largest numbers of children cannot read, write, and compute at anything approaching acceptable levels.

The most disastrous of Americas inner-city schools are controlled by Democrats and Liberals, their Unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and its left-wing agenda, staffers and bureaucrats who do not adhere to leftist liberal views are weeded out and banished under at times, the most treacherous of methodology. Teacher-training colleges resemble indoctrination systems and those who escape the halls of this vile form of academia are decidedly leftist, conservatives, or those who betray a conservative opinion are flunked out long before graduation.

How come, after 50 years of the Great Society and the War on Poverty, can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago?

I know that just asking gets me The Race Card...but after 50 years, it seems like its not too much for a worn out old taxpayer to wanna see how his money is doing.
Has anyone found any real proof? Or is this another right winged hate fest?

Newark,NJ spends $18,000 per student , One of the highest of any major public school system , yet only 30 percent of 8th graders can pass the annual proficiency test in math.

D.C. public-schools, which also has among the highest per-pupil expenditures in the USA is continuously among the lowest test scores.

Detroit Public Schools - In 2011, Detroit tied Washington, D.C. for last place in eighth-grade reading scores.

All Democratic controlled cities - liberal run Schools.

Major Democratic cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia is where the largest numbers of children cannot read, write, and compute at anything approaching acceptable levels.

The most disastrous of Americas inner-city schools are controlled by Democrats and Liberals, their Unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and its left-wing agenda, staffers and bureaucrats who do not adhere to leftist liberal views are weeded out and banished under at times, the most treacherous of methodology. Teacher-training colleges resemble indoctrination systems and those who escape the halls of this vile form of academia are decidedly leftist, conservatives, or those who betray a conservative opinion are flunked out long before graduation.

How come, after 50 years of the Great Society and the War on Poverty, can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago?

I know that just asking gets me The Race Card...but after 50 years, it seems like its not too much for a worn out old taxpayer to wanna see how his money is doing.

Because they became dependent on it - the freebies and hand outs. These are the descendants of a people that were ripped from their homeland , put in chains and worked half to death without ever seeing the fruits of their Labor - there is no work ethic instilled in them from generation to generation as been the case with Europeans and My people as well.

The Democrats , the heirs of their racist forefathers, capitalize on these people to no end- and they use your hard earned money with which to do it . The Great Society and the War on Poverty were never intended to free these people from poverty - it's simply a new form of slavery and appeasement.
Newark,NJ spends $18,000 per student , One of the highest of any major public school system , yet only 30 percent of 8th graders can pass the annual proficiency test in math.

D.C. public-schools, which also has among the highest per-pupil expenditures in the USA is continuously among the lowest test scores.

Detroit Public Schools - In 2011, Detroit tied Washington, D.C. for last place in eighth-grade reading scores.

All Democratic controlled cities - liberal run Schools.

Major Democratic cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia is where the largest numbers of children cannot read, write, and compute at anything approaching acceptable levels.

The most disastrous of Americas inner-city schools are controlled by Democrats and Liberals, their Unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party and its left-wing agenda, staffers and bureaucrats who do not adhere to leftist liberal views are weeded out and banished under at times, the most treacherous of methodology. Teacher-training colleges resemble indoctrination systems and those who escape the halls of this vile form of academia are decidedly leftist, conservatives, or those who betray a conservative opinion are flunked out long before graduation.

How come, after 50 years of the Great Society and the War on Poverty, can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago?

I know that just asking gets me The Race Card...but after 50 years, it seems like its not too much for a worn out old taxpayer to wanna see how his money is doing.

Because they became dependent on it - the freebies and hand outs. These are the descendants of a people that were ripped from their homeland , put in chains and worked half to death without ever seeing the fruits of their Labor - there is no work ethic instilled in them from generation to generation as been the case with Europeans and My people as well.

The Democrats , the heirs of their racist forefathers, capitalize on these people to no end- and they use your hard earned money with which to do it . The Great Society and the War on Poverty were never intended to free these people from poverty - it's simply a new form of slavery and appeasement.

nice delusions.... please tell the class why red states are the poorest and least educated and take more tax money from the feds than they pay in while the blue states pay more into the system than they take.

if you weren't such liars, maybe you'd have a handle on reality.

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