Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

The RNC website was blocked but the DNC site wasn't. That proves it was deliberate. But that''s okay, huh?

if the article had any factual bases to it, any kind of truth to it, don't you think the news, fox noise, would be all over it ???? I know when stories are released here on the web a lot of them are pure fiction ... I cans see blocking the NRA, but to block all of the other sites seems a lot made up to me ...
it's so easy being a liberal. Just stick your heads up Obama's ass.

and do not forget to stick out your tongue and flick it around.., rapidly..., very rapidly for maximum effect. :lmao: .......... :lmao:

How come, after 50 years of the Great Society and the War on Poverty, can they still not feed themselves in Detroit and South Chicago?

I know that just asking gets me The Race Card...but after 50 years, it seems like its not too much for a worn out old taxpayer to wanna see how his money is doing.

Because they became dependent on it - the freebies and hand outs. These are the descendants of a people that were ripped from their homeland , put in chains and worked half to death without ever seeing the fruits of their Labor - there is no work ethic instilled in them from generation to generation as been the case with Europeans and My people as well.

The Democrats , the heirs of their racist forefathers, capitalize on these people to no end- and they use your hard earned money with which to do it . The Great Society and the War on Poverty were never intended to free these people from poverty - it's simply a new form of slavery and appeasement.

nice delusions.... please tell the class why red states are the poorest and least educated and take more tax money from the feds than they pay in while the blue states pay more into the system than they take.

if you weren't such liars, maybe you'd have a handle on reality.

You can't make that point. Go for it.
If a student was looking up a gun website at school, I'd be concerned.

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.
Shouldn't school boards be allowed to run their districts' schools as they see fit, provided they comply with applicable state and federal laws?

I mean, they are locally elected representatives. I thought conservatives liked the idea of more power down at the local level...
What if they blocked the DNC's website, HuffPo, Planned Parenthood, and other bastions of liberal thought? Something tells me you wouldn't be so cavalier.

Say, here's an idea: Let's let the kids see all kinds of political material, and let them make their own minds up.

You up for that? Or are you afraid they'll make wrong decisions?

I notice you were careful as usual not to commit to an actual position.

I'll let you dodge the issue twice then. Should it be left up to the elected officials of the local school board or not?
One student in one school claims right wing websites are blocked so that means all schools block all right wing websites.

One school censoring the free exchange of ideas is one school too many.

But apparently the left has no problem with it.

Our school district filters porn sites. You should come here and protest.

we are NOT discussing porn which i am sure you would prefer THAT, as you have a masters degree in it. :lmao:
If a student was looking up a gun website at school, I'd be concerned.

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.

Where's the evidence? Even on USMB there's never a day goes by when some liberal's assertion provokes a RWer demand for a link, for evidence, for proof.

How about you hold this kid to the same standard?
If a student was looking up a gun website at school, I'd be concerned.

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.

Where's the evidence? Even on USMB there's never a day goes by when some liberal's assertion provokes a RWer demand for a link, for evidence, for proof.

How about you hold this kid to the same standard?

Unless you can provide an alternative story, this is all we have. Discuss the facts in the story. DUH!!
If a student was looking up a gun website at school, I'd be concerned.

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.

His school can block whatever websites it chooses.

MaoTseTung, Karl Marx, Josef Goebbels and that moron in North Korea all agree!
Leftists controlling speech? I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you.

yes, how terrible that you're required to teach actual science and not theology...

Wrong subject. This thread is about a school restricting the free exchange of ideas. And since they only ideas they're restricting are conservative ones, it's pretty safe to say the liberals in charge are afraid of conflicting views.

Why is that?

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.

Where's the evidence? Even on USMB there's never a day goes by when some liberal's assertion provokes a RWer demand for a link, for evidence, for proof.

How about you hold this kid to the same standard?

Unless you can provide an alternative story, this is all we have. Discuss the facts in the story. DUH!!

The fact that matters is we have unsubstantiated hearsay from a high school kid which may or may not be factual.

Opinions you like can't be magically made into facts; you're not an alchemist.

He reported that the Republican Party Wed Site was blocked, but the Democratic Web Site was not.

Address that, if you can.

His school can block whatever websites it chooses.

MaoTseTung, Karl Marx, Josef Goebbels and that moron in North Korea all agree!

Like it or not, schools do block sites they deem inappropriate for kids, tough shit...if you don't like would be looking at porn every chance they could if they had access to it...even at school...but they can read on how to make an atom bomb...
Where's the evidence? Even on USMB there's never a day goes by when some liberal's assertion provokes a RWer demand for a link, for evidence, for proof.

How about you hold this kid to the same standard?

Unless you can provide an alternative story, this is all we have. Discuss the facts in the story. DUH!!

The fact that matters is we have unsubstantiated hearsay from a high school kid which may or may not be factual.

Opinions you like can't be magically made into facts; you're not an alchemist.

Then find a thread you like. DUH!!
It appears to me that ironically, once again, when it suits them, the conservatives would like the big central government to impose its will over local governments and force them to provide internet access as the big central government planners see fit.

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