Schools Allow Only The Liberal Side...

So in reality, you're conceding that the school district should have the power to run its internet as it sees fit.

Not as it sees fit. Run it fairly. You don't want that. You guys are always preaching fairness. Well?

In order to assure that you have to take away some of the school district's sovereignty. Who gets to take it away?

The Supreme Court?

School district sovereignty. Oh my god. Go to bed.
Why don't you leftists just be honest and admit you only want the children to hear your message and no other.

Why don't you stick to addressing what we say and not what you wished we'd say?

Okay. Should the school allow access to right and left vuews in the classroom?

Of course they should. You're forcing me to repeat myself. The question here though is,

what do you want done if they don't?
Not as it sees fit. Run it fairly. You don't want that. You guys are always preaching fairness. Well?

In order to assure that you have to take away some of the school district's sovereignty. Who gets to take it away?

The Supreme Court?

School district sovereignty. Oh my god. Go to bed.

You can't address the issue because you're backed into a corner. You just said that school districts should not be allowed to run their schools as they see fit;

you want someone else to tell them how to run their districts.

Simple question: Who?
In order to assure that you have to take away some of the school district's sovereignty. Who gets to take it away?

The Supreme Court?

School district sovereignty. Oh my god. Go to bed.

You can't address the issue because you're backed into a corner. You just said that school districts should not be allowed to run their schools as they see fit;

you want someone else to tell them how to run their districts.

Simple question: Who?

Oh bull. You're an amateur. The taxpayers and parents. Who do you think should run the schools?
School district sovereignty. Oh my god. Go to bed.

You can't address the issue because you're backed into a corner. You just said that school districts should not be allowed to run their schools as they see fit;

you want someone else to tell them how to run their districts.

Simple question: Who?

Oh bull. You're an amateur. The taxpayers and parents. Who do you think should run the schools?

OK, so if the district voters elect a school board that is content with an administrator's decision to install an internet filter with a liberal bias,

that's that? No higher power can say otherwise?

I don't agree with that.
You can't address the issue because you're backed into a corner. You just said that school districts should not be allowed to run their schools as they see fit;

you want someone else to tell them how to run their districts.

Simple question: Who?

Oh bull. You're an amateur. The taxpayers and parents. Who do you think should run the schools?

OK, so if the district voters elect a school board that is content with an administrator's decision to install an internet filter with a liberal bias,

that's that? No higher power can say otherwise?

I don't agree with that.

I agree. If a school board censors political speech they need to be removed. We agree.
Is that a rhetorical question? They belong to the district. They are run by an elected school board, with additional legal accountability to the state and federal governments on various matters.

Who is the school board accountable to?

I should have made the word 'elected' bigger?

Yes, you should. The taxpayers and parents should run the schools. Get your unions and leftist trash out of my child's education.
It appears to me that ironically, once again, when it suits them, the conservatives would like the big central government to impose its will over local governments and force them to provide internet access as the big central government planners see fit.'s far more "big central government" to decide which ideas are allowed and which are forbidden. Progressives love that shit.

For the life of me, I can't understand why you consider yourself intelligent.

Once again, you snipe while concealing your own position, which means of course that your position is that big government should rule in this case,

but only because you think you'd like the outcome.
You pretty much suck at this.

No Big Brother Progressive government intervention is required (although to be accurate, a Big Brother Progressive government would shut down conservative web sites and execute their owners).

All that's required is angry parents who don't accept the asinine prog notion that progs can raise their children better than their parents.

You suffer from a common prog failing: Believing that elected officials have a blank check to do whatever they want, and are not accountable to the people they work for.
I'm guessing you weren't quite as pleased with outcome in Kitzmiller v. Dover.
Unsurprisingly, you guess wrong. Schools should teach science; parents, homeschoolers, and churches can teach creationism if they choose -- if progressives don't outlaw it. It would be Thoughtcrime, of course.

So, it looks like you've struck out. Now will you tell us why you oppose children being exposed to all views? It's because you believe they'll choose the wrong ideas, isn't it?
I really can't come up with a good reason to continue the government schools....

They're a black hole for expenditures...
..the scores of grads are mediocre at best...
..and they bar any thought except Liberal ones....pretty much the definition of 'totalitarian.'

1 "Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites

2. WOODBURY, Conn. (CBS Hartford) – A high school student claims that a firewall is blocking conservative websites at his school.

3. ....he couldn’t get on the National Rifle Association’s website while on campus as he was doing research for a classroom debate on gun control in May.
“So, I went over to the other side,” Lampart told WTIC. “And I went over on sites such as Moms Demand Action or Newtown Action Alliance and I could get on these websites but not the others.”

4. ...found out that the State Democrat website was unblocked but the State GOP website was blocked,” ...

5. ....looked at websites focusing on abortion issues and religion. He discovered that “right-to-life” groups were blocked by the firewall but that Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice America weren’t.

6. ....tried to explore websites like and the Vatican’s site but they were both blocked. However, was not blocked.

7. “They’re trying to, in my opinion, shelter us from what’s actually going on around the country and around the world by blocking these web sites,” Lampart explained. “It should be the other way around. The websites should be unblocked so that students can get different viewpoints from different sides of each argument.”

8. “It’s not a joking matter in terms of having access to both sides of an issue,” Board Chairman John Chapman told WTIC."
Student Accuses High School Of Blocking Conservative Websites « CBS Connecticut

Had there been any doubt that Liberals are afraid of the debate......

...well, here it is.
When I was a student I suffered similar shit. Teaching freedom of opinion they allowed their own opinion only. An opinion that includes to enforce it upon others. The major reason why I got critical towards them and their self-destructive views.

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