Schools no longer using "Pledge Of Allegiance", do you care why?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Oh the horror!!! Those kids might get out of school being brainwashed into believing the republic is a nation. The nation is not above god. The nation is indivisible. The nation has liberty. And the worst part of all, there is justice for all in our nation.

HORRIBLE I tell you just horrible!

Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

If they don't understand it... how's it gonna brain wash em?

FYI some kids are more intelligent, and more educated than their grade level.
What ya think about this?

[ame=]Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance - YouTube[/ame]
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Oh the horror!!! Those kids might get out of school being brainwashed into believing the republic is a nation. The nation is not above god. The nation is indivisible. The nation has liberty. And the worst part of all, there is justice for all in our nation.

HORRIBLE I tell you just horrible!

Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

If they don't understand it... how's it gonna brain wash em?

FYI some kids are more intelligent, and more educated than their grade level.

[ame=]Pledge of Allegiance - The Whitest Kids U'Know on IFC - YouTube[/ame]
We are now the Godless savages we used to oppose.

Perhaps YOU can quote a mention of god in the Constitution?

If you think "gods" don't create savages but think those without gods do, you have much to learn.

Murder in the Bible Read this and then you will KNOW where bigotry came from. :eusa_boohoo:
They still use it. In fact, I live in one of those states where it is a mandatory morning ritual (even if every kid sat down).

I am not in agreement with the Under God inserted in to the Pledge. However, there is something that I don't get. Reciting it daily is a form of brainwashing. Abstract thinking doesn't begin until the ages of 12-15. So, basically what I hear people say when they are against the Pledge for under God is that brainwashing is fine.

Way to be like North Korea!

You are ENTIRELY correct about this.

But the discussion to be made should be "under god". Nearly everyone in the world is under a god, except for atheists.

Should we ignore that we were born as a Christian Country just to allow atheists to dominate our process? The entire discussion allows everyone in a religion except for atheists. Because the term "god" does not specify which god........
Why 'Under God' Was Added To The Pledge Of Allegiance in the face of "Free Religion", the catch, no "god" is specified..

Read more: Under God Added To Pledge Of Allegiance - Business Insider

"Two years later, on Flag Day again, Eisenhower also made "In God We Trust" our nation's official motto. The man must have loved his new religion."

So the Left is openly blamed for "taking god out of Government" but a little research openly pins them for putting god into Government which does not line up with Freedom of Religion. ..NO Religion should be forced on ANYONE. Or says the Constitution..

Can you tell us which religion the phrase "under God" establishes?

Well Muslim, Judism, and Christianity all refer to the same god. Hindu a different god. Buddists don't have a god. Atheists are many camps, they are god, their government is god, there is no such thing as a god, etc..

But it does not establish a religion it merely points out that our nation is not above god or even on an equal plane with god. It means it's ok to put your god before your country. At least that's how I take it.

Hinduism is totally different.....

Seems pretty basic to me.

You don't seem to know keep up with the FACT that American Presidents do what their purchasers tell them to do. You think it's "Obama's fault" and don't understand why and how Presidents gain office..............

An easy slogan to get your brain in the correct direction..........FOLLOW THE MONEY...:eusa_boohoo:

Well let's start with, "I left home when I as 10 years old because I was hungry"....What kind of America is that?

Secondly, “, pledge to give without self pity to the one, the standard, OLD GLORY.” I think EVERY party could pick this one apart.....Americans want to give to the needy, not the lazy or sloth. Everyone in America has seen a drug dealer taking taxation money for what was meant for a blind person or someone in worst case scenario situations.. America wants to help the needy, not the sloth.

“A symbol of Freedom” LOL! What about blacks, gays and the newest, ISLAMS? Are they free to be Americans yet? Do we not see the repetition of events here? We hate every culture we don't understand!

And STATES would never have lost their power if Corporate business owners didn't run the states like they do the Country today.....States or more importantly, CORPORATIONS needed to keep their slaves to keep their profits. And Corporations can convince the smallest of brains it's for “good will” pretty easy, just tell the poor they are poor because of Government influence so they don't notice it's due to Corporate self interest.

“Government is the people” is the slogan of the Left Wing today. As an Anti-Party I've personally witnessed Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Republicans conflict with me on this issue. The OPENLY state that the Government should have say over the people. Their common catch phrase Fox news teaches them is, “What if the people want a vacation trip to Disney Land, should the tax payers pay for it”. A basic spit in the face of Americans as voters and a TRUE step in the direction of Dictatorship.

Incapable of being divided?.......READ THE FORUMS. I'm a non-bias individual and I'm painted as anyone that does not submit to someone's party standards....

WE THE PEOPLE run this Country........not the Politicians..THAT is what YOU need to learn..

That is what I think about that.........pretty basic..
Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

If they don't understand it... how's it gonna brain wash em?

FYI some kids are more intelligent, and more educated than their grade level.

[ame=]Pledge of Allegiance - The Whitest Kids U'Know on IFC - YouTube[/ame]

Holy crap that's extreme, and brutal...........Awesome job making the point. Forcing groups to repeat or "chant" is the most basic tool of brainwashing. It's why sports teams do it.
Why 'Under God' Was Added To The Pledge Of Allegiance in the face of "Free Religion", the catch, no "god" is specified..

Read more: Under God Added To Pledge Of Allegiance - Business Insider

"Two years later, on Flag Day again, Eisenhower also made "In God We Trust" our nation's official motto. The man must have loved his new religion."

So the Left is openly blamed for "taking god out of Government" but a little research openly pins them for putting god into Government which does not line up with Freedom of Religion. ..NO Religion should be forced on ANYONE. Or says the Constitution..

Since when is Eisenhower a 'liberal.'

From your link:

The next day,*the president encouraged Charles Oakman, a republican also from Michigan, to re-introduce the bill, which Congress passed. Eisenhower signed it into law on June 14, 1954. A story announcing the news in the Washington Post quoted him as saying the new version would add "spiritual weapons which will forever be our country's most powerful resource."

Clearly 'under god' was added as a consequence of republican efforts.

But 60 years of subsequent Establishment Clause jurisprudence has made clear when religion is appropriate in government and when it is not – jurisprudence most on the social right seek to violate.
They still use it. In fact, I live in one of those states where it is a mandatory morning ritual (even if every kid sat down).

I am not in agreement with the Under God inserted in to the Pledge. However, there is something that I don't get. Reciting it daily is a form of brainwashing. Abstract thinking doesn't begin until the ages of 12-15. So, basically what I hear people say when they are against the Pledge for under God is that brainwashing is fine.

Way to be like North Korea!

Yeah and that evil star spangled banner thing they play at football games, that should be stopped. And the pledge the president makes when he takes office. Hell we should end all forms of showing patriotism. :cuckoo:

They believe that the nation is inherently evil and should not exist. Or if it exists, the country must do penance every day. What you are looking at is the American equivalent of Ashura, but on a national level.

Interesting the propensity of most conservatives to seek to compel conformity and fear expressions of individual liberty and dissent.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Oh the horror!!! Those kids might get out of school being brainwashed into believing the republic is a nation. The nation is not above god. The nation is indivisible. The nation has liberty. And the worst part of all, there is justice for all in our nation.

HORRIBLE I tell you just horrible!

Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

I dont see anyrhing about godless commie basterds in the pledge. Geeze so its a bad thing to instill into kids that they are all Americans, and therefore they share a comonality.
Hmmm in a country that seems so divided along racial lines ... yes I guess its only a bad thing if you hate America.
Yeah and that evil star spangled banner thing they play at football games, that should be stopped. And the pledge the president makes when he takes office. Hell we should end all forms of showing patriotism. :cuckoo:

They believe that the nation is inherently evil and should not exist. Or if it exists, the country must do penance every day. What you are looking at is the American equivalent of Ashura, but on a national level.

Interesting the propensity of most conservatives to seek to compel conformity and fear expressions of individual liberty and dissent.

The pledge doesnt stiffle free expression, it is only like about sixty seconds out of their day at most. Just because a nation has symbols is not a bad thing. If you want to tear a nation down, you start dismantleing their symbols and you start from there. I think that is documented in the game plan isnt it?
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Oh the horror!!! Those kids might get out of school being brainwashed into believing the republic is a nation. The nation is not above god. The nation is indivisible. The nation has liberty. And the worst part of all, there is justice for all in our nation.

HORRIBLE I tell you just horrible!

Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

I dont see anyrhing about godless commie basterds in the pledge. Geeze so its a bad thing to instill into kids that they are all Americans, and therefore they share a comonality.
Hmmm in a country that seems so divided along racial lines ... yes I guess its only a bad thing if you hate America.

Instill? It's brainwashing. Look into the history.
Yeah and that evil star spangled banner thing they play at football games, that should be stopped. And the pledge the president makes when he takes office. Hell we should end all forms of showing patriotism. :cuckoo:

They believe that the nation is inherently evil and should not exist. Or if it exists, the country must do penance every day. What you are looking at is the American equivalent of Ashura, but on a national level.

Interesting the propensity of most conservatives to seek to compel conformity and fear expressions of individual liberty and dissent.

Notice how they have to rely on extremism.
Fuck the pledge of allegiance. I feel ashamed i grew up reciting it - its the antithesis of American values. Ill be teaching my daughter that she doesnt have to recite it and why.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Oh the horror!!! Those kids might get out of school being brainwashed into believing the republic is a nation. The nation is not above god. The nation is indivisible. The nation has liberty. And the worst part of all, there is justice for all in our nation.

HORRIBLE I tell you just horrible!

Well, sure let's play your game. Pledge and allegiance are abstract terms. Again abstract thinking does not develop until between the ages of 12-15 (Piaget).

The flag is an outward symbol, a piece of cloth. The emotional remote control.

You aren't interested in the fact that smaller children don't grasp the concepts involved. You're interested in brainwashing patriotism into them. THAT was the purpose of inserting under God into the pledge to begin with. It was about fighting those Godless Commie bastards.

They aren't going to grasp "indivisible". I would lay money that there are a number of people who are big on secession and haven't even thought through this word. I got five that says the same people are big on the daily recitation though.

How about Republic? At what age do they really grasp the differences between the types of government?

I dont see anyrhing about godless commie basterds in the pledge. Geeze so its a bad thing to instill into kids that they are all Americans, and therefore they share a comonality.
Hmmm in a country that seems so divided along racial lines ... yes I guess its only a bad thing if you hate America.

But you should see something wrong with those seeking to compel conformity.

Seems pretty basic to me.

You don't seem to know keep up with the FACT that American Presidents do what their purchasers tell them to do. You think it's "Obama's fault" and don't understand why and how Presidents gain office..............

An easy slogan to get your brain in the correct direction..........FOLLOW THE MONEY...:eusa_boohoo:
Yes, I'm aware of the situation with the groups of power brokers that back particular candidates that they have substantive control of. Yes, I'm aware of the MSM election influence system. Yes, I'm also aware of the various ways in which election fraud is committed each election.

Well let's start with, "I left home when I as 10 years old because I was hungry"....What kind of America is that?

Secondly, “, pledge to give without self pity to the one, the standard, OLD GLORY.” I think EVERY party could pick this one apart.....Americans want to give to the needy, not the lazy or sloth. Everyone in America has seen a drug dealer taking taxation money for what was meant for a blind person or someone in worst case scenario situations.. America wants to help the needy, not the sloth.

“A symbol of Freedom” LOL! What about blacks, gays and the newest, ISLAMS? Are they free to be Americans yet? Do we not see the repetition of events here? We hate every culture we don't understand!

And STATES would never have lost their power if Corporate business owners didn't run the states like they do the Country today.....States or more importantly, CORPORATIONS needed to keep their slaves to keep their profits. And Corporations can convince the smallest of brains it's for “good will” pretty easy, just tell the poor they are poor because of Government influence so they don't notice it's due to Corporate self interest.

“Government is the people” is the slogan of the Left Wing today. As an Anti-Party I've personally witnessed Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Republicans conflict with me on this issue. The OPENLY state that the Government should have say over the people. Their common catch phrase Fox news teaches them is, “What if the people want a vacation trip to Disney Land, should the tax payers pay for it”. A basic spit in the face of Americans as voters and a TRUE step in the direction of Dictatorship.

Incapable of being divided?.......READ THE FORUMS. I'm a non-bias individual and I'm painted as anyone that does not submit to someone's party standards....

WE THE PEOPLE run this Country........not the Politicians..THAT is what YOU need to learn..

That is what I think about that.........pretty basic..

Agreed to the point that our two party system is really just a two headed snake.

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