Schools now banning parents from giving their kids home-made lunches to take to school


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More insanity. If anything what should be banned is schools serving food. The kids should get a breakfast at home and then bring a home-made meal to eat at lunch. But black and hispanic parents won't take feed their own kids. They want working white people to pay taxes to give their kids free food.

Prison » Children starve eating ‘moldy’ Michelle O food as school bans home-packed lunches

sep 23 2015 Genaux attempted to take matters into her own hands and pack a lunch instead of subjecting her son to the school’s food, but she says the school’s director blocked her from doing that.

“I asked her, ‘Hey, can I bring him lunch? Can I bring him his snacks?’ And it is actually against their school policy. Their policy is that no food is allowed to be brought from outside the facility, even though all the food is, because nothing is cooked on site,” Genaux says.

It wouldn’t be the first time a school has banned home-packed lunches.

In 2011, a Chicago school implemented a ban, theorizing they know better than parents when it comes to their child’s diet.

“Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,” Little Village Academy principal Elsa Carmona told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It’s milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception.”

In 2013, a Richmond, Virginia school sent a note home notifying parents could no longer send a homemade lunch, except with a doctor’s note.

“Ms Brooks, Please do not send a lunch to school unless a doctor’s note is sent in connection with this letter,”
Government always knows best.

Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home

To encourage healthful eating, Chicago school doesn't allow kids to bring lunches or certain snacks from home — and some parents, and many students, aren't fans of the policy

April 11, 2011|By Monica Eng and Joel Hood, Tribune reporters

Fernando Dominguez cut the figure of a young revolutionary leader during a recent lunch period at his elementary school.

"Who thinks the lunch is not good enough?" the seventh-grader shouted to his lunch mates in Spanish and English.

Dozens of hands flew in the air and fellow students shouted along: "We should bring our own lunch! We should bring our own lunch! We should bring our own lunch!"

Chicago school bans some lunches brought from home
More insanity. If anything what should be banned is schools serving food. The kids should get a breakfast at home and then bring a home-made meal to eat at lunch. But black and hispanic parents won't take feed their own kids. They want working white people to pay taxes to give their kids free food.

Prison » Children starve eating ‘moldy’ Michelle O food as school bans home-packed lunches

sep 23 2015 Genaux attempted to take matters into her own hands and pack a lunch instead of subjecting her son to the school’s food, but she says the school’s director blocked her from doing that.

“I asked her, ‘Hey, can I bring him lunch? Can I bring him his snacks?’ And it is actually against their school policy. Their policy is that no food is allowed to be brought from outside the facility, even though all the food is, because nothing is cooked on site,” Genaux says.

It wouldn’t be the first time a school has banned home-packed lunches.

In 2011, a Chicago school implemented a ban, theorizing they know better than parents when it comes to their child’s diet.

“Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,” Little Village Academy principal Elsa Carmona told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It’s milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception.”

In 2013, a Richmond, Virginia school sent a note home notifying parents could no longer send a homemade lunch, except with a doctor’s note.

“Ms Brooks, Please do not send a lunch to school unless a doctor’s note is sent in connection with this letter,”

People need to home school their children.
More insanity. If anything what should be banned is schools serving food. The kids should get a breakfast at home and then bring a home-made meal to eat at lunch. But black and hispanic parents won't take feed their own kids. They want working white people to pay taxes to give their kids free food.

Prison » Children starve eating ‘moldy’ Michelle O food as school bans home-packed lunches

sep 23 2015 Genaux attempted to take matters into her own hands and pack a lunch instead of subjecting her son to the school’s food, but she says the school’s director blocked her from doing that.

“I asked her, ‘Hey, can I bring him lunch? Can I bring him his snacks?’ And it is actually against their school policy. Their policy is that no food is allowed to be brought from outside the facility, even though all the food is, because nothing is cooked on site,” Genaux says.

It wouldn’t be the first time a school has banned home-packed lunches.

In 2011, a Chicago school implemented a ban, theorizing they know better than parents when it comes to their child’s diet.

“Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,” Little Village Academy principal Elsa Carmona told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It’s milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception.”

In 2013, a Richmond, Virginia school sent a note home notifying parents could no longer send a homemade lunch, except with a doctor’s note.

“Ms Brooks, Please do not send a lunch to school unless a doctor’s note is sent in connection with this letter,”

Don't recall ever bringing lunches from home as a kid. Always had either cafeteria food or vending machines. So dunno how much of an issue this actually is.
It seems like this could spread paranoia that they are afraid kids will bring foods that can be harmful to other kids.
Destroying private options has worked so well for ObamaCare....let's extende it to all of our consumer decisions!
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More left loon insanity, a parent knows how to feed their own child, besides the lunches MOOOOOOchele endorses is pure garbage, you know her kids are not eating it
What about kids going to school that have nut allergies and they end up sitting next to someone who is eating peanut butter sandwiches? Or, just plain peanuts?
What about kids going to school that have nut allergies and they end up sitting next to someone who is eating peanut butter sandwiches? Or, just plain peanuts?

Don't those kids have to be under incredible restraint not to eat food not prepared specifically for them? They will be surrounded by foods just about everywhere they go their whole life, and if they don't know the score, they will fall prey pretty soon.
Is this the slippery slope to communism?

According to Yuri Bezmenov there are four stages to Communism. Controlling the food, type of food eaten - in the name of nutrition is one of the markers of communism but I forget which stage it is introduced at. I'll have to look that up.

Here it is.

Stage 1 - Demoralization - to demoralize a nation the communists will need approximately 18 years - one generation of a nation to "re-educate" or indoctrinate into believing their nation is evil, no good, responsible for all the bad in the world - America has been under it for approx 35 years now according to Yuri, so Stage 1 has been accomplished.

Stage 2 - Destabilization - during this stage the military is destabilized (funding cut / good military is fired or retired, inadequate, inept leadership put in place, etc) economy is destabilized ( we're already there imo) . I believe Yuri mentioned this process is between 4 - 6 years? We can see what has happened to America since Obama took office (and even before).

Stage 3 - Crisis - according to Yuri, it takes 6 weeks to bring a country to crisis - see video for details.

Stage 4 - Normalization - soviet propaganda is fully entrenched - people are now voting for whoever will give them the most free goods - leaders are now seen as the provider - Big Gov. rules, people are dependent on the false benevolence of the ruler in power....... at this point the tanks can roll in at any time - those who helped the Communists come into power are now no longer of use - they take them and line them up against a wall for a firing squad. This is the reward that comes to the progressives, the liberals, the Marxist professors, Liberal teachers, news media personalities, Hollywood elite - all the "useful idiots" who helped them take over. Sad but true.
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Yep. Got to soften them up early. Today Soylent Beige (fake chicken nuggets). Tomorrow Soylent Green.

This is just dumb. Of course, this will be used to say that government needs to all be abolished.

A dumb decision is a dumb decision. Someone needs to be fired.
Yep. Got to soften them up early. Today Soylent Beige (fake chicken nuggets). Tomorrow Soylent Green.


Just another reason to home school or send them to private schools

It isn't like 60% of this country can afford the insane cost of private school or has the time to home school. Oh'yesss, both parents have to work to get by...

Will you agree to a increase in the minimum wage to do so?

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