Schools now banning parents from giving their kids home-made lunches to take to school

ABikerSailor said:
What about kids going to school that have nut allergies and they end up sitting next to someone who is eating peanut butter sandwiches? Or, just plain peanuts?

Ya can't catch a peanut allergy from sitting next to someone eatin' a peanut butter sammich. It's prob'ly another one o' dem bodily fluids type things.

Care4all wrote:

Depending on their age, the child can be taught to only eat with their special friends, of which the mother has spoken to the parents, explaining their child's allergy, and asking these parents, if they would never use peanuts in their child's lunch etc etc

Ya s'posed to eat a peanut butter sammich with yer hands.

Channelin' the spirit of Yogi Berra here.:eusa_shifty:
Don't recall ever bringing lunches from home as a kid. Always had either cafeteria food or vending machines. So dunno how much of an issue this actually is.

Maybe you cannot discern the effects it has had on you, but some of us can tell.

Such as, with posts like these --- “If religion gets treated like the mental illness it is, will we be unable to mock it any longer?”
More insanity. If anything what should be banned is schools serving food. The kids should get a breakfast at home and then bring a home-made meal to eat at lunch. But black and hispanic parents won't take feed their own kids. They want working white people to pay taxes to give their kids free food.

Prison » Children starve eating ‘moldy’ Michelle O food as school bans home-packed lunches

sep 23 2015 Genaux attempted to take matters into her own hands and pack a lunch instead of subjecting her son to the school’s food, but she says the school’s director blocked her from doing that.

“I asked her, ‘Hey, can I bring him lunch? Can I bring him his snacks?’ And it is actually against their school policy. Their policy is that no food is allowed to be brought from outside the facility, even though all the food is, because nothing is cooked on site,” Genaux says.

It wouldn’t be the first time a school has banned home-packed lunches.

In 2011, a Chicago school implemented a ban, theorizing they know better than parents when it comes to their child’s diet.

“Nutrition wise, it is better for the children to eat at the school,” Little Village Academy principal Elsa Carmona told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s about the nutrition and the excellent quality food that they are able to serve (in the lunchroom). It’s milk versus a Coke. But with allergies and any medical issue, of course, we would make an exception.”

In 2013, a Richmond, Virginia school sent a note home notifying parents could no longer send a homemade lunch, except with a doctor’s note.

“Ms Brooks, Please do not send a lunch to school unless a doctor’s note is sent in connection with this letter,”
Parents today don't bother making lunch for their kids anyways. It's all on the "babysitter" schools.
the op's source is prison planet ,the world's leader in non credibility.

is simply a compendium of wild conspiracy theories. It is no more credible a source than, say, Alex Jones's Prison Planet. Orac from Respectful Insolence wrote a great post describing how far removed from reality Scudamore's site is (just one example: it cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, not in the context of showing it as an example of a classic piece of propaganda, but as reality). is not a credible source

When it comes right down to it Daws, attacking a source is a Poisoning the Well fallacy. We could say the same about Daily Kos. It is well known to all that the Daily Kos is propped up by George Soros. They are riddled with incompetence and bias. Does that mean we should dismiss everything that they put out? Probably not. But in this case, it's a pretty good bet that when they want you to dismiss all non-establishment media, based solely on a Poisoning the Well fallacy, proving that they themselves have gone off of the reservation.

IN this instance, I am sure we could do independent research and, yes, verify that some state run schools are indeed denying parents rights to send packed lunches with their kids. So you're saying this is a what, a conspiracy theory? GTFO

Did you know, that parents today can't pick up and take their own kids home from field trips. . I shit you not. It's outrageous. Even if you pre-plan, notify the bus garage and administration ahead of time, they won't allow you to. Really, the state is just that terrible.

We don't need a "credible source." We're parents, we know the schools are just this bad.
Posts from raging nut jobs such as yourself are also not credible.
Anyone remember mystery meat cafeteria lunch and potted meat spread?
I remember I ditched the crap and went home hungry until I started carrying lunch.

Then I learned to always carry a few "tradables".
mmm there used to be a place in town (burnt down unfortunately) that did briskets, we'd by like eight or nine of them and the kids would make sammies for school from them - happy tummies :)

Sadly, the only place we can get a good brisket now-a-days is chasing down this one food truck or the state fair :( Oh, and our butcher does a brisket once in a while, but it sells out so fast you have to get lucky to get any of it...

Try a good jewish deli
What about the kids that do not have money to buy the school food?

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. To me, if these school powers that be people are not going to show consideration, why should they get any?
What about the kids that do not have money to buy the school food?

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. To me, if these school powers that be people are not going to show consideration, why should they get any?
Most school districts have a lunch program for them .
I was in that program in grade school (mid 60's) we were given a white poker chip after we picked up our trays we turned it in to head lunch lady.
This shit's redic. My kid packs lunch because the crap they serve doesn't fill him up /at all/... (He's not fat either.) He, like all my boys, was given the choice of having school lunch or making their own lunches. Unless they were feeling lazy all three of them packed lunch the majority of the time simply because the school didn't give them enough food; they'd end up eating two or three of them to not be starving through classes >.<
Yeah but you're white. Black and hispanic parents insist white people feed their kids.
This shit's redic. My kid packs lunch because the crap they serve doesn't fill him up /at all/... (He's not fat either.) He, like all my boys, was given the choice of having school lunch or making their own lunches. Unless they were feeling lazy all three of them packed lunch the majority of the time simply because the school didn't give them enough food; they'd end up eating two or three of them to not be starving through classes >.<
Yeah but you're white. Black and hispanic parents insist white people feed their kids.
whites are the largest users of school lunch programs
whites are the largest users of school lunch programs

When you liberals compile stats on that, you count all hispanics as white. Same thing with stats as to who is on welfare. But when the stat is for how many people are college graduates, you count all whites as hispanic.!!! Liberals lie about everything.
whites are the largest users of school lunch programs

When you liberals compile stats on that, you count all hispanics as white. Same thing with stats as to who is on welfare. But when the stat is for how many people are college graduates, you count all whites as hispanic.!!! Liberals lie about everything.
I'll give you one thing you are consistently full of shit.

White Hispanic and Latino Americans
In the United States, a White Hispanic is an American citizen or resident who is racially white and of Hispanic descent. White American, itself an official U.S. racial category, refers to people "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa" who reside in the United States.

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