Schumer and the House Democrats decision to keep this going.

How much corruption are the Trumpulicans willing to grant their Ruler?
You guys ever going to get around to proving it exists, or are you just going to stamp your feet and insist it does?

And here's a prime example of that bases stupidity.
There is no empirical evidence. There is a bunch of dishonest hacks saying ORANGE MAN BAD, and you just eat it up without question.

Because you're a moron.
How much corruption are the Trumpulicans willing to grant their Ruler?
You guys ever going to get around to proving it exists, or are you just going to stamp your feet and insist it does?

Nah I'm with the Republicans who didn't need any more witnesses. At this point it would just be piling on. Why beat a dead horse. Trump could come out and say "yep I did it" and they'd still have at least 34 Senators who say "No Problem Boss!"

So lets get on with it. The Dems will try to expose as much as they can till November and lets see where the chips fall.
I see you didn't learn anything from the first ridiculous, pathetic impeachment attempt.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
I think Rudy Giuliani put it the best in an interview with Laura Ingraham last year....
" The Democrats are like the boxer who jumps at the bell swinging and flailing his arms like a wild man, and Donald Trump is the guy standing there waiting who throws one punch and knocks them out."
Hes like a mob boss. Cohen is in jail. Giuliani is under investigation. Trump orders everyone else to keep their mouths shut. The cops can’t get you if you intimidate everyone into silence.

Even when you have "overwhelming" evidence? Really?
The president seems a lot more confident lately. Might be the new Mario Batali hairdo.
How do they actually believe they can sidestep such overwhelming clear evidence of corruption in the DNC and the FBI ? It's true what they say that basically everything they try to project onto Trump they're guilty of themselves.
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