Schumer Caves; 15 More Judges Confirmed For Life

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again
The dems slow walk them, but in the end they get confirmed. Lets hope that the GOP grows its Senate majority next month
I truly hope the DNC gets crushed so badly it dissolves and merges into the CPUSA and Greens. The best thing that can happen for the country would be to have the looney left permanently divided and have the GOP actually oppose the collectivists and their globalism agenda with libertarian reforms.

It won't be that bad bed wetters, and they already have every degree and sort of regressive stupidity all over europe, venezuela, cuba, north korea etc...

You are not stuck here, you're not just free to leave, you're strongly admonished to get your malignant asses the fuck out of our beloved republic.

Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again
Putin must have spoke to him
The article I read says McConnell made a deal with Schumer...

What did McConnell give up in exchange for these judges?
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

Exactly, I don't know why the left wing lunatics were such cvnts about Kavanaugh.
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

"Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again"

are these some of those obstructionist democrats who refuse to work across party lines?
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

"Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again"

are these some of those obstructionist democrats who refuse to work across party lines?

Yup, they're getting creamed and had to give up their "resistance" and go fight for their lives at home.
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....
Why do you compare blacks and gays to women?
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

gays will continue to be accepted in society! No one cares

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion. They never did. Parents instill their religion into kids, schools have never done that.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country Good, that's a libertarian objective.

interracial relationships will flourish why would that make any difference, and who gives a shit about that? Is the US Treasury going to overflow with new tax revenue as a result? Will some kid with cancer be cured or something?

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage That's a great moral standard, as long as libturds continue to get abortions I don't really care though.

divorce will still be easy to get Yeah, destroying families is a wonderful thing

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise yeah, because people with Faith In God are so difficult to deal with...

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military.... in spite of not meriting the job. I know I love having incompetent people in high positions just to keep your mattress dry.


I'm not sure what the fuss is about... I'm not either. You bed wetting libtards are just fuckin retarded.

Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

Your post just got me thinking...
Holy shit this would be a terrible place...if nobody was stoned, if it were all white, all Christian, all heterosexual. I mean, there would little to no crime, very few on the taxpayer tit, likeminded, high quality citizens everywhere.
How fucking terrible! Nobody in their right mind would want that shit.
(who’s pissing their pants right now and reaching for their straight jacket?)
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....
Why do you compare blacks and gays to women?

that was so stupid I shall merely fart in your general direction.
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....
Why do you compare blacks and gays to women?

that was so stupid I shall merely fart in your general direction.
Really? What direction is that retard?
and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

And you will still be allowed to have a good cry when you feel the need
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

Then why is Schumer blocking 200 nominees by filing for cloture?

Just to be a cvnt.
Democrats are on the ropes and getting pummeled. They had no choice but to confirm the judges so they could get home to campaign as they know they're getting their butts kicked.

At this rate half the judges in the country will have been appointed by Trump over the next 6 years.

Happy days are here again! Have a great weekend, everyone.

"It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow."

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump's Judicial Nominees — Again

and still.....

gays will continue to be accepted in society!

public schools will continue to NOT brainwash everyones children with the christian religion.

pot will continue to be legalized all over the country

interracial relationships will flourish

people will continue to have sex outside of marriage

divorce will still be easy to get

atheism (already rising) will continue to rise

and blacks and gays and women will still be achieving prominent positions in business, politics, the military....


I'm not sure what the fuss is about....

Exactly, I don't know why the left wing lunatics were such cvnts about Kavanaugh.
COCAINE MITCH CAME HERE TO CHEW BUBBLEGUM AND CONFIRM JUDGES, AND HE’S ALL OUT OF BUBBLEGUM: After Trump’s Acquittal and Complete Exoneration, Mitch McConnell Went Right Back to Work Confirming More Constitutionalist Judges.


Mitch McConnell has made filling empty judge's spots in the federal courts his number one priority. He isn't stopping, not even to throw a little confetti after the president's impeachment acquittal.

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