Schumer: Congress Must Have a Say on the Iran Deal


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Oh dear. Obambam better let him know he needs to "bone" up on foreign policy and how CONGRESS works.

Guy Benson | Apr 08, 2015

Many Congressional Democrats, long over their deep concerns about George W. Bush's 'imperial' presidency, have taken to cheering on President Obama has he usurps and arrogates power in the name of "progress." This phenomenon was on full display as Democrats actively urged Obama to pull the trigger on his unilateral immigration fiat, which he'd repeatedly dismissed as illegal in the recent past (at least one federal court has since agreed). They similarly defended the president's various power grabs on Obamacare, including delaying and altering entire provisions of the law for political reasons, as well as appropriating billions in payments to insurance companies that Congress never authorized. But it seems as though a number of Democrats on the Hill do have a breaking point on executive overreach, with dozens siding with Republicans' position that any nuclear agreement with Iran must be submitted to the legislative branch. The White House has threatened to veto pending legislation that would affirm Congress' right to vote on an eventual Iranian agreement, but the list of Democrats who are publicly crossing Obama on that question is growing -- and now includes the man who is likely to succeed Harry Reid's role as leader after the 2016 elections:

ALL of it here:
Schumer Congress Must Have a Say on the Iran Deal - Guy Benson
Congress exists merely to rubber stamp the decisions of Dear Leader, President for Life Barack Obozo. Watch for the Justice Dept to unleash a corruption investigation on Schumer for forgetting this fact.
Congress exists merely to rubber stamp the decisions of Dear Leader, President for Life Barack Obozo. Watch for the Justice Dept to unleash a corruption investigation on Schumer for forgetting this fact.

yep, next week we'll be hearing about how he's being investigated
Congress exists merely to rubber stamp the decisions of Dear Leader, President for Life Barack Obozo. Watch for the Justice Dept to unleash a corruption investigation on Schumer for forgetting this fact.
The LAST thing democrats need now is someone making an honest statement!
Democrats are incapable of honesty.

the Democrat party of today is. 30 years ago they still had the blue dogs who still had some ethics and morals. You see what happens today someone bucks them. Look at Menendize for that. Not that he doesn't deserve to be investigated .... but the timing tell us all we need to know

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