Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

It is my understanding that if Schumer is censured, he remains a senator but loses his position of Senate Minority leader. That wouls affect his prestige, power and hefty pay check.

But I go for criminal charges.
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.

I heard the judge was an immigrant so it's okay...
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
Ready to call tRump on that shit as well?
What shit? You mean suggesting that a S.C. Justice recuse him/herself from a decision?
My, what short memories you tRumplings have.

Link to Trump threatening SCOTUS justices or STFU. And no, Stupidus, asking them to recuse themselves after they have made PUBLIC comments against him is not the same thing so don’t even try that lie.
There are numerous links proving his statements were made. It's all over the news.
What is interesting is that he claimed he was threatening political retribution. But that is nonsense since Supreme Court justices have no challenge to their position, they are in for life. So the ONLY thing he could have meant was a PERSONAL PRICE that Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would pay.[/QUOTE
You could make an easy case that Senator Schumer was actually threatening personal violence against a Supreme Court Justice but that's probably not in the Justice Dept's interest these days. An elected official publicly threatening a specific Supreme Court Justice with some sort of political retribution in order to come up with a favorable decision certainly comes under federal jurisdiction.
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
Ready to call tRump on that shit as well?
What shit? You mean suggesting that a S.C. Justice recuse him/herself from a decision?
My, what short memories you tRumplings have.

Link to Trump threatening SCOTUS justices or STFU. And no, Stupidus, asking them to recuse themselves after they have made PUBLIC comments against him is not the same thing so don’t even try that lie.
There are numerous links proving his statements were made. It's all over the news.

And again, Trump did not threaten any justices like Schmucker did. Asking for recusal is hardly a threat.
Will Senator Schumer face criminal charges?

No, nor should he.

In ordinary times, I'd be inclined to agree.

However, in the current era, where you have Republicans like Rep. Scalise getting mowed down by weak brained liberals, sending Schumer to the penitentiary would send a good message to these extremists.

do you or anyone else think he honestly meant to make a direct threat against 2 Supreme Court justices? He got excited and gaffed. However even gaffes come with consequences and someone who would say what he said doesn’t belong in the U.S. senate. But jail for a gaffe? No. Plus he has a lot of wiggle room in his defense in a criminal trial. He wouldn’t be found guilty.
Damn right. He did make a direct threat on specific S.C. Justices. The motive was to extort a favorable decision. What's not to find guilty?
Its okay since they just put targets on the judges picture as a focus point like sarah palin did... just relax wingnuts.
Will Senator Schumer face criminal charges?

No, nor should he.

In ordinary times, I'd be inclined to agree.

However, in the current era, where you have Republicans like Rep. Scalise getting mowed down by weak brained liberals, sending Schumer to the penitentiary would send a good message to these extremists.

do you or anyone else think he honestly meant to make a direct threat against 2 Supreme Court justices? He got excited and gaffed. However even gaffes come with consequences and someone who would say what he said doesn’t belong in the U.S. senate. But jail for a gaffe? No. Plus he has a lot of wiggle room in his defense in a criminal trial. He wouldn’t be found guilty.
Damn right. He did make a direct threat on specific S.C. Justices. The motive was to extort a favorable decision. What's not to find guilty?

his words can be interpreted as threatening, but let’s be honest Schumer is not stupid enough to openly threaten 2 justices. Words do matter, and I think he should pay with his seat, but jail time for accidentally saying some stupid, no way.
He will be held accountable about the same time Nixon heads to the Hague for Cambodia, Bill Clinton admit he is a sex addict, George W. Bush admits he knew the intel was wrong on Iraq, Barack Obama admits the Video did not cause Benghazi and Trumo admits he loves to lie just to get his base going...

When all that happens then and only then I will wake with Ana De Armas naked in my bed and Chuck Schumer will be held accountable...

But only if Ana De Armas is naked and wild in my bed!
Listen to yourself. Nobody ever threatened the life or the political security of a sitting Justice of the Supreme court to extort a decision since maybe the Civil War.

And as I stated nothing will be done...

Do you actually believe something will be done?

If so what is it like to be that delusional?

Better yet when Hillary is locked up is when Schumer will be held accountable...

Which is never...
He will be held accountable about the same time Nixon heads to the Hague for Cambodia, Bill Clinton admit he is a sex addict, George W. Bush admits he knew the intel was wrong on Iraq, Barack Obama admits the Video did not cause Benghazi and Trumo admits he loves to lie just to get his base going...

When all that happens then and only then I will wake with Ana De Armas naked in my bed and Chuck Schumer will be held accountable...

But only if Ana De Armas is naked and wild in my bed!
Listen to yourself. Nobody ever threatened the life or the political security of a sitting Justice of the Supreme court to extort a decision since maybe the Civil War.

And as I stated nothing will be done...

Do you actually believe something will be done?

If so what is it like to be that delusional?

Better yet when Hillary is locked up is when Schumer will be held accountable...

Which is never...

Is this a post or a pathletic plea for help?
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

Case with same scenario in Texas a couple of years ago. SC said they couldn't force abortion clinic doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

And that makes sense to you? No doctor should be able to perform out patient procedures and just wash their hands of the consequences. If there are complications they should be responsible for the follow up care.


When has it ever happened that a doctor who performs out-patient procedures not been responsible for follow-up care? It's the doctor in the ER who makes the call for a patient who arrives in the ER. Believe me. My late father was in the ER on a regular basis when he was elderly and I spent hours in the ER with him waiting for a bed to open up "upstairs." I drove my father to the ER once when he could not get out of the car to go in for a doctor's appointment and I just arrived at the ER screaming that he was out in my car having a heart attack and the staff rushed out and got him. He ended up in the ICU. I got bills from doctors who I never heard of.

This whole "admitting privilege" thing is a total hoax. A fraud. No hospital turns away a patient who needs care. If something bad had happened in the course of my out-patient colonoscopy, I would have been admitted to the hospital by the ER doctor if I needed it.
He will be held accountable about the same time Nixon heads to the Hague for Cambodia, Bill Clinton admit he is a sex addict, George W. Bush admits he knew the intel was wrong on Iraq, Barack Obama admits the Video did not cause Benghazi and Trumo admits he loves to lie just to get his base going...

When all that happens then and only then I will wake with Ana De Armas naked in my bed and Chuck Schumer will be held accountable...

But only if Ana De Armas is naked and wild in my bed!
Listen to yourself. Nobody ever threatened the life or the political security of a sitting Justice of the Supreme court to extort a decision since maybe the Civil War.

And as I stated nothing will be done...

Do you actually believe something will be done?

If so what is it like to be that delusional?

Better yet when Hillary is locked up is when Schumer will be held accountable...

Which is never...

Is this a post or a pathletic plea for help?

It is reality for the stupid that believe Schumer will be held to any accountability...

How many times can you trolls actually sit there and demand something when knowing it will never happen?
Free Speech
Free speech means having a bumper sticker on your car and carrying a Bible to school or wearing a MAGA hat. Free speech does not exonerate a Mob enforcer caught on a wiretap from ordering a hit on a opponent or a U.S. Senator from threatening the life or the political welfare of a Supreme Court Justice in order to achieve a favorable decision.
i have no reason to hate Cryin Chuck. i just instinctively dont like that fellow!

Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
Not a chance in Hell but if you or I did what Schumer did, off to prison we go.
this is where i think sooner or later we need to come to a consensus and let it go. so i agree that once we've decided it, why take it up again only when you feel you can reverse it? all that means is later when the SCOTUS tilts again, we bring it back and change it. again.
yep, what's the point? let it happen. it's called a fight. legislation in congress gets changed all the time. why is this any different? New evidence is collected and presented. just like any guilty person in jail. I don't get why people oppose such things. too funny.
what new evidence can there possibly be for the abortion issue?

The issue isn't abortion, it's a 10th amendment case dealing with a States ability to regulate doctors who are licensed to practice by the State.

You well know that the state law was being used to limit a doctors access to give abortions. There no mystery about what’s going on here.

No it's about patient safety, and a doctor having the ability to admit a patient to a hospital and continue care, if complications arise from the procedure. The feds have no authority in licensing requirements for doctors within a State, that's the States job. I didn't think you were a big government guy and you believed in federalism. This is what federalism looks like.


I’m not a big Gov guy but when it comes to human rights I fall on the women’s side of this issue and since the issue has been settled in the Supreme Court I don’t think a state should have the right to infringe it through loophole laws like this
If the DOJ assesses Schumer’s statement as a legit threat then Barr could arrest him. Why hasn’t that happened you may ask?? Well because it wasn’t that kind of threat and you’re doing bullshit political hyperbole. Now go take a nap, you’re ill equipped for this discussion.

Barr knows Schumer is an angry, bitter, TDS-suffering pr!ck who, like Pelosi, is spewing the most vile and ridiculous shite they can think of to rile up their Jonathon Gruber-esque sheep.....and he and Durham are too busy investigating and collecting the criminal evidence against Trump's criminal Agency Directors / the co-conspirators and now the Bidens....

If the DOJ suddenly began holding the Democrats accountable for all of their crimes the DOJ would have to create a new division and hire dozens of more lawyers / prosecutors just for that purpose.

Haha, ok buddy... I guess we will keep playing the “wait and see” game

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