Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Isn’t this abuse of power and obstruction of justice?

Trying to intimidate Supreme Court judges? Holy shit. Any of you try doing it and see what happens to you.
Last I heard it was against the law to try to intimidate the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political intimidation. It's clear that the threats weren't some random generic threat because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political intimidation.

Without question, he should face criminal charges.

If you, or I, had made the same comments, in the same circumstances, the Secret Service would have been waiting for us when we walked away from the lectern.

No, but he’s going to pay in some way. My guess is he’ll be censured. He deserves to lose this job though.
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.

Likely not but I would be tickled shitless if the senate censured his dumb ass.
He threatened Federal judges, how can he not be charged?

He should be removed from office at a minimum. He is a disgrace.

What if McConnell threatened Ginsburg and Sotamayor? The left would demand the don’t be hypocrites.
18 US Code 115 mandates a 10 year sentence, no questions asked for this kind of terroristic threat according to a graphic on the Hannity program this evening.

If the liberals believe in the rule of law, they'll agree to expel him from the Senate.
Is there any precedent for a sitting member of Congress threatening a Supreme Court judge with violence?

It’s a call to action, we all know it. It’s not a dog whistle, It’s a BULLHORN!
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
Ready to call tRump on that shit as well?
Last I heard it was against the law to try to intimidate the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political intimidation. It's clear that the threats weren't some random generic threat because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political intimidation.

Without question, he should face criminal charges.

If you, or I, had made the same comments, in the same circumstances, the Secret Service would have been waiting for us when we walked away from the lectern.

The Secret Service does not protect SCOTUS. That would be the U.S. Marshalls
18 US Code 115 mandates a 10 year sentence, no questions asked for this kind of terroristic threat according to a graphic on the Hannity program this evening.

If the liberals believe in the rule of law, they'll agree to expel him from the Senate.
Liberals have never agreed to “rule of law”. They only agree with the “right to rule”...
Is it politically wise to threaten judges with lifetime appointments who are in their 40s? Maybe some partisanship will creep into their Ginsburg and Sotamayor.
18 US Code 115 mandates a 10 year sentence, no questions asked for this kind of terroristic threat according to a graphic on the Hannity program this evening.

If the liberals believe in the rule of law, they'll agree to expel him from the Senate.
Liberals have never agreed to “rule of law”. They only agree with the “right to rule”...

No one is above the law.

-Chuck Schumer
"You won't know what hit you if you make those awful decisions". Did Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson say the same thing before he opened fire on a republican baseball team? Does Schumer have a posse of supporters who would take his orders literally?
I can’t believe the left has stooped to threatening federal judges with violence....and this is even before the verdict is in.


Just unreal.

Schumer needs to resign immediately.
He will be held accountable about the same time Nixon heads to the Hague for Cambodia, Bill Clinton admit he is a sex addict, George W. Bush admits he knew the intel was wrong on Iraq, Barack Obama admits the Video did not cause Benghazi and Trumo admits he loves to lie just to get his base going...

When all that happens then and only then I will wake with Ana De Armas naked in my bed and Chuck Schumer will be held accountable...

But only if Ana De Armas is naked and wild in my bed!
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
No, and he shouldn't. Censure or expulsion I can get behind. Criminal charges? Not a chance I would support that.

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