Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

"You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You"???

Is Schumer auditioning to be the next North Korean leader or the next Ayatollah of Iran? Either way, that's pretty good.

I think he'll get the job.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

So telling Supreme Court judges that they won’t know what’ll hit them when they don’t adhere to my political stance is now hyperbole, how?

Might as well let everyone get away with say using any kind of inflammatory rhetoric so long as they use the hyperbole defense?

Hyperbolic speech when it’s a Dimm.

Dog whistle to the violent right when it’s a Pub.
Just 10 days ago there was a furor over Trump asserting that Justices Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves in cases involving his admin because their statements about him expose their blatant bias. The POTUS threatened no one and merely pointed to their words as proof of their duty to recuse.

Yesterday Chuckie Shu - the Senate Jester - stood on the steps of the USSC and threatened 2 justices by name. The media reaction? Newsweek just castigated Chief Justice Roberts for having the temerity to call out Chuckie the Clown.

Chuck Schumer being reprimanded by Chief Justice Roberts "hurts the notion of judicial independence," say legal experts
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts' rebuke of Chuck Schumer over remarks he made at an abortion rights rally risked hurting "the notion of judicial independence" and "public faith" in America's top court, two senior lawyers have said.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
when has Trump threatened a judge?

AND we seem to be OK with "whataboutism" again. funny how that works.
Slade has a bad case of the partisanship at which he rails.

"Don't do as I do … do as I say!"
It would be good if you did both but I don’t care... you can do whatever the hell you want. I’m just calling it like I see it.

There's a big difference between disagreeing and threatening two Supreme Court Justices with violence.
"...You will pay the price … they won't know what hit them..." - Chucky the Clown

If any regular American said such things about two named USSC justices we'd lose our job and get a visit from the FBI guys.

As Schumer just months ago said, "no American is above the law … not even the president!"

Nor the Senator from Brooklyn, Stupid Chucky … you're under arrest.
"You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You"???

Is Schumer auditioning to be the next North Korean leader or the next Ayatollah of Iran? Either way, that's pretty good.

I think he'll get the job.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

So telling Supreme Court judges that they won’t know what’ll hit them when they don’t adhere to my political stance is now hyperbole, how?

Might as well let everyone get away with say using any kind of inflammatory rhetoric so long as they use the hyperbole defense?

See my post, 501, above. It's clear the impact of supporting this bill is geared to keep women who cannot afford to leave the state, and not to get a legal abortion. It's something bully's like to do, so trump and his supporters will support it. And then the repercussions will set in, as so eloquently stated by bendog in post 463. Not violence, but protests all across the nation.
"You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You"???

Is Schumer auditioning to be the next North Korean leader or the next Ayatollah of Iran? Either way, that's pretty good.

I think he'll get the job.
Schumer and Pelosi are both real good at flinging around the hyperbole. It is, of course, their job to be partisan, but I like Paul Ryan's demeanor much better than their flapping around like wet hens and squawking a bunch of nonsense.

So telling Supreme Court judges that they won’t know what’ll hit them when they don’t adhere to my political stance is now hyperbole, how?

Might as well let everyone get away with say using any kind of inflammatory rhetoric so long as they use the hyperbole defense?

See my post, 501, above. It's clear the impact of supporting this bill is geared to keep women who cannot afford to leave the state, and not to get a legal abortion. It's something bully's like to do, so trump and his supporters will support it. And then the repercussions will set in, as so eloquently stated by bendog in post 463. Not violence, but protests all across the nation.
Leftists protests tend to get violent.

But leftists getting all butthurt is not a valid reason to change the law, although y'all have been claiming for years it is.
Go play your Whut Aboutism game with someone else

schumer is the issue here, not trump

Bullshit. The accusation of violating the separation of powers was already made when I responded to it. Schumer's statement actually does not violate the separation of powers. Your whore has done it constantly. You right-wingers are perfectly content to throw female Americans under the bus to appease your cult friends. You think that it is okay to force female Americans to live under the yoke of right-wing "religious" fascism so that you can get what you want.

Hey snowflake. Don't try that denial shit with me.

Tell it to the Senators who are already moving to censure him.

Censuring him for what? You right-wingers have already laid down the rule that anything goes. We Americans can say anything we like, disobey any laws and rules that we don't like, claim anything to be a "sincerely held belief" that excuses us. We are now living by right-wing rules. BTW: Your orange whore already has demanded the recusal of Supreme Court justices.

Isn't it about time you came up for air by pulling your head out of your ass?

A typical nonsense reply by a person who has nothing substantial to say. Obviously, you have the IQ of a turnip.
Mine averages 140 I'll bet you'd be doing good to break 80 - 90. Maybe even less if you're a leftarded halfwit.
Now the left is threatening sitting Supreme Court Justices...
“Less than three years ago, an unhinged and unstable left-wing activist attempted the mass murder of congressional Republicans,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says, adding that “a Senate leader attempting to threaten or incite violence on the steps of the Supreme Court could literally be a matter of deadly seriousness.”
Schumer should be brought up on charges and removed from office.

Schumer Denies Threatening Gorsuch, Kavanaugh Over Abortion Case
Just like quid pro joe didn’t bribe the Ukraine PM

Why did Good Ol'Joe tell the Ukrainians to call Obama?
He knew Barry wouldn't be available during the 6 hour limit his extortion scheme had.
Schumer knows he has no way to “punish” a judge with a lifetime appointment.

He was talking about the voters punishing those Republicans who appointed them.
He named specific justices, not Senate Republicans, Dummy.

Chuck The Knife can't directly punish SC Justices for not ruling how he tells them to, but he can whip up his angry mob to inflict violence on them.

Which he did.
What Chuck did was wrong. Just because Trump does that shit on a regular basis does not make it ok for other leader to follow suit. Roberts had a good point in his critique of Schumer but why hasn’t he made the same
condemnations of Trumps attacks on judges?

This partisanship is getting to destructive levels and needs to stop.
when has Trump threatened a judge?

AND we seem to be OK with "whataboutism" again. funny how that works.
Slade has a bad case of the partisanship at which he rails.

"Don't do as I do … do as I say!"
It would be good if you did both but I don’t care... you can do whatever the hell you want. I’m just calling it like I see it.

There's a big difference between disagreeing and threatening two Supreme Court Justices with violence.
"...You will pay the price … they won't know what hit them..." - Chucky the Clown

If any regular American said such things about two named USSC justices we'd lose our job and get a visit from the FBI guys.

As Schumer just months ago said, "no American is above the law … not even the president!"

Nor the Senator from Brooklyn, Stupid Chucky … you're under arrest.
live by your own laws or STFU. either way, problem solved, huh? :)

well, only if they'd do it.
Wow! Crying Chuck just did an admission to being guilty for threatening the lives of Supreme Court judges on the senate floor today. He must resign or be in handcuffs now!
Wow! Crying Chuck just did an admission to being guilty for threatening the lives of Supreme Court judges on the senate floor today. He must resign or be in handcuffs now!
Then chastised everyone who called out his threats.
Wow! Crying Chuck just did an admission to being guilty for threatening the lives of Supreme Court judges on the senate floor today. He must resign or be in handcuffs now!
Then chastised everyone who called out his threats.
If they want Trump to resign over drinking a diet coke. Then Schumer clearly needs to be investigated on ethics violations.. including threats.
name one person other than Trump out of the 16 folks running in 2016 that would have stuck with Kavanaugh while the left try to destroy him as they are still doing right now

Trump stuck by him, and that's not easy, my friends!
Wow! Crying Chuck just did an admission to being guilty for threatening the lives of Supreme Court judges on the senate floor today. He must resign or be in handcuffs now!
Then chastised everyone who called out his threats.
It was "hyperbole".

It's always "hyperbole" or a "joke" or "nuance" when liberals get busted saying something stupid.
Wow! Crying Chuck just did an admission to being guilty for threatening the lives of Supreme Court judges on the senate floor today. He must resign or be in handcuffs now!
Then chastised everyone who called out his threats.
It was "hyperbole".

It's always "hyperbole" or a "joke" or "nuance" when liberals get busted saying something stupid.
And of course Pelosi played the "Trump was just as bad" card today when he made a reference to an "Obama Judge". Yeah, can't you see how those statements are equivalent?
Where's he gonna get a whirlwind? Does it come in a can?
Must be fromall the hot air they have been blowing since their failed Impeachment coup attempt....
It was neither a coup, nor was it a failed impeachment.

He was lawfully impeached by the House, FOREVER, you pathetic, bootlicking, snowflake bitch.
Yes, it was a failure. The President was acquitted. The Chief Justice declared that President Trump was acquitted. Now go fuck yourself.
Another boot-licking moron heard from.

That wasn't a trial, that was a mockery of our justice system

Yes, Schitt for brains, Nadless, and Pisslosi the drunk did make a mockery of the system. Nice of you to finally admit it.
Another Kool-Aid drinking bootlicker heard from.
Last I heard it was against the law to try to influence the decisions of a judge with physical threats or political extortion. It's clear that the threats weren't just some random generic political rhetoric because Schumer named the Supreme Court Justices. Even in the most liberal assessment of Schumer's conduct would indicate that he tried to extort a favorable decision from the highest court by using physical or political threats.
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