Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.

You mean like the Democrats did with Bill Clinton who actually did commit a crime? Trump committed no crimes. If he did, name one.

  1. Introduction: The Problem of Missing Witnesses and Documents for the Conviction of Donald J. Trump
    Andrew Weissmann

Thank you for proving Clinton Ally was behind the witch hunt from the start, which is why Mueller had no f*ing idea what was in 'HIS' own report....
So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.

How can I prove you wrong? Schummer didn't go into court with a megaphone and scream any thing at them.

I think all the Banana Republicans will pay the price this fall and they wont know what hit them either.

</Angry fist in the air>

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone.

Spooked huh?
For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.
Then quit making every fucking thing extreme. That's on you.

Right, "You're going to pay the price." is such a frightening threat to the Banana Bunch. "You wont know what hit you" makes ya'll faint!
Threats are threats . You attempt to soft soap fails

When threaten by someone who says, if you do that I'm gonna make you pay so fast you wont know what hit ya, Banana Republicans, shit themselves like they were Ted Nugent
Liberal bullshit excuse making and denial of reality
You will pay the price and won’t see it coming is a threat to anybody anywhere anytime.
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!

So when did Trump ever threaten a federal judge? It's a felony to threaten a federal judge, subject to five years imprisonment, which shoemaker will likely never see one day of. You can criticize a judges ruling (like Trump has in the past) but you cannot threaten judges.
His good friend and laughable alleged good man, Roger Stone did with his cross hairs, implying a gun target, with THE federal JUDGE'S CLOSE UP HEAD SHOT, with her name, was a And Trump defends Stone and criticized and demeaned the federal judge in tweets, didn't he?


Roger Stone posts Instagram photo of the judge assigned to his case with what looks like CROSSHAIRS | Daily Mail Online
The Schumer threat in real time was about PAST DECISIONS, not abortion.

What you HAVE DONE....

Some decision or decisions already made are what caused the outburst/threat. Schumer wasn't talking about the future. He had a "Low IQ Joe" moment and went absolutely Zionist Traitor before realizing he had done that in public....

And the threat is OH SO MOSSAD....

The Mossad are the worst cowards in the history of the universe. They don't fight straight up. They hide and ambush, and then rig the "investigation" to clear themselves, as they did for 911, JFK and the rest.

This threat by Schumer was a MOSSAD THREAT = we will kill you and you won't know what hit you..... which is what happened to JFK and the victims of 911 and the Marines in Lebanon 1983....
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!

So when did Trump ever threaten a federal judge? It's a felony to threaten a federal judge, subject to five years imprisonment, which shoemaker will likely never see one day of. You can criticize a judges ruling (like Trump has in the past) but you cannot threaten judges.
His good friend and laughable alleged good man, Roger Stone did with his cross hairs, implying a gun target, with THE federal JUDGE'S CLOSE UP HEAD SHOT, with her name, was a And Trump defends Stone and criticized and demeaned the federal judge in tweets, didn't he?


Roger Stone posts Instagram photo of the judge assigned to his case with what looks like CROSSHAIRS | Daily Mail Online

Looks to me like it's just some background scene and not a threat in any way. You keep making failed attempts at trying to equate what ShoeMaker did and something on the other side. It's not working. Shoemaker made an out and out threat.
Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.

You mean like the Democrats did with Bill Clinton who actually did commit a crime? Trump committed no crimes. If he did, name one.

  1. Introduction: The Problem of Missing Witnesses and Documents for the Conviction of Donald J. Trump
    Andrew Weissmann
  2. Campaign Finance Law
    Paul Ryan
  3. Bribery
    Randall Eliason
  4. Honest Services Fraud
    Barbara McQuade
  5. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
    Susan Simpson
  6. Hatch Act
    Gary Stein
  7. Contempt of Congress
    Michael Stern
  8. Impoundment Act (non-criminal law)
    Sam Berger
Federal Criminal Offenses and the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

1) Not a crime. DumBama did the same thing, and it was resolved where it always has in the past--the courts.

2) Another thing DumBama did. It's not a crime.

3) Bribery never happened. It was one of the many lies the Democrats told.

4) Nothing to do with the impeachment.

5) Nothing to do with the impeachment.

6) I have no idea WTF that had to do with the impeachment.

7) Executive privilege, again, has to be resolved in court.

8) Now you're just making shit up.
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!

So when did Trump ever threaten a federal judge? It's a felony to threaten a federal judge, subject to five years imprisonment, which shoemaker will likely never see one day of. You can criticize a judges ruling (like Trump has in the past) but you cannot threaten judges.
His good friend and laughable alleged good man, Roger Stone did with his cross hairs, implying a gun target, with THE federal JUDGE'S CLOSE UP HEAD SHOT, with her name, was a And Trump defends Stone and criticized and demeaned the federal judge in tweets, didn't he?


Roger Stone posts Instagram photo of the judge assigned to his case with what looks like CROSSHAIRS | Daily Mail Online
Jackson is just one of the dogshit judges that are destroying our constitution and this country. And that crosshair is just a part of the backdrop for the picture.
Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
willful ignorance:

Noun. willful ignorance (uncountable) (idiomatic, law) A decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.
Oh believe me, we see you do this every post. Definition just overkill
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"
It wasn’t a threat, idiota

WOW! If this is not a threat: “I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Then what would you consider a threat?
It was a news conference and there was only an ambiguous threat. It's not like he distributed a poster with with a Bulls Eye on the SC building or anything.......

"I'll get you my pretty.....and your little dog too!"

This is AMBIGUOUS to you? “I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.

What does that have to do with the THREATS made on two Supreme Court Justices? Just your usual deflection?
Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.
Link to these crimes?

FYI, there were no crimes charged against Trump in the phony impeachment farce.

And how the fuck do you claim that Senators committed a crime by FOREVER EXONERATING Trump because your HOUSE CLOWNS showed up without their homework?

Please cite the statute they violated for voting to EXONERATE.

OldLady won't have a coherent response.........just watch.:iyfyus.jpg:
I want you dead the libs might consider a threat but they would likely try to brush even that off as some type of metaphor
Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.
Link to these crimes?

FYI, there were no crimes charged against Trump in the phony impeachment farce.

And how the fuck do you claim that Senators committed a crime by FOREVER EXONERATING Trump because your HOUSE CLOWNS showed up without their homework?

Please cite the statute they violated for voting to EXONERATE.

OldLady won't have a coherent response.........just watch.:iyfyus.jpg:
Why would I try to offer a coherent response to that drivel? You heard the evidence that was presented and you are aware of the crucial witnesses who the President refused to allow to testify. You can call the Dems "clowns," but it doesn't make the Pres or his Republican enablers any less guilty.
Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned.
Considering who is in the WH and who controls the Senate and who appointed the A.G., it seems mighty peculiar to me that you believe that.

Not as peculiar as an Impeachment after 4 years based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
Plenty of evidence and witnesses; I watched it all. Not only did the President commit a crime, so did all the senators who turned a blind eye and refused to remove the thug from office.
Link to these crimes?

FYI, there were no crimes charged against Trump in the phony impeachment farce.

And how the fuck do you claim that Senators committed a crime by FOREVER EXONERATING Trump because your HOUSE CLOWNS showed up without their homework?

Please cite the statute they violated for voting to EXONERATE.

OldLady won't have a coherent response.........just watch.:iyfyus.jpg:
Why would I try to offer a coherent response to that drivel? You heard the evidence that was presented and you are aware of the crucial witnesses who the President refused to allow to testify. You can call the Dems "clowns," but it doesn't make the Pres or his Republican enablers any less guilty.

There was no evidence. That's the point. Only one person spoke directly with the President about the issue, and that was Sondland. He stated when he questioned the President about Ukraine, Trump told him he didn't want any quid pro quo. Other than Sondland, every other witness had second or third hand information. A lot of "I supposed" or "I assumed" but nothing that could be considered evidence of any kind.

If the commies wanted these witnesses so bad, they could have challenged Trump in court. The court would have found it to be a fishing expedition and granted the President executive privilege. And remember, Trump was not the only one holding people back. Schiff Face did the exact same thing:

While presenting the Democrats' case for impeachment on the Senate floor, lead impeachment manager Adam Schiff (D-CA) kept referencing 17 witnesses who testified during the House impeachment inquiry. But there were 18 of them. Schiff and the Democrats are refusing to release the testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and according to Republicans who were present during Atkinson's closed-door testimony, the reason the transcript hasn't been released is because it proves both the whistleblower and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff did not tell the truth about their contact with each other.

Fox News' Maria Bartiromo interviewed Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) on "Sunday Morning Futures" about the 18th transcript the Democrats are refusing to release. Rep. Ratcliffe was there for Inspector General Michael Atkinson's testimony and says the transcript is damaging to Chairman Adam Schiff and the whistleblower.

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness
Every single one of the people who testified (which is completely different from 'WITNESSES') admitted they personally knew nothing, saw nothing, witnessed NOTHING.

Ands yes, Schiff should be in jail right now for Perjury, manufacturing false information/evidence, etc....
It was a news conference and there was only an ambiguous threat. It's not like he distributed a poster with with a Bulls Eye on the SC building or anything.......

"I'll get you my pretty.....and your little dog too!"

This is AMBIGUOUS to you? “I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Yes. The price they will pay is open to interpretation.

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