Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!
lord you are just stupid and say whatever you can think of to pretend ORANGE MAN BAD. you don't give a shit about pure "right / wrong" - you only give a shit about dogging "the other side" even if you have to sell yourself the todays largest turd and eat it with a spork.
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!
Link to this intimidation?
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!
You’ve already made every bogus effort imaginable to throw Trump out
What Schumer did was wrong... not because it was a physical threat, because i do not believe it was a physical threat, but because it was being disrespectful of our supreme court justices and puts doubt in the citizen's mind about our judicial system, that could only lead to the system falling apart

Then perhaps you can explain what he meant by that. The threat was by design to influence future rulings on the Supreme Court. He should be thrown out of office for that. You can't tell justices of the court "vote in my favor or else...." It doesn't matter whether it's a physical threat or not. It's really no less of an offense than trying to bribe a judge, which you would end up in prison for.
And Trump should be thrown out too, for him trying to use his presidency to intimidate judges, and prosecutors.... :rolleyes:

No free speech for either of them!!!

So when did Trump ever threaten a federal judge? It's a felony to threaten a federal judge, subject to five years imprisonment, which shoemaker will likely never see one day of. You can criticize a judges ruling (like Trump has in the past) but you cannot threaten judges.
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

He's a democrat and therefore completely immune to consequences

"The indictments of felonious Democrats are absent because Republicans are stupid." - Paul Craig Roberts
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"

It wasn’t a threat, idiota
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.

So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"

It wasn’t a threat, idiota

"I want to tell you Sotomayor! And I want to tell you Kagan and RBG's Body Double! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…"

Yeah no threat at all.

Wait, the Secret Service is at my front door
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion, June Medical Services v. Russo, described by ScotusBlog, “Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision upholding Louisiana’s law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital conflicts with the Supreme Court’s binding precedent in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.”

Schumer turned and pointed at the Supreme Court building behind him and menacingly screamed as he shook his fist:

“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh! You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

Seeing as how Senate Minority Leader Schumer can not do anything to Judicial Branch USSC Justices via Congress, this sure sounds like a physical threat to me...

( I see Democrats have learned nothing since their violent rhetoric triggered a dangerous liberal extremist snowflake into gunning down R-Scalise)

Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, "You Will Pay the Price! You Won't Know What Hit You!" (Video)"

It wasn’t a threat, idiota
You won’t see it coming
You won’t know what hit you

Those Are threats but liberals speak the language of fake denials and not English so no comprendo
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.

So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.

How can I prove you wrong? Schummer didn't go into court with a megaphone and scream any thing at them.

I think all the Banana Republicans will pay the price this fall and they wont know what hit them either.

</Angry fist in the air>
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.

So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.

How can I prove you wrong? Schummer didn't go into court with a megaphone and scream any thing at them.

I think all the Banana Republicans will pay the price this fall and they wont know what hit them either.

</Angry fist in the air>

No, he was outside of the courthouse and named two judges in his threat. Like I said, try going to any court during a trail and doing the same thing. You wouldn't be going home at the end of the day, I can assure you that.
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.

So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.

How can I prove you wrong? Schummer didn't go into court with a megaphone and scream any thing at them.

I think all the Banana Republicans will pay the price this fall and they wont know what hit them either.

</Angry fist in the air>

No, he was outside of the courthouse and named two judges in his threat. Like I said, try going to any court during a trail and doing the same thing. You wouldn't be going home at the end of the day, I can assure you that.
Yep. That's where the angry mob was.
Why hasn't this Schumer ignoramus been impeached yet? Better yet arrest him for making physical threats.

For the same reason Democrats always get away with criminal activities and never arrested or imprisoned. That''s what we are sick of in this country; representatives getting treatment no other citizens would ever get. They should not only be held to the same standards as citizens, but even higher standards and penalties.

Tell that to Blagojevich. What was Schummers crime again?

I think what we're sick of in this country it the hyperbole and Fauxrage, that gets the dittoheads panties all in a tight wad.

So prove us wrong. Go to any court with a megaphone during a trial and scream you will make judge X pay unless he rules the way you want, and see what happens to you.

How can I prove you wrong? Schummer didn't go into court with a megaphone and scream any thing at them.

I think all the Banana Republicans will pay the price this fall and they wont know what hit them either.

</Angry fist in the air>

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone.

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