Schumer Threatens USSC Justices Gorsuch & Kavanaugh: 'You Will Pay Price - Won't Know What Hit You!

"There can be few things worse in a civilized, law abiding nation, than a US Senator openly, and for all to see and hear, threatening the Supreme Court or its Justices. This is what Schumer just did. He must pay a severe price for this!" - President Trump
Word is that the Dems are going to replace Schumer... With AOC. That oughta fix the problem!


Here’s what he said:



If you can’t even come up with a plausible lie, just keep your mouth shut and let the MSM bury the story for you.
Chief Justice Roberts chewed Schumer's ass out. There goes Obamacare next time it's up before the court.

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Chucky should fire his staff. That was some seriously weak spin.

But then, it's hard to spin away blatant terrorist threats against SC Justices made in public.
Dumbfuck Schumer took the lead of Jerry Nadless during the impeachment farce...............attack, insult, and threaten the jury about to rule on your case.

What's wrong with Schumer always threatening people?

What sort of person is this POS?

Is he that weak? is he so coward??

yes he is

I despise the man!
Chucky should fire his staff. That was some seriously weak spin.

But then, it's hard to spin away blatant terrorist threats against SC Justices made in public.
Schumer and his pals need to be charged, tried, found guilty of calumny and sedition, and jailed for sedition for life.

The Senator Schumer has made a disgrace of himself. He has zero honor any more.
Now he’s saying he did not say it

Here's the threat
Either Lindsey Graham needs to vote to censure Chuckie, or Barr needs to indict Chuckie for threatening Federal Judges, but something official needs to happen.

When their representatives start coming unglued like that, you can only guess how much more deranged their constituents are becoming and unhinged. It's only liable to get worse as the election nears.
He meant to say......You will NOT pay a price

Really, are you blind and deaf? Wait, don't tell me: You heard someone on CNN or MSNBC defend Schumer and claim that he didn't say that, right?

"And you..will pay..the price."
“I want to tell you Gorsuch! And I want to tell you Kavanaugh!
You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price!
You won’t know what hit you! If you go forward with these awful decisions…”

If Schumer was talking about a politician, he could simply spin this by saying he was referring to their political careers since they are elected.
In this case however, Schumer knows that these justices are appointed for life, so by making a threat like this, he must be calling for violence.

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