Schumer vows to block SCOTUS pick

He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.

They didn't have the power? They lacked the decency do to what everyone else has always done. It's third world banana republic shtick and the court's just as much a joke as this political system. And the world knows it. Just like it knows we saved our "free market" economy with socialism, on more than one occasion. The only thing exceptional about america is it's penchant for denial.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.

They didn't have the power? They lacked the decency do to what everyone else has always done. It's third world banana republic shtick and the court's just as much a joke as this political system. And the world knows it. Just like it knows we saved our "free market" economy with socialism, on more than one occasion. The only thing exceptional about america is it's penchant for denial.

None of that has anything to do with what I have stated.
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Schumer should be charged with a crime for terroristic threats for saying that he would block a Supreme Court pick that Trump has not made yet.................... This behavior needs to be illegal and Schumer should see a prison cell
How can Schumer threaten to block a nominee that Trump has not made yet? Isn't this a terroristic threat designed to disrupt the US. Government? and if this is not illegal, why?

You can not move the truth asshole
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Oh, we're seating supreme court justices now? What a banana republic.
In case you haven't noticed, there are 8 members on the court. Yes we will seat a justice pretty quickly regardless of how you and chucky schumer feel about it.

The supreme court has obviously become just another diseased part of the partisanshithead political system, and the world sees it all.

I like listening to commie crapheads whine when they think the scotus might start acting like they are supposed to act....
nominee that Trump has not made yet? Isn't this a terroristic threat designed to disrupt the US. Government? and if this is not illegal, why?
We need more prisons and mental hospitals to throw these lunatics into when they provide evidence of their dangerous, unhinged, and treasonous natures.
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.
Schumer should be charged with a crime for terroristic threats for saying that he would block a Supreme Court pick that Trump has not made yet.................... This behavior needs to be illegal and Schumer should see a prison cell
what a focking moron rube
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
After the unexpected death of a justice...during an election year.

There won't be another election for 2 years, retard.
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.

/--- in NY we call Chuckie "Upchuck Schumer"
Chucky has begged Trump for campaign money in the past so Trump owns the clown....he actually called him a "clown" in a tweet earlier today. Chucky is just vying for leverage for something else....he can't do shit about the pick and everybody knows it.

Schumer stand for something, Trump flies with the wind.

Where are Trumps taxes, waiting.......

/---- they are in the IRS safe and sound. No need to fret Snowflake
Wait. I thought it was the senates responsibility to fill that court slot. Now you want to block it regardless who it is?
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.

He is not going to succeed.

Schumer shouldn't act like a Republican.
He can try and bluster all he wants. The reality is that Trump is going to seat a SCOTUS member and there is noting that the dems can do to stop that from happening.

If they do not want to play ball they are going to get no say in the seat at all. That is unlikely.

They'd might as well. It would be no different than the reps refusing to vet appointments.
Yes, it will be very different.

The key difference here is that the dems do not actually have the power to stonewall seating a justice for the next 2 years. The republicans did have the power to stonewall Obama until the election. The key difference here is that Trump is going to get his pick either way. The dems can either fight this appointment to get the best judge they can or stonewall the appointment and end up without any input whatsoever. That is their choice and I highly doubt they are idiotic enough to lose all input on something as vital as a SCOTUS seat.

They didn't have the power? They lacked the decency do to what everyone else has always done. It's third world banana republic shtick and the court's just as much a joke as this political system. And the world knows it. Just like it knows we saved our "free market" economy with socialism, on more than one occasion. The only thing exceptional about america is it's penchant for denial.

What everyone else has done is honor the electorate and wait until the election is over to nominate. Republicans had the precedent and decency to respect the people
So Chucky has decided to block Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. Good for him.

I suggest Trump play hardball with him. What I would do is nominate a Constitutionalist with decent Conservative credentials and see what Schumer does. If Democrats filibuster, withdraw the nomination and put up an even more Conservative jurist.
After 3 or 4 tries at this, Trump sits down with Senator Schumer and simply tells him to either play ball or there will be dire consequences.
If Trump knows anything, it's how to negotiate from a position of strength.

It is all for show...

Sure there will be a little Filipino Slap fight but the Democrats will play dead so they can allow the GOP to hang themselves, but what would be funny is Trump put someone up there they can not say no to!

If it were me to screw with the Senate I would nominate Ted Cruz so that the Democrats will either help get him out of the Senate or cut their nose off to spite their face!

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